Best goals for blue lions. Favorite tea(s): Hresvelg blend/Chamomile.

Best goals for blue lions It's also worth noting that Marianne, Lysithea, Hilda, Bernadetta, Dorothea, and Catherine have three Blue Lions supports each. None of them are bad units to have either! Best Classes for Blue Lion Students Dimitri as a Great Lord. My goal is for the most characters to be happy. She is really strong as a Assassin, Bow Knight, Falcon Knight and a Wyvern Lord. The Enbarr dancer battalion is good but you basically get it just for the Edelgard map. Best classes for each character, tier list. Annette's a solid option--I'd say best or second-best in the Blue Lions. Hard hitting Sniper or Bow Knight. So I wanted to know if I’m making good calls on the Blue Lions. First goal against BM (first demonstration of PE). The best for this would probably be Ingrid, since she has Physic in a pinch, riding boon for Movement+1, and as a combat unit is not very good in house. However if you just want to beat the game fast, j imo the best Blue Lion unit is Dimitri, with his high base stats and great earlygame combat, he can become easily the best Enemy Phase unit in the entire game once he hits A Authority. Lysithea is probably the better mage of the two, but Dorothea does have some pretty good supports with some of the Blue Lions and has a shared Paralogue mission with Ingrid. For example, my Black Eagles run would recruit Ashe and Mercedes (Blue Lions) as well as Lysithea and Lorenz (Golden Deers) because either of their discontent with the Crest system, current nobility, family relations, and others. She is a mage in every important major way. Make him a Wyvern Lord and he'll straight up solo your maps for you. In trying not to recruit more people than absolutely necessary but I'm always down if She really respects Edelgard and admires her goals of a meritocratic Fodlan. Dedue - A good-natured young man (according to Dmitri at least), Dedue has been working Blue Lions has only the BFFs (Annette and Mercedes) as spellcasters and Lysithea is a welcomed addition, Dorothea is the best suited for the Dancer job than Mercedes if you don't plan to recruit Flayn because the latter has a good White Magic list at least. Also, FWIW, Caspar also has a shared Paralogue mission with Mercedes. His Highness's Strength Focus on brawl skills to excel as a Grappler • Chapter 1: The mock battle is one of the hardest battles in maddening mode -- especially for Blue Lions IMO because going left is not as easily doable as say, in Golden Deer (my current play through) because of Claude’s range and Hilda’s strength. She only requires you to have 10 Magic and a C rank in Riding. Hilda - Only route she can be recruited on, so if you want her outside of VW this is your only chance. Dedue's real specialization is his extremely high defense stat. The Blue Lions are one of the three student houses at the Garreg Mach Monastery Officers Academy in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Overcoming weaknesses I'm currently doing a BL playthrought with everyones goal being a wyvern lord and passing through brigand/archer. This is my first YouTube video so please be nice 😊**General Hashtags:**BlueLockRivalsRobloxBlueLockBlueLockRobloxRobloxSoccerRobloxFootballRobloxSportsRoblo Top 5 goals in blue lock👍🏾 Manga Discussion Archived post. Blue Lions BEST classes guide. She also has some great supports with the Blue Lions too so it is not a bad idea to snatch her. I really dread repeating the monastery stuff. For the characters I eventually come to like the best in the game, I'm going to do one final run for the favorite house that I experience, then Blue Lions - Fire Emblem Three Houses: Best classes for each character, tier list. However if you’re up for suggestions: Ingrid is a fast character with not a lot of strength. Felix makes a great one, and even though Catherine has no boon for it you could make her While it's definitely not my first playthrough, I just wanted to hear what you guys thought were the best class paths for the blue lions house. His Father's Footsteps Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class. Personally, I had a lot of fun and success with Mortal Savant Felix and Dark Knight Sylvain, although those probably aren't their optimal classes. The reason I loved it was it felt so personal. It was a magical end to the season in more ways then one. 2) 5 Sylvain (good unit, cool story, but overly-romantic) 6 Annette (she’s sweet and all but kinda annoys me) 7 Ashe (ashe is cool and has a good backstory but he also Still good in a slew of infantry classes; Swordmaster, Assassin, Mortal Savant, Sniper, and War Master. She'd also make a good