American locomotive works. Now we make ALMOST every kind of content.

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American locomotive works. Richmond Locomotive & Machine Works.

American locomotive works NORTH AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. The American Locomotive Company: A Brief History. Few other classic first-generation diesel models are as fondly remember as Alco's. Class Details by Steve Llanso of Sweat House Media. La American Locomotive Company, (conosciuta anche col suo acronimo ALCO) era una impresa di costruzione di locomotive ferroviarie degli Stati Uniti. Goodwin. PA and FA-type road units, as well as the ubiquitous S series (660 and 1000 horsepower) switchers and RS series (1000, 1500, and 1600 horsepower) road switchers represented Alco well in those years of motive power transition. franky's trainz works. You may use them for personal use. Built for the New York Central by the American Locomotive Works in 1940, New York Central steam locomotive No. The American Locomotive Company (often shortened to ALCO, ALCo or Alco) was an American manufacturer of locomotives, diesel generators, steel, and tanks that operated from 1901 to 1969. 1870s-1890s. in diameter. Mohawk River, Schenectady In the late 1890s the Mohawk River in Schenectady was the place to be for boating and recreation. Member of the National Museum Committee—England. The new company acquired the Schenectady, Brooks, Richmond, Manchester, Cooke, Dunkirk website builder. 4023 is one of eight surviving Big Boys and the only one that is part of the class' second group built in 1944, as all seven of the other survivors were part of Rhode Island Locomotive Works - to ALCO in 1901. 1837: First US built steam locomotive built by Rogers Locomotive Works in Paterson, NJ, an ALCO predecessor. I primarily focused on 3-part hornsounds, until fast freight productions came around and I got blown out the door. Visitors at the American Locomotive Company's Scope and Contents of the Collection. T The American Locomotive Company was incorporated in 1901 by merging 7 small locomotive companies with the Schenectady Locomotive Engine Manufactory (incorprated 1848). NALW started in 2019 as a hornsound only content group. Trainz . THEY TAKE TIME TO BUILD SO PLEASE BEAR WITH US. This is a sad loss for the Trainz community and we hope it In 1901, the company merged with 7 other companies to form American Locomotive Co. ALCO became the second largest steam locomotive builder in the US, producing 75,000 engines in total, including the famous “Big Boy Built at American Locomotive Company's Richmond works in 1926, Southern Railway 1401 seen in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D. – The power of simple bright colours and a brisk contrast of light and shadows is quite evident in most of Edward Hopper's mature work –from the mid 1920s onwards– and even before, in the early 1910s, in his first outdoor paintings in America. Northern Pacific S-4 4-6-0 . View source image on the Online Archive of California. Rome Locomotive Works – New York. Of special interest are the ventures Alco made in 1905-1913 during the early days of the automobile (see Box 30 and Ledgers), and in Boston Locomotive Works 4-4-0 "American" Locomotives in the USA. Join us and we'll try to help you! Discord Link! Home: Bem-vindo ©2021 by Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works, Schenectady Locomotive Works (en) et Richmond Locomotive Works (en modifier - modifier le code - voir Wikidata La société American Locomotive Company ( ALCO ) était une société américaine de construction de locomotives de 1901 à 1969 . com The American Locomotive Company, commonly referred to as "ALCO" was formed in June of 1901 in an effort by eight smaller locomotive manufacturers to compete with the giant Baldwin Locomotive Works. MLW's headquarters and manufacturing facilities were located in An 1842 advertisement for the Norris Locomotive Works. I still try. The conversion of American Locomotive Works. com A Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania Vulcan Iron Works builder's plate from 1941. 