Fairmont sentinel breaking news car accident — Police investigated assault in the 900 block of North Park Street. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 500 block of East Blue Earth Avenue. After working alongside his father at Ron’s Electric Motor Repair, he proudly took over the family business, continuing a legacy built on hard work and Local News. According to a press release on Facebook, deputies were FAIRMONT — Funeral Service for Barbara Clark, 92, of Fairmont, Minn. Petersen, 39, of Victoria; fined $125. – An ordinance violation was reported in the 400 block of North Prairie Avenue. The chargers were purchased for and provided to the city by the Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA), FAIRMONT— Once she got bit by the travel bug, Elizabeth Vineyard started checking destinations off her list. 4, at the United Methodist Church in Fairmont with interment in Welcome City Cemetery. Visitation will be held from 2 to 5 p. Cremation was entrusted to Dahl Funeral and Rody Larios Pol, 33, of Memphis, Tenn. Saturday at the Truman Community Building. No proof of motor vehicle insurance — Maritsa Santos, 32, of St. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported in the 90 block of West I-90, Fairmont. 22, at Divine Mercy Parish St. on Hartman Run A vehicle traveling eastbound on North Avenue collided with another vehicle that was stopped at a red light. Peter Saints 65-52 during Big South Conference basketball action Friday night at Cardinal Gym. Visitation will be one hour prior to the time of service from 10:30 to 11:30 a. Fairmont claims silver at Big South Conference tournament FAIRMONT — Twenty-six members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at The Big South Conference Speech Tournament FAIRMONT— A lot of progress was made on the Bravo Zulu House in 2024, both in terms of fundraising and building. Bergh, 68, of Worthington; both fined $125. 13, at Tracy United Methodist Church. 5:24 p. According to information from FAIRMONT Thursday, November 9 6:41 a. 4-ranked Bulldogs nip the No. Registration will begin 1:15 p. The all-military sober home, located in northern Martin County, is expected to be completed in the late spring of 2025. BOZEMAN, Mont. 11:44 p. 18 3:01 a. They joined Wayne Walter and Lon Oelke as a council. The new members are Tiffany Marlin and Terry Muller and the new mayor is Judith Perkins. Wireless communications device-hold wireless communications device in one or both hands — Jace A. Monday, Jan. [] CEYLON — There will be a cribbage tournament today, Feb. Tuesday, Feb. 6:37 [] 6:44 a. Fairmont Police Sergeant Michael Beletti said his department sees an uptick FAIRMONT Friday, October 27 11:01 a. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported at 170th Street and 190th Avenue. 7 when an ATV went partly through. The driver of the SUV refused a roadside sobriety test, 10:33 p. Expired registration — Justin J. FAIRMONT Friday, Jan. According to the State Patrol: A 2012 Harley Davidson motorcycle driven by Randall Joseph Kass, age 58, of McHenry, Ill. By 1975, Switras said he hit the ground [] March 11, 2025 - Local News. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 400 block of Victoria JACKSON — A Celebration of Life Service to honor the life and legacy of Rodger Bosshart, 89, of Jackson, will be held at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Jackson at 1 p. — A one vehicle accident at westbound I-90, milepost 109, Pleasant Prairie Township, Martin County, resulted in non-life threatening injuries to those persons who were involved. The caller was in a vehicle in the 1300 block of 130th Avenue and proceeding to Fairmont for medical care. Cloud; each fined $285. 2:26 p. FAIRMONT Monday, Feb. 15, 2023, at approximately 10:20 a. FAIRMONT Friday, December 27 4:00 a. Guerra, 30, of Fairmont was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. State Street in Fairmont, as the fuel tanks are being removed. 2:13 p. He got his PhD over 10 years, while also serving in Vietnam from 1968 to 1971. 19 and 20 combined triggered the fog event. — A driving complaint was reported at State Street and Blue Earth Avenue. The Knowle with members receiving news from the students pertaining to their safety. A report was made. — A driving complaint was reported in the 800 block of 120th Street, Sherburn. 28, at St. The program has a goal of recognizing up and coming local leaders and inspiring others to work toward On Wednesday the Martin County Sheriff’s Office put out a press release regarding a shooting that took place on July 3 in rural Truman. 10:29 a. National Weather Service Meteorologist Brennan Dettmann said the snowfall on Dec. Saturday, Dec. They are also planning a tournament on Feb. WELCOME — There will be an American Red Cross blood drive from 9 a. Wednesday, Feb. Johnson, 29, of Fairmont was convicted of operating vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. The first incident happened on Fox Lake at 3 a. 8-ranked North Union Warriors, 70-68, Tuesday NORTHFIELD — Dorothy “Dotty” Leone Peterson, 98, of Northfield, Minn. 7, local officials are saying the ice conditions this year are unlike any before across all lakes. m. “The land is located west of Winnebago in Sections 33 and 34 of Winnebago [] FAIRMONT — The Fairmont Raceway is getting a face-lift before its season starts Friday, May 5, with Opening Night. 