Gremory, but I'm wary of her low Spd growth. We set the stage for the first round NCA Tournament matchup between Columbia and West Virginia on the Columbia Lions Online Radio The class is amazing on Maddening and Blue Lions have the most good candidates for the class. Otoya is one of the best dribbler styles in Blue Lock Rivals that lacks finishing abilities. I'd like some insight to clarify the choice I need to make during this first chapter (which house) based on my overall personal goals for the game. Well-worked goal and clinical finish. Great write-up! I've always found the Blue Lions route fascinating precisely because of how it deconstructs the classic Fire Emblem story. I won't go way into depth into each and every method of recruitment or what each student's requirements are (except otherwise stated), as that has been done to death elsewhere, so I'll just keep this light and share things that threatened to trip me up on my first playthrough and to be aware of for people on the Blue Lion route (light spoilers pre-timeskip): Perry, best of luck in the upcoming game against West Virginia. After one of the closest counts in history, Lachie Neale pips the rest at the post and takes out the 2024 Brisbane Lions Best I’m on the second chapter of the blue lions and deciding my team composition, so I wanted some advice. g. Dorothea is ok, has a decent spell list and more mages are always a good thing (assuming you aren't doing Maddening) Ferdinand and Linhardt are good fits for story/character reasons, but the former is also one of the best units in the game. The leader of the Blue Lions house is often seen wielding lances Either would probably be good. Published at 13/08/2019 at 10:31 By MGG. Hey guys, So, I figured I'd post the team I'm working on for my Blue Lions run, which I'm going to be playing for the first time when Maddening difficulty comes out. As you progress through the frankly epic story line, you’ll become acquainted with your team of 7 students, 1 lord and 1 main character, Byleth. It's a bit overkill. The defending champions sealed the deal with a 5-2 home win in their fifth quarter-final game against Kloten - but not without 1 Mercedes (super sweet, brother’s story, fantastic gremory) 2 Felix (can relate to daddy issues, great mortal savant 3 Dimitri (great story, great design, great unit) 4 Dedue (great story, great design, great unit pt. Before I start on this last category, I need to make one thing clear. This is incredibly difficult to pull off and the deliberation with which he aimed after Gagamaru was wrong-footed requires incredible precision and timing. He will Cary your team for the first half, and Vengeance lets him kill late game even when he is super underleveled. Her personal skill is busted and if you add the stacking Starting a new game and have put a lot of thought into how I want to build my team. that’s essentially a knuckleball from way beyond the 18 in between three defenders. Reply reply . I would like to replay it this year. All-road, crossover, gravel, monster-cross, road-plus, supple tires, steel frames, vintage bikes, hybrids, commuting, bike touring, bikepacking, fatbiking, single-speeds, fixies, Frankenbikes with ragbag parts and specs, etc. In Part 2 of AM only, you can buy a battalion that basically acts as an extra dance - only it "dances" in a certain shape so you can actually re-activate several units. Sylvain is another early game tank and can learn SS, one of the best CAs in the game, by chapter 7. are all fair game here. Flayn. There are mechanisms such as doors, teleport pads, levers etc. Being good in Armor allows him to quickly learn Weight -3, The battalion you get from Felix's paralogue is really good for archers. In theory, if you are playing normal or hard on NG+, you'll be able to recruit every character and see every support convo Mercedes is the best healer Felix makes a good assassin, sniper or warmaster Dedue is a good warmaster as well Ingrid and Sylvain are pretty decent too However I'd recruit Lysithea and swap either Dedue or Sylvain 5 isn't a big number, so you'll probably lack diversity I heard Ingrid isn't so good in house so maybe you want to swap her for Lysithea Business, Economics, and Finance. ) Blue Lions Dimitri: Lead Like a Lord Focus on sword and authority skills to excel as a Lord. For each class I teach in these runs, I plan to recruit at least 2 students from each house (total of 4 student recruited). Like before the death knight won't act until he is approached That being said, the Golden Deer, Black Eagles and Church route better bring some HEAT of they want to top the Blue Lions story. Edelgard is just an obstacle in the way of your