1: Laboratory Tests (1) Rhode Island Locomotive Works was a steam locomotive manufacturing company in Providence, Rhode Island. Locomotive Works! Are the creators of some of the best payware and freeware content available for Auran's Railroad Simulator. TLC. The American Locomotive Company (often shortened to ALCO, ALCo or Alco) was an American manufacturer that operated from 1901 to 1969, initially specializing in the production of locomotives but later diversifying and fabricating at various times diesel generators, automobiles, steel, tanks, munitions, oil-production equipment, as well as heat exchangers for nuclear The Pittsburgh Locomotive and Car Works was a railroad equipment manufacturing company founded by Andrew Carnegie and T. The company was formed by the merger of seven smaller locomotive manufacturers and Schenectady Locomotive Engine Manufactory of Schenectady, New York. missouri heartland locomotive On May 26, 1851, a new company, known as the Schenectady Locomotive Works, was formed and the properties were bought for about half of their original cost by those who invested in the original project. The company was for Santa Fe 829 was one of 25 locomotives in the last order of engines built under independent management. Manchester Locomotive Works was a manufacturing company located in Manchester, New Hampshire, that built steam locomotives and fire engines in the 19th century. USLW reserves all rights. In comparison with other locomotives of the era, the 25 Class L-3a locomotives (Nos. It was the dominant American locomotive producer during most of that period and the first major exporter of American locomotives, selling its popular 4-2-0 Union Pacific 4023 is a 4000 class 4-8-8-4 "Big Boy" type steam locomotive, preserved at Kenefick Park in South Omaha, Nebraska. About Our Content. One of the better-known locomotives to come out of the Schenectady shops was Central Pacific Railroad type 4-4-0 Fuller American Locomotive Company Works List Part 3 December 2018 by David P. ss comp. Within four years it had added the Montreal Locomotive Works (1904 American Locomotive Company (ALCo) fue un diseñador, constructor y vendedor de locomotoras a vapor, locomotoras diésel-eléctricas, motores diésel, generadores, piezas forjadas especializadas, acero de alta calidad, tanques armados y automóviles, además de producir energía nuclear. Alright so I need some help to reskin these NYC L4A Mohawk's back to the original NYC colors. And it's available in two liveries - right now at train-sim. It was located in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh and since 1907 part of that city. Rogue is long gone, but from the ashes sprang Rogue Lines for the release of their stunning brass C44-9W in September of 2000. E. Log In. Richmond Locomotive Works - to ALCO in 1901. . This was the company that was to prosper and become the cornerstone of the American Locomotive Company in 1901. Content. Steel rails; their history, properties, strength and manufacture, with notes on the principles of rolling stock and track design . Originally, the complex was a car manufacturing facility. Over time, kitbashes, reskins, and more were slowly adapted into our line of work. Home Alco ontstond in 1901 uit een fusie tussen verschillende locomotievenbouwers, waaronder de Schenectady Locomotive Works. April 2017. s7. Canadian Pacific Locomotive Works. SW1001 shunt locomotive Founded in Richmond, Virginia, in 1887, Richmond Locomotive Works was the top producer of locomotives in Virginia before merging into one of the largest manufacturers in the country. Publication date 2019-01-10 Usage Attribution-NonCommercial 4. B&O Q3 Mikado REISSUED. Posted by Ken at Coincidentally, Ken’s other grandfather worked as a manager at the Schenectady plant of the American Locomotive Company. contact. SS Comp. Kitbash. Die American Locomotive Company (ALCo) war ein US-amerikanisches Unternehmen des Lokomotiv- und Maschinenbaues und später auch der Rüstungsindustrie und der Kernenergieindustrie. Louis World's Fair, Missouri. We are a Trainz content website specializing primarily in the Steam era. 0 International Topics American Locomotive Company, ALCo, steam locomotives, build list, works list, construction list, roster, train, locomotive, engine Collection NORTH AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. United States Locomotive Works was established in The American Locomotive Company, also known as Alco, at one time was one of the two preeminent locomotive builders in the country behind only Baldwin Locomotive Works. Of course, this was the days of steam locomotives and while Alco would eventually build more than 75,000 locomotives (most of which were steamers) its success in the diesel era American Locomotive Company (ALCO) – amerykańskie przedsiębiorstwo produkujące lokomotywy parowe, spalinowe, generatory i silniki Diesla działające w latach 1901–1969. AKA, American Locomotive Company, Richmond Works 1331 North Boulevard Built, circa 1887. Manufacturers -- United The New official ALCO logo. more creating content since 2019 wf&p trainz. The last of the Santa Fe order, number 849, had the construction number 3376. The Richmond Locomotive Works grew out of Tredegar Iron Works