Civ 6 one city deity. So I chose to play as.

Civ 6 one city deity Kongo: Extra relic/work slots and early additional housing. e. Mining). This also made getting a war declared a breeze. For those who don't know about the rules, you only have your capital. New comments cannot be posted. Disable all victory conditions except Religious victory. In the game I'm currently playing I had 9 cities by turn 100 (one was a city state I took and 8 A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. The AI-Civ's will only declare war if you have too few military units. Science victory is by far the easiest as even in a normal game, a one city with a lot of production (a strong capital) is essential for the space port if your first city has low production output, it's ok to build one settler to build a second city with high production output to produce units faster. I was its suzerain for almost the entire game and always made sure to have 1-2 spare envoys to take it back if necessary. 1. It's easy to quickly get to a point where the production of your cities is at a level where you finish units and some buildings in a single turn. gg/8a7w7qW4cjFollow the playlist https The one exception would be a lucky science roll, where you get a couple scientific city states on your continent and can conquer your neighbors before meeting the other continent. It's always good to have extra population if possible. Here is a list of criteria I consider: 1. Pillaging is incredibly strong - especially pillaging enemy districts. In the first half of the game you won't have enough envoys to get the district yield from every City State. No reloads, no cheats. I feel like my first warrior is enough to explore maybe 2 tiles in each direction, which is all I need to drop my second city. I got close with Nzinga Mbambe several times, but always ran out of time from the computer getting a science Most people think of them as a culture civ because of the civ bonus to building wonders, but wonders don’t actually provide much direct tourism (doubling something small isn’t much of a help). R5: Some strategies: (1) min-max era points to ensure golden ages, then maximize trade route yields; (2) get Nazca suzerain early and build Nazca lines on all 4th ring flat desert tiles to make the 3rd ring tiles some yield porn with Petra; (3) get Owls of Minerva to help lock down key suzerains and liberate conquered city states if needed; (4) stay friendly with others in the late What Civ 6 calls Fog of War really refers to unexplored terriroty. Kongo. It’s designed to not need any special resources or any world wonders. Need help on choosing a civ. youtube. They can easily double your science/culture output, depending on your number of city-state suzerainty. Also, some of those videos seem to involve a decent amount of luck. Tribute to Kumasi, you da real MVP. Great works. Example for fin city is Holy site with +7 adjency bonus, doubled once you research religion and doubled by liberating city Australia bonus. It took me two weeks to figure out Eleanor of Aquitaine (France) on Deity. You will want to eliminate the first civ as having more cities will give you more resources to produce more units, get better units with more science and snowball the game out of control. (2) Build only enough missionaries you need to convert your own cities to your religion. You get standard adj on holy sites from other districts, and with the unique market, all international trade routes give an extra 2 prod, which can add up Also, bigger cities can benefit from communism government +0. There are no blatant exploits used and no specific map size or number of opponents are required, however On Deity every single AI civilization begins with 3 Settlers, 5 Warriors, 2 Builders, +4 Combat Strength on all units, +32% bonus to Culture, Science and Faith and +80% bonus to Production and Gold. No adjency bonus less than 4, so proper policy cards can boost it later. 6. Mid/late game is just too radically different depending on victory type, civ, map, city-states, etc. gg/nj85syAJoin this channe Scout - want to boost eureka on astrology and trading, find closest enemy cities, open at least 8 tiles to pick a place for second city; 2. I thought they made it impossible but even after 3 wars I still Being suzerain of as many city-states as possible is essential. With the minimum, city needs to grow back and it may take long time. In general you should be able to defend an attack with just walls, one archer and one melee unit to prevent the city from being surrounded. It gives you everything the ai gets: 3 settlers, 4 warriors, and a free builder in your first 2 cities. Share Sort by: Best In this civ 6 deity video guide we are going to be playing Eleanor and go for a one city peaceful domination challenge as France in civ 6 deity. c. It makes use of a “permanent alliance slingshot” to enable domination. At higher difficulties, the AI earns more free In this game of Civ 6, I’ll be showing you how to MASTER the Deity AI in 2023. There are cases where first scout is followed by a builder (if you have, say 3 tiles that can be improved by one tech, e. Everything is contained in my single city and every build has a clear purpose. Second city always 4-5 tiles away from the capital into monument. And a horseman costs 80 production. But you can use that to your advantage with a good-timed hero spawn / city state levy and take 1 or 2 cities from the AI. So that bonus is really more of a general bonus (making it easier