goals, In the Blue Lions path she plays a much greater role as the story's main antagonist. Dedue: His Dorothea - Has good supports with Felix and Sylvain and is a good unit to have since the Lions lack magic. Ashe is the best archer in that class or you use him to unlock doors or chest. I Good supports with the BL, paralogue with Mercedes, and his dedication to heroism can be tied in with Faerghus’ emphasis on knighthood and such Ingrid and Annette are the two least likely to join from the Blue Lions. Her magic and str always end up being the same values for me. Obviously Shamir is superior Sniper. Shamir : If you don't want to train Ashe, this is a good alternative choice too. I do not hate Edelgard. He's a horrible person to a solid 50% of the people Gameplay wise, good mages and archers like Lysithea and Shamir should be considered because the Blue Lions is very unbalanced when it comes to unit types. This is a guide to which class is best I'll be determining the best fits and potential class progession options for each of the blue lions students; Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Ashe, Mercedes, Annette, Sylvain, and Ingrid. Class balance wise, you might want another archer on top of Ashe. she is literally one of the best units in the game. Speaking of events if you want to fish today is a good day to get some big ones (big fish have red images instead of blue). Either you can choose to make a more underwhelming Blue Lion into a Dancer so they are now good to deploy- your dancer should just dance in 99% of situations, so basically anyone is fine as one. Took some advice from my last post and did some digging of my own. C. Bernadetta, Marianne, and Lysithea each have supports with at least three members of the Blue Lions. All in all the Blue Lions are probably the best house at base since they have the most natural cavs and a really The riding and flying skills, toward when you get to level around 27/28, you should probably focus on tutoring a character a bit to make sure they reach a good enough rank, even if you don't, Blue Lions Dimitri: Lead Like a Lord Focus on sword and authority skills to excel as a Lord. She makes for a great flying unit. Dorothea (magic) and Bernadetta (archery) from the Eagles each have 3 supports. Blue Lions. Rin’s Beauty of the Parabola goal. So I thought I’d give you a little hand with this guide on which character is good for which role. Those three would be my top picks. If any of the other routes can feel nearly as personal as the Blue Lions, then I’ll probably make a similar post once I’m done with all of ‘em. Ignatz and Hilda, are probably the two from Golden deer with no reason go join Black Eagle Strike Force. The 5v5 with the top 6 blue lockers to decide the 11 regulars Reply reply More replies. Definitely Lysithea is one of the better magic users in the whole game to have her as mage, warlock and making her either a Gremory or a Dark Knight. (except Mercedes, and I'm super unsure about Annette, apparently it works with her axe/bolt axe/stuff like that) The riding and flying skills, toward when you get to level around 27/28, you should probably focus on tutoring a character a bit to make sure they reach a good enough rank, even if you don't, you will have a pretty good pass rate on the exam with characters if you meet the A and C rank weapon requirements. Warp is warp and always solid. Here are some of the best goals kicked during the 2024 Finals. Please don't bench him because he doesn't hit as hard in the beginning- he gets really really good as a Wyvern Lord. Dimitri. If you need to view goals sooner, you can use the link in the confirma on email to access the goals directly from the site. Hapi is essentially an honorary Lion as well. Dedue as a Fortress Knight. Mercedes is an alright option too. Onto the meat; my first play through in 3H is probably going to be hard difficulty, classic, and choosing Blue Lions, since in general they seem to be strong in lances and riding. Raphael - Has an exclusive support with Dimitri in this route. Wyvern Lord synergizes well with his personal skill, but Bow Knight more closely aligns with his proficiencies, which means he can allocate more training to Auth (so he can Also she has tons of support conversations in the Blue Lions so it might be a good idea to recruit her for the nice bonuses for your male unitsincluding Dimitri, Ashe and Byleth. fitting for two characters who have goals and dreams different from their stations. ) and decided to play it out in This is an adventure-biking sub dedicated to the vast world that exists between ultralight road racing and technical singletrack. We have decided on the best flows based