to become a nationally known manufacturer of steam locomotive engines and an integral part of the industrial landscape of the city of Richmond. STEAM LOCOMOTIVES "through the plains and valleys, across the great divide" PRR E7s REISSUED. A New Era and up. More CREATING CONTENT SINCE 2019 work. diameter by 24 in. Richmond Locomotive & Machine Works. Links. ROLLING STOCK. A subsidiary, I was looking for a download for a route and used the kuid finder site, but the download site the file originated from is not there? How would I download the file and what ever happend to US locomotive works? While the NYC had taken delivery of other 4-8-2s in the 1920s and 1930s, these L-3a class locomotives were a thoroughly modern design. MONTREAL LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. please email us. ALCO was the corporate umbrella that initially included the following works: Brooks, Cooke, Dickson, Manchester, Pittsburgh, Rhode Island, Richmond Built for the Richmond Car Works, Inc. Milwaukee Road S-3 Enginesounds. home. crossover locomotive workshops. THE AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE PROJECT can produce one of the most compelling and curated heritage railways experienced in the United States. We have a few guidelines and rules. Providing Content for Trainz Since 2015. 1831: The English built "DeWitt Clinton" pulled the first passenger train from Albany to Schenectady. This expansive urban site, set on the river as it flows into downtown Providence, is a central part of the revitalization of the Promenade The Evolution of the American Locomotive. The American Locomotive Company, often shortened to ALCO, ALCo or Alco, designed, built and sold steam locomotives, diesel-electric locomotives, diesel engines and generators, specialized forgings, high quality steel, armed tanks and automobiles and produced nuclear energy. links. Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania Vulcan Iron Works produced both steam and diesel locomotives in 1944. 1914 Factories sprawled both sides of the Erie Canal. The American Locomotive Company was formed in 1901 by the merger of Schenectady The Schenectady Locomotive Works built railroad locomotives from its founding in 1848 through its merger into American Locomotive Company (ALCO) in 1901. The first full year of peace witnessed the delivery of the Com¬ pany’s 75,000th locomotive, and saw the successful achievement of a major shift in its operations from the production princi¬ pally of steam locomotives, on a contract engineering basis, to quantity production of Diesel-electric locomotives of a new and ad¬ One of the richest collections of historic train and railway pictures in the world, ALCO Historic Photos preserves nearly 30,000 photographic negatives and 10,000 drawings and documents relating to the American Locomotive Baldwin Locomotive Works (BLW) was an American manufacturer of railway locomotives from 1825 to 1951. Kitbash The Schenectady Locomotive Works first began manufacturing locomotive engines in 1848. 55 History of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, p. The Norris Locomotive Works was a steam locomotive manufacturing company based in Philadelphia, that produced nearly one thousand railroad engines between 1832 and 1866. By HERBERT T. The official ALCO logo. × Get Citation. Ross Winans Locomotive Works. TABLE VIL—AXLE LOADS AND TOTAL WEIGHTS OF PRAIRIE TYPE (262) LOCOMOTIVES The New York Locomotive Works, sometimes known as the Rome Locomotive Works, was a nineteenth century builder of steam locomotive engines located at Rome, New York. About. Much of their success in this period can be tied to their pioneering RS The Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1831-1915: A Study in American Industrial Practice (Studies in Industry and Society) The Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1831-1915: A Study in American Industrial Practice (Studies in Industry and Society) by John K. The first locomotive the company built was for the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad in March 1855. Okay, this is a little complicated, but this is not Richmond Locomotive & Machine Works, whose buildings still stand at 1331 North Boulevard. E. 3001 is one of two remaining mainline New York Central steam locomotives left in the world. Schenectady Locomotive Works - later became American Locomotive can Locomotive Company. Home Unfortunately, due to circumstances that I - along with the majority of the Trainz community - don't fully understand, U. The American Locomotive Company (often shortened to ALCO, ALCo or Alco) was an American manufacturer that operated from 1901 to 1969, initially specializing in the production of locomotives but later diversifying and fabricating at various times diesel generators, automobiles, steel, tanks, muni Interestingly, as a testament to Alco's manufacturing techniques several of its models built as early as the late 1930s continue to operate today, some still in revenue service on short lines. The company was formed by Montreal Locomotive Works: In 1904 Alco acquired the Locomotive and Machine Company of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The plant in 1912. Locomotive Works (USLW) has been shut down indefinitely. 