to get some mid-game wonders), not something that should push you towards culture. One player advantage in deity is wherever possible use builders to bulldoze {forests, jungle & swamp} so you can rapidly build city walls and districts. But I think t In my opinion they are the best civ of a culture OCC (maybe only rivaled by China). e. The focus was gaining as many Relics as possible, combined with the Reliquaries follower belief. Deity is a breeze Ai starts with 2 free settlers. I got close with Nzinga Mbambe Witness the struggle and strategy as we aim for a science victory in just 100 turns with only one city! Watch as we navigate through the challenges of this intense game mode, utilizing our When it comes to 4X game Civilization VI, there are a bunch of ways you can challenge yourself. I usually settle 3-6 cities. (1 or 2 cities) protected from a brainless swarm of AI units. chrono. We go throug They said it was impossible! I proved them wrong! Chono. 2. For me it makes deity actually really fun to play. Build a holy site early, and do that stupid "holy site prayers" thing until you get one. But tough / unpredictable starts make domination the way to go. With only two wars. Your conquered cities can invest in gold and science - having just 1 or 2 unit producing cities is enough. Imagine playing Monopoly and losing hotels to a band of reavers City States provide another reward for monopolizing a specific district type. Build Order. Your city needs to be on a river and close enough to the ocean to have 1-3 water tiles available to build on. The AI is too At this point chop 1 tree gives 36 production, with Magnus it's 54, with the +50% policy it's 81. The lategame policy cards Collective Activism and International Space Agency (5% culture/science per city-state you're suzerain of) are the big hitters here. The most important one was probably Fez. 195 votes, 22 comments. Slinger - boost archery, kill 3 barbs with warrior for eureka and 1 outpost for cultural eureka; 3. Why is Kumasi the best city-state? Well have a look at my final turn trade routes , yep that's 30 culture Combine that with every flat desert tile in the city improving the gold yield from trade routes you can get huge yields off of these trade routes alone. Just fortify the melee unit. com/subscription_center?add One deity space is at a premium, if you don't take an area another civ will. The main reason is the automatic theming and the access to the Queen’s Bibliotheque . Pangea map on Chieftain or Prince. - Specialization allows one city to produce settlers, one to make units, one to work on religion, etc. They might not be the strongest at any one victory type but you have enough bonuses to comfortably win 3-4 victory types fairly easy even on deity! 6-8 cities, plus a few holy sites so you can get a religion, is a lot of production for a military civ. Civ6 - Strategy & Tips . Revamped Civ 6 Sub Reddit! Come chat, meet, and have fun in the Civ 6 community! Culture the way it's great to win . So one tree = one horseman, you just chop chop chop, get an army of 5-6 horseman (you will need Magnus with the Black Marketeer promotion to have enough horses) and start kicking your neighbors. Small map then I pick wet for Brazil, cold for Russia, and mountains for Japan. Prioritizing a single district and focusing on City States that boost that district will provide more yield than spreading your envoys across multiple district Today we're doing the one city challenge as 🇸🇪Sweden🇸🇪, but this time we're trying to do a cultural victory. Share Sort by: Best. The one-city challenge is a fun one, but a more obvious achievement is It is possible to win on deity with any civ, settings, start, and victory type. I've been trying to get to grips with deity for the past few days now. Babylon very strong with spies. My last win I got really lucky with natural barrier of mountains and city states that basically gave me 1/4 of a pangea in a 6 civ game. Basil’s advantages come from civics, not science, so you can ignore science early. Thread starter My crowning achievement for Civ6after many many tries, I finally won with 1 city on Deity difficulty with 100 population. Regardless of the start. In an OCC tourism is very limited, so having access to 6 more The ideal layout for a perfect cluster of 7 cities is 6 of them in a perfectly evenly spaced hexagon, with a seventh in the middle. So, one of my cities is gone and there's an army on my doorstep, no R5: Won a culture victory as Russia on Deity difficulty - with Pericles and Pedro II also in game Deity screen | One city. The start position of Theodora's Warrior can't reach Suleiman's Settler on Turn 1. This is one of the hardest challenges in CIV 6. Haven't done one because it sounds tedious but I'll probably try at some point. Favorited. Determine a decently good source of faith for theater square buildings (if going religious with Jesuit Education) and for buying late-game civilian units like archaeologists (monumentality golden age) and naturalists (faith purchase only; for building national parks; if no religious focus, will probably be able to build 1 or 2, with strong 10 by 100 is just a general rule of thumb. Modes used: Secret societies, Barb clans, and Monopolies. The key to winning on deity is understanding you start at a huge disadvantage, the AI get extra settlers on turn 1, start with some sciences and civics unlocked, each have at least 2 warriors per settler, and get at least double yields from what I can tell. I also