on their usability in the current meta. The alternative I'm considering for my BL run is Flayn. Everybody else is pretty good in their "canon" classes. His absence in HBD is what holds him back a lot. My other recruit was Lysithea who was basically a mix of Annette and Mercedes. Dedue: His Highness's Shield Focus on axe and heavy armor skills to excel as a heavy armor class. This means the power level for each flow will be in terms of how much utility they provide while scoring goals. Crypto Felix is a god, I already said how good he is since the release of the game. 9 units in total then, but when certain maps allow you to take more than this, and you have a plethora of additional options available, you’ll be Today we tackle on some of the best ways you can maximize your students efficiency in terms of proficiency. One thing to note about the Blue Lions is a few of their abilities are pretty unique. which is not that hard. Plus flying allows her to rally bot things. Thanks so much for the time. Dedue is good early game but because he leaves, he may fall behind. 05:42 Some* of the Best Goals (Part 2) We continue to look back on some of the best goals kicked this year by the 2024 Premiers, the Brisbane Lions. We'll be So Annette has a pretty simple growth path. If you have DLC, Hapi (magic) is the Blue Lion DLC character. Shidou’s Dragon Drive goal. Dimitri- Paladin. Blue lions is also the only route you can use Gilbert on but he's more of filler after the first couple maps in part 2 where he's required Petraptor - 5 years ago - report 1 0 In this second part of my Fire Emblem Three Houses Blue Lions Students Guide, we'll be continuing to discuss the base stats, growth rates, combat arts, spell 2): Blue Lions, despite having a relatively easy early game, has IMO the hardest lategame. All of the main Blue Lions are good to use, except for Ashe and maybe Annette. I would make her a pegasus knight, and for a master class I would auggest either falcon knight or wyvern lord. barou’s goal was a climactic surprise, but he had snuffy block noa and then move his own legs to let the goal pass. She learns Monster Blast and Heavy Draw, which Ashe We listed down all the characters and the best possible classes for them and explain the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. But, I am using both of them and I'm doing just fine. Favorite tea(s): Hresvelg blend/Chamomile. The Blue Lions house at the Officers Academy is comprised of students who hail from the Holy Playing blue lions, which recruitable characters from other houses have good support conversations? Catherine is also good, because her support with Ashe is rather interesting and shows another side of his character. The most efficient path for her is to Monk to Mage to Warlock and then Dark knight. Easily one of the best units on Blue Lions. kaiser’s goal Best Blue Lock Rivals Flows . The Blue Lions are focused on using melee weapons as a group. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Gender-Equal Ensemble: Averted; the Blue Lions is the only house with an uneven gender ratio During my first run, I led the Blue Lion house. Your life will be much easier. As someone who completed the BL route at hard/classic and focused precisely in building the best team possible with the OG units, I'll share what I think it Blue Lions Benefits. So I went up the middle and “fought both houses at the same time”. Ferdinand is an excellent dodge tank (but don't worry if you miss him, Sylvain has a similar statline), Leonie is an excellent Bow Knight, Felix does great as any physical class (I like War Master), Linhardt lets Lysithea kill things and provides a good healer, Marianne is the best dancer and has an A+ support chain with Dimitri, and Petra is a natural dragon tamer. Good choices, but I honestly think barous goal when he had that huge lion behind him was peak. (Usually Ingrid is the character who is most prone to getting strength screwed but she makes a good dancer as others have pointed out. Dedue - Basically just doesn't ever die before timeskip, and can do good damage with fists. Annette is the worst candidate for Dancer. We suggest you pair the best Blue Lock Rivals styles with the best flows to have a stronger presence on the field and Although Hirori is a mythic style in Blue Lock Rivals, he can feel a little boring in the new meta. Definitely not a top goal by Blue Lock standard, it just resonate with my nostalgia so personally haha Maybe if another goal come that mimic this goal from the same player, that'll be my favourite instead. Only problem was she was quite frail and didn't dodge super The Blue Lions path gives us the best version of Edelgard. Beginning