Bash script to login. How to login via cUrl? 0.
Bash script to login ) you can simply use the already existing file /etc/mysql/debian. #!/bin/bash #here we are going to develop a script for various options on user accounts echo -e "\n [ 1 ] for listing all the user accounts name \n [ 2 ] for counting the number of logged-in user accounts \n [ 3 ] for listing the names of currently logged-in users\n [ 4 ] for checking the groups to which the current Use the newgrp command to login to a new group. I'm already forcing a root login by editing /etc/default/grub and /etc/init/tty1. You run the command on the server (to create a private key) and on your client (to create a public key). I want the script to make sure that the user logs in as root and then continue with the rest of the shell script. We filter out the “sda” volume using the grep command. You can do the same sequence of steps by saving the commands in a bash script and running it. linux; command-line; bash; login; website; Share. I know that I need to Is there any way to automate the login process using a bash script? This would allow doing the login when booting, so that it is already there when I start the X server. e. 2,192 1 1 gold badge 22 22 silver badges 28 28 bronze badges. Modified 3 years, 8 months ago. This is just one example, but Expect is much, much more powerful than that. Invoke remote shell script from expect script once login is successful. Here is a summary of the solution. Using the command and router file listings in your example, you could execute the commands on all routers like this: Another way would be to use lftp: lftp sftp://user:password@host -e "put local-file. This chapter briefly summarizes the shell’s ‘building A related discussion on how to run Python scripts at startup can be found here. profile). This logs in with ssh, cd to /var, runs a script, then exits the ssh session. I want to extract data from the database through bash shell and put them into local The shell login scripts are the script that launch automatically after a login shell and permit to store permanently the values of environment variables. Bash is an acronym for ‘Bourne-Again SHell’. su - user -c "command" the difference is when you have dash you will get the environment of target user. Other options. sh, which has this in it: #!/bin/sh sudo How can I preseed my credentials to docker login command within a script ? I'm using a bash script that basically automates the whole process of setting up my custom VMs etc, but when I need to login to docker within the script to pull the images, I get the following error: Username: FATA[0000] inappropriate ioctl for device Here is yet another approach, which was more convenient in my case (I just wanted to drop root privileges and do the rest of my script from restricted user): you can make the script restart itself from the correct user. The scripts looks something like this: # execute some commands on the local system # access a remote system with an IP address: 10. The way newgrp works is that it changes the group identification of its caller, analogously to login. A command that always returns only a single object returns a JSON dictionary. 7. @Trinadh Can you log into that remote machine. On the other hand, if you run your script with . If you want to do an interactive session in bash (i. All of the Bourne shell builtin commands are available in Bash, The rules for evaluation and quoting are taken from the POSIX specification for the ‘standard’ Unix shell. Logging helps us understand each move a script takes. You can try to merge all printfs into one in the hope that this will work, but even if it does there is no guarantee that it will in the future or on a different platform. How can I ssh from within a bash script? bash; ssh; Share. If n is not supplied, the return value is the exit status of the last command I am a bit stuck with my bash script. Scripting is used to automate the execution of the It depends on what login mechanism the website uses, because there is no standard. Googling a bit, I found another possibility. 3 Basic Shell Features. Here's an example of how to use expect as part of a bash script. Running any kind of login script when sh is linked to bash. The difference is explained in the manpage:. How to turn verbose mode on and off using a case statement in UNIX. It is used as default login shell in Linux systems and in macOS. profile. See my edit. As mentioned earlier, interact returns the control to Expect script is a great linux/unix utility. " #Declare variables. Ben. Commented Jan 22, 2014 at 11:28. If your machine doesn't support expect you can download the same. sh or source script. Most websites today use cookies. bashrc i. 1 "Bourne Shell Builtins" of the Bash Reference Manual puts it:. " } Main | tee autosql. js application. com, user is user1 and pass password when I give the user name user1 in terminal, it should automatically execute the shell script and logged in to remote server for the Your question could be tagged as duplicate of that one, but to eliminate any remaining confusion, let's start with a clear statement: SIMULATING AN INTERACTIVE PASSWORD ENTRY IN A SCRIPT IS PURE EVIL. The new shell switches to the user jenk, but when that shell exits (since it didn't have anything else to do), your original shell which spawned that shell is still logged in as you. As §4. me ] && del ~/. bash_login or ~/. Its main purpose is to return from a shell function, but if you use it within a source-d script, it returns from that script. After reading that file, it looks for the following file in that order and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable by the user session: In general it would help if you could clarify the question a little -- I find this bit 'at the same time I want to automatically take the user id and the password also' a bit confusing. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 6 months ago. Bash script to download any new version of a file from a webpage of a particular software. My system has only . I use these scripts to manually start and stop my Node. Improve this answer. bashrc You can found them in two directory: in the home user (~) for a user scope in the The login shell that is called from the bash script will depend on the user's login shell. bashrc. If you run the command in a script, it will be run in a subshell regardless of whether Need more details. sh. bash_login or . Press javascript button on webpage using curl & bash. Now this was a separate expect script but you can choose to integrate it inside a shell script which would look like below. You could su me from specialuser. d/Hello. The script works fine except if one of the logins fails for some reason. Follow edited Mar 23, 2022 at 14:08. asked Sep 4, 2013 at 12:15. bashrc Now the script will be always run when root opens a new interactive shell. 5. Use at your own risk. log When I tryto connect directly from terminal connection string works, but from shell script it fails. The following is a single script for creating, using, and removing a saypass within the main script. local file gets executed in boot time of the system not after the login authentication. So I need to remember a lot of SSH users, their passwords and then SU users and passwords. But if you lower runlevel to boot directly to bash, I usually have to login in 20 to 50 times daily as a super user, typing the long password again and again. So far ive tried to use bash and cUrl to achieve this but have only Scenario-2: Use expect inside bash script. Viewed 6k times 3 . ; See how to install sshpass on MacOS or OS X Unix machine; OpenSSH offers RSA and DSA authentication to remote systems without supplying a password. To accomplish this, I added the script name in /etc/rc5. Follow edited Jun 1, 2014 at 14:28. BASH (Bourne Again SHell) – It is the most widely used shell in Linux systems. We’ll know how we can improve the script when we look at the errors. The script I'm talking about is essentially a cron front-end/TO-DO list manager. So far so good. It can also be installed on Windows OS. Please note that read -s is not in POSIX, your script depends on bash if you use it. I am trying to login into this page but I cannot for the life of me get it to work. Commonly it is the second case, i. keep. My problem: I also want to set it up such that start_my_app is run whenever the system boots up. You can use this inside a bash script as normal: #!/bin/bash # do local commands ssh user@host "ls; grep something file. zip [email protected]:/tmp expect "password:" send "wifinetworks\r" expect "*\r" expect "\r" Share. Or even use a flag file, so sudo is preceded by [ -f ~/. TL;DR. Improve this question. /root/. How to automatically ssh into server and su with password using bash script? 1. profile or . It’s generally best to run the script in the shell it was intended for, as indicated by the Starting Bash. d/S##rc. Everyone will tell you do not put plaintext passwords in files and also never hardcode a password. 3k 50 50 gold badges 184 184 silver badges 229 229 bronze badges. I want to run shell script on Linux using azure-cli (az command) that login to Azure without entering password and run other azure-cli commands without login again. Modified 12 years, 6 months ago. d/ For example: /etc/profile. getting the user to input username and password into the bash script) then you will find . 3. Very convenient. On Linux, you can count active logins (which may include multiple logins by the same user) with the who command: $ who --count foo bar baz quux # Each command in a script has a certain behavior. It makes our lives easy if errors are readable. I have to login to this site when i connect to my school's wifi in order to start a session. – All-in-one script. So you can just add the script at the end of the root's . @ToniLeigh The exit command only exits the bash process the script is running in. Exactly how are you executing the script from a terminal? (Are you naming an interpreter in that case?); Exactly how are you testing, and in what precise scenario? (~/. Via su you can exec the command on this way: su user -c "command" or. More on this For example it's great if you have machines were you don't use SSH key auth and you don't want to use programs like sshpass, but you still want to be able to login (automatically, without human interaction) through script. Commented Aug 17, 2011 at 16:25. If, however, you're trying to do this for a specific user, the place to add it would be into that user's ~/. All I have right now is a file called login. The same person remains logged in, and the current directory is unchanged, but calculations of access permissions to files are performed with respect to the new group ID. Lastly, we execute the tail command in the log files on the remote server and close the session using the exit command. These are read and executed by the bash program. This is basically an application front-end url where I need In this case, the hostname obtains the name of the remote SSH machine. Let's suppose it is started as root initially. Writing Expect script is very easy (google to get help on this) Put all the action which needs to be performed on remote server in a shell script. profile, and . sh extension in the /etc/profile. bash_profile Install Azure CLI and run az login command in same script with out restarting the power shell Hot Network Questions Having trouble with #!/bin/sh -h as the first line in a bash script: /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option -h I have a script which I want to run just after user log-in authentication. profile files if it is executed as interactive login shell. using a bash script to run an interactive program. I need to write a bash script to do something as another user and then return to the initial user Suppose I run the following as root: #!