have hills for my unique theatre square and could go for a colloseum that with at least 6 cities Tall city: with One-City games (and Tall play in general), its crucial to get high population. Domination - take every capital on the last turn. 1 City 100 Population Deity. Germany: The ability to build an additional district seems like it could be very helpful. This time we’ll be using the new Tokugawa leading Japan, and I’ll be showing y About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright That one city was better than every empire i’ve ever created on deity before. It sounds to me like you just aren't building enough cities. What is means in most any other instance is any territory that is not in your active line of sight. g. This is what makes Deity difficulty such a Learning to use your units effectively is the difference between taking out 1 civ with your UU's or taking out three civs (like I did in the video) . With extra population tiles can be worked right away. After you get your first win using this guide, you can branch out. For example a single Hurricane can lower population by 5. . Can you win a domination victory with only one city? This is On Turn 1, declare war on Theodora Use your Warrior to capture the Theodora's Settler Settle your own city Congratulations! A Domination Victory on Deity in just a single turn! Note that this doesn't work if you switch the leaders. A subreddit dedicated on the popular turn-based series, Sid Meier's Civilization. I think, after a point most deity games in civ 6 are winnable. With Deity, i go scout first, settler, then in the new found city, pump out a couple of warriers. Arabia, to this day, is one of the strongest hybrid civs in the entire game. Edit:actually that's exactly what it's At this stage of the game AI cities should be easy pickings taking no more then 15-20 turns to eliminate the enemy civ form the game. Ideas and starts that didn't work: Use Grand Tour to spam science wonders. We go throug Best Civs for a One City Challenge in Civ VI? VI - Discussion going to go apostle combat style spreading. It's intended to help you win on Deity as any Civilization, with any victory type you choose, by emphasizing an aggressive playstyle. It's called something like "starting units" on the steam workshop. Since Basil gets the extra GP point from holy sites, you can get by with just 2 cities to begin. Put your army in advantageous positions. Win percentage is debatable here. Hurts the AI and gives you science, gold, or culture. I didn't play on Deity and am not some expert, am I a fanatic actually? Hasn't everyone needed to play "one more turn?" I first played Civ II at my cousins' house. The AI does not build as wide as the player and it's one of their greatest weaknesses. excess production from the bulldozers will carry to the next item that city builds. Deity AI will build walls asap and horse are garbage v walls. I usually keep it really close to chase the barb scout if it gets near. Thanks to the popular Switch port, gamers are finding Civilization 6 to be a phenomenal game with a lot of complexity and depth on even the standard difficulty settings. (1) Rush a religion because the AI gets them all. Win, because score is mostly based off of # cities and # tiles owned, and no civ has an "on settle first city" benefit that outscores "8 free tiles". The AI and my civ are separated by a line of City States. 2 production lines are better than one. I always go builder --> settler, and then maybe 1 troop (slinger/warrior) if the barbs find me, otherwise either another builder or settler. 3. Prioritizing a single district and focusing on City States that boost that district will provide more yield than spreading your envoys across multiple district I never played either Civ 6 expansion but have played one game with the full patches and city state peoples thing. Nice I kinda wanna try one now or at least like Notable City States: I did increase the max numbers of city states to increase my odds of getting the Kilwa boost, but I didn’t use the city state picker. Deity difficulty makes it so the AI receives huge bonuses and therefore is way more agressive than you might be used to. A combination of maybe 3 warriors and a spear or two using a ram will wreck ancient walls. Their dad didn't Rules are whatever you want them to be, but I'd say "One city challange" means just one city. This hopefully sets up for a turn 250-ish win if all goes well. Often I pillage districts of cities I then take - until the end of the war they will not productively use districts anyway and Just build horse and archers to counter their troops and use spear and warriors to siege cities. Expand as much as possible, get your monuments up and start on victory districts which will be expensive at that point. Reply reply FunkierSky4 • I would always suggest smaller maps, I usually use a tiny terra map, you can change the map for specific civs if you want, like Korea is not a bad one on deity. Duel map. I’m going to try my first Civ 6 one city challenge. This mean even size 1 city starts with (7*2)*100%=28 production just becouse it has Holy site Guidelines: Like can any civ win with only one city on large maps? Doesn't matter to me. I've finished the Great Library on deity online speed before too. The Civ 6 wonders I’ve seen so far on my gap year, part 2 0:00 Intro3:05 Starting exploration and building Civ 6 on deity is a game of taking what you are given. One City One District Challenge (OCODC) Deity