3000-3024) were refined machines. CN U1f Enginesounds. A prototype for high-speed service in non-electrified areas, this new locomotive from Bombardier is recreated here for your train-sim enjoyment. 56 Master Mechanics Report, 1877, p. N&W Class A The firm was established in 1852 by former Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works superintendent (and son-in-law of William Swinburne of Swinburne, Smith and Company) John Cooke and former Montreal resident Charles Danforth as the Danforth, Cooke, and Company, as a manufacturer of steam locomotives as well as cotton machinery. Miller in 1865. : I want to go for this since the Q2's video was deleted, and I A promotional video showing a slice of what is new and upcoming from US Locomotive Works in the near future. North American Steam Locomotive Builders and Their Insignia. [2] website builder. With the assistance of Rhode Island Historic North American Locomotive Works (with Columbus Locomotive Works) GG-1 Mega-Release PRR, Penn Central, Amtrak and Conrail. The ALCO name still exists today but is owned by a completely different modern-day company. The manufacturer produced some very tasteful de American Locomotive Company (atau biasa disingkat menjadi ALCO, ALCo, atau Alco) adalah sebuah perusahaan manufaktur asal Amerika Serikat yang eksis mulai tahun 1901 hingga 1969. Create your website today. They generated 60,100 pounds of tractive effort and 4,400 cylinder horsepower at 50 MPH. The Vulcan Iron Works, based in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, manufactured railroad locomotives such as those shown in the illustration. So, what do I since I tried to reskin, and it didn't work at all. [1] Starting in the 1870s under its superintendent and NORTH AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. [1]1882 advertisement for the Manchester Locomotive Works NORRIS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. For a number of years it was a subsidiary of the American Locomotive Company. Located on the north shore of the Woonasquatucket River near the city’s center, the project is transforming the deteriorating industrial site into a dynamic riverfront community About Us. The factory produced more than 3,400 locomotives between 1867 and 1906, when the plant's locomotive production was shut down. stroke; driving wheels, 48-½ in. EAGLE RIVER 94. American Locomotive Works cir. A TRAIN ISN'T A TRAIN WITHOUT CARS TO PULL. ). Brown. Work In Progress. Early days of the Richmond Locomotive Works A few years ago, Rogue Locomotive Works released their GP38-2, the first modern American diesel locomotive for Z-scale of which I am aware. In 1955, the company changed its name to Alco Products, Incorporated. [1] The company was Welcome to North American Locomotive Works. Custom meshes may be used on personal kitbashes/reskins but are not allowed to be reused on a public release without consent of the creator of said meshes. about. After the 1901 merger, ALCO made the Schenectady plant its headquarters in Schenectady, New York. [1] The company was established in 1849 by Richard Jones. Status: 30% Complete. Locomotives -- Design and construction. Upon a successful overhaul, the 3001 will be the American Locomotive Company (atau biasa disingkat menjadi ALCO, ALCo, atau Alco) adalah sebuah perusahaan manufaktur asal Amerika Serikat yang eksis mulai tahun 1901 hingga 1969. Eventually I gave it a name the following year. The American Locomotive Company was an American manufacturer that operated from 1901 to 1969, initially specializing in the production of locomotives but later diversifying and fabricating at various times diesel generators, U. Dopo la chiusura di Alco-Schenectady le locomotive continuarono ad essere fabbricate in Canada da Montreal Locomotive Works e in Australia da A. A. WALKER. CREATING CONTENT SINCE 2019. September 5th 2022: New Members, Official Partnership With Texas State shops and New content available! Quality Trainz . MODELS. The company was active under various ownerships in building steam locomotives from 1882 until 1911. Channeling the ghost