/bin/bash USER=zaraza su - "${USER}" #do some stuff as zaraza _____ #here I should logout zaraza #continue doing things as root Connect to remote machine using Expect Script. Bash only looks for . Any commands you put here will run. Eventually, you may find yourself wanting to run a particular script every time you log in to a Unix machine (SSH hop to another machine, see a detailed system status, etc. Follow edited Sep 4, 2013 at 12:35. . I need it to login to a website which https based it needs to login with a username and password and then it needs to locate a particular link, the text of the link is always the same but the location it points to changes, it needs to grab that location and download it with wget. Use printf instead. i have just created a simple bash script #!/bin/bash sudo -s echo password . I have moved the input argument inside the bash script instead of expect but that is totally upto you, there is no such restriction what so ever. Interactive login bash first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. d directory get executed whenever a bash login shell is entered (e. Bash Script: #!/bin/bash #Prompt user with information. 13. 57. Order. This is the . ssh can be used to execute a command, rather than start a remote interactive login shell. It goes back strait to Bash. Counting Logins. I have to deal with a lot of unix servers in my daily life, whether it’s at work or it’s my hosting server. me; So, let us begin the script. 1-2001) does not define the behavior of concurrent write() syscalls sending data to the same file, hence you may obtain different results depending on your platform. Do you also have a ~/. If you want to be POSIX-compliant, you should instead use the stty -echo solution suggested below, because stty and its echo parameter are defined in POSIX. sh or bash script. So I thought of writing a script that will automatically login me to the It has nothing to do with storing a password within the script and passing it to the scp call via a bash script! I don't really understand your comment. apr 2016 15:18:09 :Starting Sql auto run script. Tim. It's primarily intended as a configuration backup tool for Cisco and other networking devices, but one of its components, clogin, is essentially an Expect script that does exactly what you're asking. You can also call other scripts from within this . cURL command line login (bash) 2. You should use who to count logged-in users, and get a more complete count of normal users (as opposed to system accounts) by summing UIDs in the proper range from /etc/passwd. request and login a site using curl. " db_statuscheck echo "`date` :Sql auto run script execution completed. – scy won't contribute anymore. It is used as a default login shell for most Linux distributions. bash_login and lastly ~/. Once automated, there will be no interaction of the user with telnet (that is, the script will be totally automated). Let's suppose the user uses /bin/bash as their login shell in this example but it might be /bin/tcsh or anything else. bash script to login to webpage. The next line of your script then executes as if that quoted line never happened, and therefore runs under your UID. g. read -e -p This still prompts for the first login and cannot be used in a script! – Mehrdad Mirreza. bashrc file located in your home directory. What you need to do is to exchange the SSH keys for Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products In Unix shell, I have a env file (env file defines the parameters required for running the user script like log file name and path, redirect outputs and errors to log file, database connection details, etc) which redirects all the outputs (echo messages) and errors to the log file from the executed script using the following code:exec 1>>${LOG_FILE} exec I'm trying to use expect in a Bash script to provide the SSH password. Commented Aug 2, 2018 at 10:20 | Show 7 more comments. js application). Bash interactive script. Hot Network Questions Equivalent English for a Gujarati saying paraphrased as "Goldsmithing proved costlier than the gold" Our company has a db (SQL Server) in another country. This approach is more readable than using sudo or su -c with a "nested script". Moreover, there is a proper way to automatically create a Kerberos ticket -- it can be used to authenticate Linux services at boot POSIX (IEEE Std 1003. me and followed by [ \! -f ~/. x. This article assumes that you're running Bash either using Azure Cloud Shell or running Azure CLI locally in a docker container. When you run that command in a pipe, it spawns a new process rather than running the command in the current shell. cURL using login not working. txt. source filename [arguments] Read and execute commands from filename in the current shell environment and return the exit status of the last command executed from filename. Bash script to automate login to a webpage [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. If you run your script with . Note: This script supports all linux OSs like Redhat, Centos, Ubuntu, suse, kali, Arch, Bitname, BSD. 239k 195 195 gold badges 530 530 silver badges 718 718 bronze badges. Sometimes they may have errors and exceptions. I need one single shell script to login to a remote server. I am working on automating some telnet related tasks, using Bash scripts. But I personally prefer to work in bash scripts. bashrc, if you don't follow the sudo with exit, your first exit will take you back to me, with a second to end the session. script. bashrc or similar instead -- Yes, you can run Bash scripts in Zsh and vice versa, but some commands or syntax may behave differently between the two shells. g if server is host name is testhost. The df command provides the disk usage of the remote server. local file. etc #!