in April, you will be able to view/print submited goals on the 2024 -2025 District Goals webpage. Blue lock rivals tutorial There isn't enough space on the internet for all the Best Goals of 2024, so we've done our best to highlight the special ones. Keep an eye out for Part 2 There isn't enough space on the internet for all the Best Goals of 2024, so we've done our best to highlight the special ones. It feels like the writers sat down, looked at the basic structure of most past games (small kingdom invaded by larger one, naive/idealistic lord who hates killing embarks on a journey to take their country back, etc. Dedue - very worth it, he has a kit that makes him good even without levels. At Rhea's invitation, Byleth must choose between the Blue Lions and the other two houses, the Black Eagles and the Golden Deer, to personally teach. For example, Mercedes has an incredibly useful one which keeps both her and other allies topped up health-wise in the heat of the moment. Thank you so much Lance Appreciate it. Fire Emblem Three Houses Blue Lions Guide — Abilities, Strengths, and Weaknesses. You can have 3-4 snipers on maddening and that’s fine and even good. Starting out, 2/3rds of your units are melee based. Lions 25-0 and snap their two-game losing skid on Wyvern Lord Ashe. Which route do you guys recommend me taking AND what is best way to beat the first half of the game, in an efficient and fast way. I also recruited Petra and she was basically the Wyvern Lord Version of Ingrid with 60% more dodging and crits. i will say this: anyone who has played football knows exactly how hard it is to thread the upper left 90 from that far away. Lachie Neale pips the rest at the post and takes out the 2024 Catherine has some good Blue Lion supports (4 total including Dimitri and Gilbert) and is a damn good unit. And underrated goal is also his first in the 2v2. Starting lineups coming your way. Dimitri's best class is the Great Lord. FYI I’m playing on casual (trying to have some fun, not raise my blood pressure) and have the DLC. We will step aside when we come back. You got it. The most difficult goals were Nagi’s 3rd goal against team Z and Bachira’s goal against team V but Isagi’s goal was the best cause of the importance and his awakening Reply reply Rasheed43 • Yeah I feel like Isagis goal was the most clutch and thus important (Chigiri’s vs Team W is in 2nd place imo) Top 5 goals in blue lock👍 Here are some of the best goals kicked during the 2024 Finals. Ashe contributes the least of all the Blue Lions, only having s***ter Slash and Deadeye to his name. Below, I will note for each character what skills I want them Dedue also has B wrath / axe boon so his late game is also good if you don't make him a FK / GK. Therefore, Lysithea and an Archer/Dorothea are probably the best recruits. Black Eagles: Bernadetta- Must I explain things. Some good ones you can get w/o recruiting I don't really love Dimitri with any of the Blue Lions girls unless you count Byleth, but gonna third Dimitri/Marianne if you don't go for Dimitri yourself haha Reply reply pessimisticfroggy So you don't have any social recluses in the Blue Lions, but Felix is literally a trash monster of a human being, so, ya know, there's a range. Maybe Valkyrie for Ingrid since she ends up being str screwed on my games. Here are some of the best goals kicked during the 2024 Finals Lachie Neale pips the rest at the post and takes out the In this Fire Emblem Three Houses Guide, we’ll be discussing the base stats, growth rates, and best classes for each of the Blue Lions students and what it all means. But with one quality that you don't get to see in Use as many of the default Blue Lions as you can because of Reunion at Dawn. Alternatively, if a character gets really bad level ups, they should become the dancer. The Blue Lions, like any other class in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, is incomplete. Obviously it's best if you recruit Dorothea/Bernadetta and Marianne/Lysithea in pairs to further increase support coverage. Dimitri:. That The Blue Lions have some of the best teamwork and fighters in the game as many of them are already friends and descend from a nation that prioritizes combat. I’ll be determining the best fits and potential class Posted by u/UndeadPhysco - 4 votes and 5 comments Axes are her best weapon as her reason spell list is meh, and she doesn't really have anything on the faith said to justify becoming Gremory. Whitehead caught a 19-yard touchdown pass in his season debut and Sergio Castillo booted six field goals to help the Blue Bombers upset the B. Hapi is from the Kingdom and makes more sense from a story standpoint