Science Victory Turn 238 Standard Game Speed No Game Modes, No Mods and Pingala Ban Locked post. Every city you are being painfully taken is a cost. 2 scouts is almost always overkill, you should do scout slinger or even double slinger. (3) Save, save, save faith (Rant) Civ 6 on deity is one of the most frustrating strategy experiences I've ever had. Diplo is easiest, then science, religion, culture, domination. So today we're answering the question. Guaranteed, actually playing a game. So I chose to play as CIVILIZATION VI. Placement. Archer/slinger on city and the rest in tiles next to Subscribe: https://www. I've had a couple of unsuccessful runs, but recently I finally had some success with going for a faith victory. I usually take at most two cities maybe 1 unless planning on a military victory situation. Since I landed in a pretty neat tundra start I decided to go ham on religion (briefly even debated going religious victory), and in hindsight that decision is what made the This is a strategy to get a deity level domination victory using one city. Ideally for deity you want to know the wincon you are aiming for when you start the game (usually based on civ and map type) and then beeline for the importnat techs or civics (writing for a science victory). ) Installation Just unzip into the mod folder, i. They might not be the strongest at any one victory type but you have enough bonuses to comfortably win 3-4 victory types fairly easy even on deity! City States provide another reward for monopolizing a specific district type. Added a menu option to restore the AI's free tech and civic boosts upon entering a new era. Award. 1 . Early encampments are key to achieving victory. you begin with 1 Settler, 1 Warrior and no other bonuses other than those specific to your Leader + Civilization choiceNeedless to say these In this game of Civ 6, we’ll be attempting to win one of, if not the, hardest Civilization VI challenge games I’ve attempted so far!We all know about one cit In this civ 6 deity video guide we are going to be playing Eleanor and go for a one city peaceful domination challenge as France in civ 6 deity. Even if that one in the middle only has an Industrial Zone and nothing else, it'll have enough production to be Turn 100 you won't catch up to them, you really start snowballing around turn 150+. Don't discourage yourself. My policy (for deity) is to aim for 4~6 (good) cities by turn 75, 10-12 by 150, and 16+ by 200. Exceptions are natural wonders with workable tiles. Both are very solid wonders to turn the city you build it in into a powerhouse and the AI almost never competes for it. I'm curious what you guys think are the My crowning achievement for Civ6after many many tries, I finally won with 1 city on Deity difficulty with 100 population. Can it be done? I have no idea. No building or stealing settlers, no capturing cities, rejecting flipping cities. All One City Challenge Deity Victories! Locked post. You don't need too many cities against deity, 6 is more than enough to win scientific. including one versus Saladin that spammed 2 cities in my backyard. It doesn't really matter as long as you are expanding and settling before the mid-game really picks up. It is time to do the one city deity challenge but we will be playing on a small island. It’s hard to specialize without enough I did not address early deity AI aggression, because it’ll become an essay but I’ll share two tips for now: If the AI is extremely close to you they’ll almost always attack you if you go sim city. I tend to build a large number of Much of your Part 1 and most of your Part 2 are relevant to pretty much every Deity game, and you've captured the important aspects really well. Open comment sort options I'm really thinking In a dark age, players now lose 45% of their cities on Mythic, and 5% more cities on each level thereafter. I generally try to capture a few extra cities and then just focus on religion Basil is insane for domination and also religious victories (ideally on Pangaea map) - hippodrome keeps your cities happy and allows you to pump out a huge amount of cavalry, your army is the fastest in the game as you only need cavalry (and potentially religious units to convert their cities) and you get a ridiculous amount of era score Like, the AI isn't really giving me more than 100 lump sum for a luxury lately, but they always seem to sell theirs for 300+ to the YouTubers. AI now only lose 5% of their cities on both Mythic and Transcendental, 0% on higher difficulties. make everything look like this: \Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\DeityPlusPlus\[7 files] Arabia is one of the original civs that came out with civ 6 vanilla. Get more cities ASAP. I m at -50 ish and I m just about to get my first knight to be upgraded. The other huge bonus was a complete removal of the annoying micromanaging required when you have 10-20 cities. 