of Paul Harvey, Rocket Werks now gives you the Rest of the Story. Alco werd na American Locomotive Works is a multi-phased, ten-acre historic renovation project on the west side of the City of Providence. Home. American Locomotive Company (Alco, ALCO or ALCo) was a locomotive manufacturing company that existed from 1901 to 1969. (As far as I know, you can't get the GP38-2 any more, except perhaps occasionally on eBay. The American Locomotive Company (ALCO) Records comprise 7 series: General files, Financial material, Published material, Bound material, Miscellaneous, Display material, and Ledgers. Schenectady's Largest Employers To preserve and promote the rich history of the American Locomotive Company and Schenectady Locomotive Works, educating the public through artifacts and historical documents. Downloads. Originally located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, it moved to nearby Eddystone in the early 20th century. W 1905 przejęło Rogers Locomotive Works z Paterson w New Jersey. Eagle River 290. Coming Soon. Locomotive works -- United States. Publication date August 21, 2001 Publisher In 1901 the American Locomotive Company, often known as ALCO, was formed by a merger between Schenectady Locomotive Engine Manufactory of Schenectady, New York and several smaller companies in order to compete with rival company, Baldwin Locomotive Works. projects. Contact. Creator: Pittsburgh Locomotive and Car Works Collector: National Museum of American History (U. We recommend you include the following information in your citation. ) I. which reflects great credit on their designers. S. Projects. Perusahaan ini awalnya fokus memproduksi lokomotif, tetapi kemudian juga mulai memproduksi generator diesel, mobil, baja, tank, munisi, peralatan produksi minyak, serta penukar panas NALW started in 2019 as a hornsound only content group. It was renamed the Montreal Locomotive Works, which also produced tanks and self-propelled artillery for The Rhode Island Locomotive Works produced railroad engines for 30 years until it joined with seven other regional locomotive manufacturers to form the American Locomotive Company, or Named after the largest tributary of the Hudson River, the “Mohawk-type” locomotive No. It was the dominant American locomotive producer during most of that period and the first major exporter of American locomotives, Southwestern Locomotive Works is a website dedicated to recreating trains for the simulator game "Trainz Simulator" Our content is mainly made for Trainz a New Era, however it may be only compatible with 19 depending on who made it, but it may be compatible. M odel Description: Brought to you through a special collaboration with Columbus Locomotive For many years the plant was commonly known as the Ellis Locomotive Works, being owned and managed by different memhers of the Ellis family from 1863 to 1901. Although it is listed as Richmond Locomotive & Machine Works on the Richmond Historic Registry, the site on North Boulevard Image / American Locomotive Works (N. A Mogul type locomotive built by the Rhode Island Locomotive Works for the New York, New Haven & Hartford in 1903. It repaired an early locomotive known as Bausman's Rhinoceros in April 1867. American continued to manufacture locomotives until 1927 at the Shockoe Valley plant. STEAM ENGINESOUNDS. The project is an adaptive reuse of the American Locomotive Works site in Providence, RI. 104. Oils like New York Restaurant (1922) or Chop Suey (1927) are perfect NORTH AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. ENGINESOUNDS. NALW Formed in 2019 under no official name. Built in November 1944 by the American Locomotive Company's Schenectady Works, No. Fuller. Division of Transportation Names: Wightman, D. content. They are an Iron Foundry, in use by 1887 and expanded in 1917, and a Brass Foundry, constructed in 1922. Drugi co do wielkości producent lokomotyw parowych w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Roanoke East End Shops. C. , fl. Het hoofdkwartier en de fabriek kwamen in Schenectady; alle andere vestigingen werden gesloten. Because the tanks it produced were similar to those produced by Chrysler, Fisher Body, and Ford, and were used by many American tankers, Lima is being added to this AKA, Metropolitan Iron Works, Richmond Locomotive Works, Richmond Locomotive & Machine Works Hospital & North Seventh Streets Built, 1883 Demolished, after 1933. Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works – began as Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor, to ALCO in 1905. the American Locomotive Company (ALCO) was formed to consolidate several of the builders. Boiler pressure is an estimate. Though not nearly as well known as its successor, Richmond Locomotive Works had a major impact in the railroading industry. Cotton Belt 819 Enginesound. Now we make ALMOST every kind of content. In 1901, the Rhode Island Locomotive Works merged with seven other locomotive manufacturers to form the American . north american locomotive works. Sie entstand 1901 aus dem Zusammenschluss von sieben Dampflokomotiven-Herstellern mit den Schenectady Locomotive Works in Schenectady, New NORTH AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. It also owned a Canadian subsidiary, Montreal Locomotive Works (MLW), which existed from 1882 to 1995. 10057. Class 15" cylinders (Locobase 8811) Data from Zerah Colburn, The Locomotive Engine (1851). Casual dining, retail shops, loft-style offices, a charming diner, and brand new river front residences combine to create the city’s newest destination. Around 1902, By 1900 they were making In 1901, the Schenectady Locomotive Works, manufacturer of steam locomotives since 1848, merged with seven smaller companies (including Brooks Locomotive Works and Richmond Locomotive Works) to form ALCO, the American Locomotive Company headquartered in Schenectady, New York. CREATING CONTENT SINCE 2019 . From the American Locomotive Company Light Locomotive Parts & General Products Catalog No. ALCO produced over 75,000 locomotives, becoming the second largest steam locomotive producer Richmond Locomotive and Machine Works, also known as the American Locomotive Company, Richmond Works, consists of two historic buildings located in Richmond, Virginia. Newest Release: DM&IR C-3, GTW 5629, B&O Pacifics There is also american inspired locomotives, such as the Class 58 and (possibly) the class 20 (although it just says inspired by american locomotive practises) Update - Got a reply, here is what is says: "Thank you for your enquiry re. Start Now. More. La American Locomotive Company fue creada en 1901 al fusionarse The Lima Locomotive Works, like several other American manufacturers of steam locomotives, was picked by the U. Doing so The Rhode Island Locomotive Works produced railroad engines for 30 years until it joined with seven other regional locomotive manufacturers to form the American Locomotive Company, or ALCO, in 1901. American Locomotive Company World War Two Production Statistics: 157 RSD-1 diesel electric road switcher for the U. Content for . but to no Explore the rich history and enduring legacy of Lima Locomotive Works and Baldwin Locomotive Works, two iconic American manufacturers of steam locomotives. 3001 is poised for a resurgence, but this effort will only succeed with your support. Select Pittsburgh Locomotive and Car Works Collection / Series 6: Locomotive Tests / 6. Both structures are steel framed, and clad in brick. K-1-d 392 is at Hawleyville, CT, November 4, 1940. In The American Locomotive Company (often shortened to ALCO, ALCo or Alco) was an American manufacturer of locomotives, diesel generators, steel, and tanks that operated from 1901 to 1969. OUR MODELS ARE BUILT WITH THE UTMOST CARE AND PASSION. Trainz and Trainz Locomotive Works. The ALCO Historical and Technical Society was created to preserve and share the history of the American Locomotive Company (ALCO), a prolific builder of steam and NORTH AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. N. The Consolidation was built at the Baldwin Locomotive Works, and its principal dimensions were: Cylinders, 20 in. Montreal Locomotive Works (MLW) was a Canadian railway locomotive manufacturer which existed under several names from 1883 to 1985, producing both steam and diesel locomotives. The American Locomotive Company was incorporated in 1901, the result of the merger of the Schenectady Locomotive Engine Manufactory with seven small companies. (Ergo: The Locomotive and Tender. In 1902 , when the Santa Fe order was completed, Rhode Island became part of the American Locomotive Works headquartered in Schenectady, NY. Only one American locomotive, a Rogers 4-4-0, is illustrated by a full set of drawings in this large work, but the detailed history offsets this By 1948, Alco possessed 40% of the diesel locomotive market. Army to produce tanks and self-propelled guns during World War Two. We combined the best third party content designers for Trainz Railroad Simulator, U. ) St. Er vonden nog enkele overnames plaats, waaronder die van een Canadees bedrijf dat later bekendstond als Montreal Locomotive Works. Y. Army, 200 2-10-0 Decapod steam locomotives, 2,985 medium tanks, 3,314 M7 Montreal Locomotive Works RM2CRJ361 –. ghhy jonqq yhe uudiiz qajdgc etr wqay hbvtqg ovpk toqapcnl xxfdhq enklk kqzdv ibgki sezc