/bin/bash #author: bablish jaiswal #purpos: Linux user creation with a storng password clear #echo "Hi, I am a function to create sudo user with strong password. bash_profile? (If so, it'll be used in favor to ~/. Oh, and echo -n isn't in POSIX either. ) or, you maybe you'd like to improve the experience for all the users on your machine (i. hloetzek's answer for a much better way to do what you want. Hot Network Questions Has the Trump administration explained how they're going to I tried writing a shell script which can do automatic login into a ssh server using password which is mentioned in the script. You Consider looking at RANCID. 1 (for example) telnet 10. Add a comment | 10 #!/usr/bin/expect -f spawn scp -r BASE. Andrew Andrew. bashrc, assuming the script is executable: echo '/path/to/whiptail. I have the host name, username and the password of the db. The program executes line by line. For example, you can navigate to a certain path, create a folder and spawn a process inside it using the command line. You can use several ways: Using su. – Tom Auger. cnf that contains valid superuser I am very new to Bash scripting, and am trying to log in to my school's VPN server using my Raspberry Pi. 33 . So basically you have to automatically fill in the login form, submit it, and store the cookie you get in return. 0 is setting the LFTP_PASSWORD There is already a script that will run automatically run when you log into Linux. According to Ubuntu EnvironmentVariables manual: Files with the . The Bourne shell is the traditional Unix shell originally written by Stephen Bourne. Then you don't need root or control privileges. It’s kind of messy when the number of servers are huge. This Bash script will become a Linux cron job for nightly execution, otherwise I would lust type the git Yes; you can use return instead of exit. Tim Tim. at the beginning of my shell script file, it prompts the user to enter the password and then does NOT continue with the rest of the shell script. I have a Bash script that uses SSH keys to login to a list of servers. sh' >>/root/. This question already has an answer here: Login site using cURL (1 answer) Closed 3 years ago. 1. The standard for login shells is to always look for the bash configuration files with "profile" in the name, in this order: /etc/profile, ~/. My script: #!/bi I was interested in a very simple unix answer to this problem and found it at another site. How to Run a Bash Script on Login. Using cURL to login in a web page. Change default login shell to /bin/bash for ALL ldap users from LDAP server - not client. To connect to server every time I have to execute the ssh command to login. profile, whichever is found first. type in: nano ~/. Bash script syntax. Shell profiles are just regular shell scripts that are source'd instead of executed. return [n] Cause a shell function to exit with the return value n. netrc <<EOF machine some_git_server. how to i pass these in a bash script ? any pointers would be appreciated. I do it all of the time. exit fi } Main() { echo "`date` :Starting Sql auto run script. Rather than using For this case I am going to imagine a scenery. name; bye" The disadvantage of this method is that other users on the computer can read the password from tools like ps and that the password can become part of your shell history. bashrc file. Well, you will need to run two separate scripts, a shell script that calls an Expect script: #!/usr/bin/bash set force_conservative 0 ; Change the above to #!/usr/bin/expect set force_conservative 0 ; Or alternatively in your shell script I am unsure about the format, but you can send expect -c with the command to execute:. Some of the other answers here inspired me to write a script for automating the mixed sequential execution of SQL tasks using SQLPLUS along with shell commands for a project, a process that was previously manually done. Providing the password works, but I don't end up in the SSH session as I should. #!/bin/bash login_via_ssh_and_do_stuff() { # build the expect script in bash expect_sh=$(expect -c " spawn ssh [email protected] expect On an Amazon S3 Linux instance, I have two scripts called start_my_app and stop_my_app which start and stop forever (which in turn runs my Node. How to login via cUrl? 0. Also, in your particular script, you probably need to put a semicolon in there to break up the commands: sudo bash ulimit -n 1000000; su - hadoop or sudo bash ulimit -n 1000000; ssh localhost. e. But later i got to know that, anything that is added in rc. sh and add an entry to Startup Applications to call it; the command would be simply If you're trying to do this for EVERY user on the system that may log into a bash shell (basically root, and any other "normal" user), then you'll want to add the command into /etc/profile or add the script into /etc/profile. 0. " echo "Press s + enter to stop the process and resume normal operation. If I know how many arguments will be passed to some_program, I can put the following lines in my bash script: #!/bin/bash # (some lines where we determine that I understand shell executes commands in either ~/. profile is only run for login shells; to run code for other shells you need ~/. I need to be able to add git credentials from my to my bash script but can't figure out how to do this. The script iterates over a flat text file of hostnames called test_hosts. /test. 5. – Kindly run below script with sudo permission for creating a user by script. If a login fails on one of the hosts, the entire script stops and none of the other hosts on the list are logged into. expect "*bash*" send "pwd\r" expect "*bash*" Share. To have a script that will execute for any user on login you can add an additional script in: /etc/profile. when logging in from the console or over ssh), as well as by the DisplayManager when the desktop session loads. sh, your "window" or shell will stay open, because a new bash process is created for the script. sh, say, in ~/; then add a shebang to the start of the file (#!/