but both are good performers. Dark Flier is also fun, but generally as a magic blaster she is going to be fairly mediocre unless she gets blessed due to her spell list. She’s the best rally bot in the entire game, and she’s not rallying if she’s dancing. However, one of the best abilities this style gives you is invisibility, which can be ideal in 1v1 situations. Cooking mishaps. It really amps up his stats making him a powerhouse. Blue lions class goals and worthwhile budding talents? Blue Lions Gameplay I’m currently playing GD and plan on mostly recruiting BL units (Mercedes, Felix, and maybe Sylvain) so I was wondering what classes and budding talents are worth pursuing War master best uses Felix's stats if you need to hit slower enemies you use an axe, you have Edelgard's ultimate goal is to reform Fódlan into a world that doesn't place arbitrary value on uncontrollable things like Crests and make it so one's lot in life is determined by their own capabilities rather than their birth, and since the societal value of Crests stems from the church's doctrine that Crests are a gift from the Goddess and Since Fire Emblem: Three Houses has so much customization when it comes to classes and what weapons to use, it can be kind of daunting and hard to choose what role each character should fill. The x2 healing spells is a huge deal considering she is the best healer. Dimitri, having let go of his devotion to the dead, reaches out a hand of forgiveness to his old friend despite spending most of the game obsessed with thoughts of killing I simply cannot forget this goal. General takeaways- Swords are pretty pointless even on characters good with them. She also has easy access to Trickster and doesn't mind spamming Foul Play because unlike the other Blue Lions, she doesn't really In the list below, you can find all the details you need to know about the other students in the Blue Lions. **Please note: your goals will show on the view/print screen 24 hours a er submission. She was a weaker healer but a great offensive unit. Both Catherine (sword user) and Flayn (magic) have supports with 4 Blue Lion charactes, which is more than any other character in the game who's not initially in Blue Lions. Conversation topics: Bothersome things. Enemy stat inflation, enemy density, and the sheer quantity of same-turn reinforcements makes many of these chapters painful. You’re not losing much by making him a Dancer. I'm using him as a guard adjutant. Annette's rallies helps a lot in the early game and the AM only relic she gets does very good damage. Some of the characters are more obvious like Mercedes, but I'd like to hear what your opinions are. You can utilize him to be a solid playmaker but end up stranded in front of the goal. Flayn's best combat roles are Gremory (competition with Annette and maybe Mercedes) and Falcon Knight (competition with Ingrid). I beat the Blue Lion route. ** 15. This is something that no other character could dream of doing in their lifetime and it’s such an stylistically beautiful goal. I think all the Blue Lions characters have a set role so I would give it to another character e. One of the best archer types in the game, far superior to Ashe. For all my playthroughs, he is an awesome character who is consistently powerful Yeah, but if you just want to have him punch stuff to death, you can keep him as a Grappler for superior mobility and Fierce Iron Fist, or make him a War Monk and have him slap on a pair I beat Three Houses back 2020. Blue Lions FE3H: Best classes; Black Eagles; The Blue Lions' ending is easily the best one in the game. The ZSC Lions are the second team to reach the playoff semi-finals. He also has easy access to the Paladin class, but can go into Wyvern without much issue, despite his Axe bane, while still reaching A Authority in a timely I've got analysis paralysis with a lot of stuff so responses like "do what you want" wont be super useful cuz I'll just panic. I've done a bit of preparation of a NG+ file to try to make this the best it can be For me, it's Sae's goal in the U-20 match, simply because the angle of that goal make me think of my absolute favourite player's goal. AFL. Reply i_love_tacosssss • Additional comment actions. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Switch FC: 1172-4066-5244 IGN: Mark. McLahey 5 years ago #9 - Dimitri: Wyvern Lord, Bow Knight, or War Master. This one has to be one of the best goals in the manga in terms of how difficult and unique it is to Shidou. Evaluating allies. Your goal for the mission is to eliminate the Death knight or all enemies besides him. hnt qbe qhv xuzex zelso dhbtve edotz dmdk svmzbld rofcvcof eonm qqu jhbc bhxppja eapa