542K subscribers in the civ community. gg/nj85syAJoin this channe => In deity a war starts in Ancient era and then take a while to finish. gg: https://www. The best way to reliably beat deity is to ensure that you have a large empire early on. So that means building both Aquaducts and Dams for Housing (perhaps combining them with an Industrial Zone, as I did, for a total +7 In this image Deity diff, standard speed fractal map, I just won science victory with 18/20 diplomatic points. When I settle a city, I would spend a while planning the districts and wonders in it. (Exception: no additional nerfs were made in the Standard Ruleset because I wanted to provide an option for playing with completely "vanilla" rules at a level higher than Deity. The strategic resources mostly come from Hattusa city state bonus, which grants you +2 per Overview of the city. Cuz by turn 120-150, if you got warred by other civ and/or, rolled a poor poor start, you would be with 4-5 cites and you don't have the options to scale into culture wins. I always play religious on deity on standard speed, I can be way behind on era score and still win by just having a massive faith output. Favorite. There are also a few wonders that are solid and the AI doesn't like for some reason or because the placement requirements are too "difficult". I did, fairly early in the Civ 6 era, try the airforce route, and found it too slow. Expanded initial vision is the only mod I used. 6 production per citizen. as Anybody vs. Focus on defense and learn to properly do city district placement. Early game culture is sooo important (more important than science), since you need to rush Political Philosophy civic. Campuses are not necessary until later on because you can output even more science by building military units in your cities. gg/PotatoMcWhiskey Subscribe: http://www. City placement is a lot more than just “get a 2-2 tile. 4. You'll want to look for features like thermal fissures, natural wonders (for high holy site adjacency bonus), as well as Turning point of the early game was finding the best city state in the game for Portugal, especially in a one city challengeKUMASI. twitch. For settled cities the first thing to build is usually the monument. All AI have two agendas, one is fixed and known, the other is somewhat randomized. turn barbarian clan Basically it comes down to how taxing your barb encounters were and how quickly the AI forward settles you. It gives the AI a chance to ramp up city development too which adds more of a long term challenge on Deity than skirmishes that become a nuisance (or end of your civilization). to really comment. WATCH ME ON TWITCH: http://www. For the better Civ 6 players out there, how are you consistently winning on deity in the most recent Gathering Storm update? Winning Civilization VI on deity difficulty is a feat in itself. Presumably, one's objective is control over their home continent/major land mass before 200, but that's the general timetable. I've never played on Standard, but rather Epic for multiplayer and Marathon for single player; what are your thoughts on how the game speed being slower would affect a one-city challenge on Deity? It could also be "first impression" modifier, which can be positive or negative. My quickest deity win ever was a Kupe religion OCC. Going for science victory since I doubt any of the others are doable. Deity: Immediatly if the city's pop switches to 2 I start producing 1 settler. Eleanor does not need to settle many cities since AIs tend to fill up the space and then you can take those cities from them. If you get this big early on, you're going to eventually steamroll everyone else in science/culture/gold production, which will set you up for whatever victory that you want. com/TL_boesthius DISCORD: https://discord. Again One cool thing about Japan is that you can make a hex of cities around government plaza with campuses surrounding it, and then you only need three other districts across all of it to trigger rationalism in all 6 cities (edit: I'm an Arabia is one of the original civs that came out with civ 6 vanilla. Religious and domination games are going to be ~20 turns slower on a continents map vs pangaea. The tiles adjacent to rivers are quite precious since many wonders need to be built next to For civ 6? Yes, there is. Builder - boost eureka for culture, boost irrigation/horseback/massonry if possible; 4. I've been challenged to do a one city domination victory. Reaching this point actually nullifies the AI production bonus because cities can only finish one thing a turn (not accounting for chops). For your first deity science victory, choose a strong science civ (korea, austrialia, arabia, etc or a generally strong civ like khmer or russia or rome). You can call other AIs to declare war too, you would be surprised on how willing they are. com/@sogergaming?sub_confirmation=1Get the save File for this game on https://discord. Poland is actually a surprisingly good One City Challenge on deity. Shuffle map, legendary start, abundant rescourses. I build every wonder possible of holding relics If you throw in a couple of debaters to take out enemy religious units, a single apostle with translator/proselytizer can pretty much one-shot convert most cities (even the large ones), and if you have extra spreads from Here's a guide on how to beat Deity with whichever leader you prefer, with whichever victory type you’d like. Civ is a complex game, with 3k h in it I still learn new things that blows my mind. Big benchmarks are 8 cities by turn 100 or 12+ cities by turn 120. I started turning barbarians off when I play because they’re such a distraction. Most notable one is Mausoleum at Halicarnassus and Petra. tv/boesthius/ FOLLOW my Twitter: https://twitter. If you meet a civ and their hidden agenda is the large empire one, and it is T5/diety, they likely have 2-3 cities, while you have 1, so you get a per turn stacking -relationship ding. The seowon is less start dependent and still gives good science. xclyy pgrtcv rvi bvu weop fmzk lzf wbfs ctkussi watue kfyq mhu gby jjjp mrqgj