3:58 p. I was sickened to learn that Trump has pardoned 1,550 January 6 [] FAIRMONT— D & S Trophies & Embroidery just wrapped up its third year of gifting 100 students around Martin County an apparel package so that the students can proudly boast their school spirit. — Police received a call about a motor vehicle accident-hit & run from the 1000 block of East [] Local News. “For southern Minnesota, some places had seen up to 8 inches but generally 3 to 5 inches,” he said. 2:48 p. Vickie Greiner has been charged with one count of felony theft by swindle and one count of felony theft. Data released from Community Health and Human Services of Faribault and Martin Counties showed [] FAIRMONT Wednesday, Feb. The meeting was a continuation of the Dec. Dengler, 44, of [] FAIRMONT— Several members of the community, including some from the Fairmont Lakes Foundation, Inc. After the ground breaking in May 2024, persistent and heavy rain put a damper [] CEYLON — Harry Potter Trivia Night begins at 7:30 p. tonight at the Lake Belt Bar and Grill in Ceylon. 14, at the FAIRMONT Tuesday, June 4 3:26 a. Visitation will be Monday, Dec. in Welcome. NewsBreak provides real-time local updates to keep you informed about your community and nearby towns. Burial will follow at the church cemetery. “We want to make sure that this is a family event and we get people from the city and surrounding FAIRMONT — A benefit for Hartley and Cody Snyder of East Chain will take place this Saturday, July 10 from 4:30- 8:30 p. , Feb. Bahr, 81, of Granada; Craig J. ”. P “The Big Bopper” Richards, In the Fairmont city limits, 30 DWIs and 4 crashes had been reported by this time last year. The victims have all been released from hospitals and a suspect has been [] CEYLON — The Ceylon City Council met on Tuesday evening and the new council members had been sworn in at a previous time. deep by 160 ft. 8:11 a. 9, at the Fairmont American Legion, 300 Downtown Plaza in Fairmont. There will be also be blood drives from 12:30 to 6:30 p. Adam Wells is a deputy with the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, one of the organizations responsible for the safety of people on area lakes, who also ice fishes himself. ** There will be a [] FAIRMONT— A Fairmont mother and son have been accused of swindling more than half a million dollars from Commodity Services Inc. — Police received a report of suspicious circumstance near 2nd Street and North Main Street. at Trinity Church in Welcome and 10 a. 16, [] Local News Briefly. The council made the following appointments [] FAIRMONT — The Fairmont Cardinals defeated the St. — Police received a Police say the man was driving a white, two-door vehicle westbound on W. — Police investigated a motor vehicle accident/no injury in the 1900 block of Highway 15. Cody’s sister, Jessica Roeschen, said he was diagnosed with focal Fairmont Speech wins Scarlet Invitational FAIRMONT — Twenty-two members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the “Scarlet Invitational” Speech Tournament on Saturday, Feb. — Police assisted the ambulance in the 800 block of South Hampton Street. Koppen said that he and the city’s interim administrator, Jeff O’Neill, have been in conversation with the publication, which covers PARKERSBURG — Two people were injured in a single vehicle accident Monday that was investigated by the Wood County Sheriff’s Office. Also convicted of speeding; fined $135. Valeria was called to her eternal rest on Wednesday FAIRMONT— Erica Berhow is one of four Martin County residents who has been selected as this year’s 4 Under 40. 8:03 a. Mekosch, 25, of Winnebago; Benjamin J. Since the last referendum in 2016, the student population has increased from 221 to 296. He shared some [] Born on May 6, 1951, in Fairmont, Minn. The council members with complaints against them are Britney Kawecki, Wayne Hasek and Jay Maynard. With that comes new hazards people need to watch out for. James; Isaiah M. Assistance was rendered. Gavin E. March 18, 2025. Cartwright to the DNR. 16, at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairmont. 2:39 p. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 2500 block of 115th Street, Fairmont. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Brooke B. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Marian K. 13, and noon to 6 p. BLUE EARTH— The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) received the approval of the Faribault County Board of Commissioners at its meeting on Tuesday to acquire and transfer ownership of approximately 330 acres owned by David D. Typically the buildings are 60 ft. 5 12:04 a. The single-vehicle crash occurred in a curve in the 800 block of White Rock Road Complete North Carolina accident reports and news. 4 3:39 a. Any cribbage players are invited to join them. – A suspicious vehicle was reported at 170th Street “What we describe ourself as is what affordable housing is to residential, we are affordable ways for commercial tenants to be able to purchase a spot to base their business in,” Sprague said. Wednesday, March 5 WINNEBAGO — A celebration of life for Craig Germain, 81, of Winnebago, Minn. 31 12:26 a. A private family burial will be held at a later date. 17, hosted by Mankato West High School. The council first authorized the public works department and city The car wash, however, will remain with the new owner. 4:57 p. 9:50 a. Rody Larios Pol, 33, of Memphis, Tenn. FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council on Monday heard from Community Development Director, Pat Oman, regarding a federal appropriation request for the Fairmont Fire Hall. will be held at 11 a. 7:56 a. On Friday, Feb. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 2300 block of Memorial Park Drive, Fairmont. Bob [] FAIRMONT — Funeral Service for Barbara Clark, 92, of Fairmont, Minn. , passed away Friday, Sept. The two men were involved in a MORGANTOWN, W. Peter Lutheran Church will have its Annual Meeting after its 10 a. , with play starting around 1:30 p. Many students commented on how the higher visibility of staff members in the building has made them feel Michael A. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 10 block of East Ken Rue Lane. 11:43 a. — An animal complaint/bite was reported at Interstate 90 and Highway 263, Welcome. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Bancroft. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 900 block of East Blue Earth FAIRMONT – With three ice fall-throughs since Friday Feb. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 400 block of Forest Street. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 1300 block of Johnson Police. FAIRMONT — A Fairmont School bus traveling south along Albion Avenue in Fairmont was involved in an accident with a semi-truck at the intersection of Albion Ave and Lake Aires Road. A written warning was issued. 17 meeting. — Police investigated a threats complaint in the 500 block of Home Street. 12 at the Tracy Area Funeral [] The vehicle in question was gone on arrival. — An animal complaint/bite was received from the 400 block of East 6th Street. The car dealerships in town will also allow use of rental cars. MARTIN COUNTY. This year, the DWI number is down to 22, and the crash number is up to 8. Along with the full council, Mayor Lee Baarts, Interim City Administrator Jeff [] FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council held a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon to discuss allegations against three individual council members. What’s more is that the new technology was developed by local inventor, Mark Gaalswyk, founder and CEO of Easy Automation, Inc. Mayor Lee Baarts said the council would be tasked with [] ARMSTRONG — Lake Mills’ 6-foot-5 tandem of Aiden Stensrud and Lance Helming each netted double-doubles to help the Iowa Class 1A No. 8:47 p. deep by 32 ft. , spoke during open discussion at the Fairmont City Council meeting on Monday regarding the council’s reconsideration of approval on farm lease agreement terms. SHERBURN/WELCOME. — With unemployment still high and the pandemic threatening yet another economic slump, President-elect Joe Biden is assembling a team of liberal advisers who have long focused on the nation’s workers and government efforts to address economic inequality. At the last regular Fairmont City Council meeting on Nov. — Police assisted the ambulance in the 500 block of [] FAIRMONT – Lakes, roads and homes are all starting to feel the effects of winter. Melissa M. at Spencer-Owen Funeral Home in Winnebago, and one hour prior [] FAIRMONT Monday, Dec. FAIRMONT — The Fairmont Knowledge Bowl team sent its coach and a few student members to tell the school board about the organization Tuesday night. John’s Lutheran Church in Sherburn. 10:39 a. 1:57 a. 19, 2025, at Mayo [] DUNNELL — A Celebration of Life Service for Valeria M. — A suspicious person was reported at Highway 15 and Johnson Street. 8, 2025, at Avera Morningside Heights Care Center in Marshall. Snow emergency — Cole S. 6:14 p. 17 at the same place and time. — Police responded to a motor vehicle accident-no injury in the 800 block of Albion Avenue. , formerly of Fairmont, Minn. 21, at Oakcrest Funeral Services [] BLUE EARTH— Faribault County will be receiving $18,781 in Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funds following the approval of accepting the grant by the Faribault FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council heard an update regarding work slated for the Gomsrud channel wall during its meeting on Monday. Authorities on scene confirmed to Sandhills Sentinel that the child was strapped into a car seat at the time of the crash. Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p. Funeral Services will be held at 1 p. Va (WDTV) - One person was killed in a vehicle accident in Monongalia County Tuesday morning. A written report wa made. — An animal [] FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. The call was cleared. All participants made it off the lake safely and called it [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Vanessa Y. As the item was under the consent agenda, no conversation was had. — Police investigated a motor vehicle theft in the 400 block of South State Street. Flohre, 38, of Blue Earth was convicted of fifth-degree possession of drugs in schedule I, II, III, IV-not a small amount of marijuana; fined $1,360, sentenced to jail 85 days, credit for time served 85 days, supervised probation five [] People flying in can use the airport’s courtesy car to go into town, to a meeting or do whatever else they need to. 18, Administrator Matt Skaret []. Also convicted of driving after revocation; fined $200. today, Feb. — Police rendered assistance to the fire department in the 900 block of Police. 6, 2024, in Bozeman, as a result of a car/pedestrian accident. was convicted of uninsured vehicle-driver violation; fined $200. at the Eagles Club in Fairmont. The Circle of Faith services are at 9 a. will be 11:30 a. Peter’s impressive eight-game winning streak during Friday night’s Big South Conference girls basketball clash. 30 from 4 to 6 p. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported in the 1400 block of Lake Avenue, Fairmont. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 1400 block of 30th Street, Ceylon. 9:35 a. , to Ronald and Margie (Hamilton) Maloney, Al graduated from Madelia High School in 1970 and served with pride in the Army National Guard for six years. 2:48 a. 9:20 a. on Tuesday, Dec. Fueled by a great defensive first half and Levi Pooley’s 18-point FAIRMONT— Fairmont Brewing Company is celebrating one year under new ownership on Friday, Jan. Brooke Wohlrabe Editor/Publisher fatigue and headaches up to stress and over-working and the dizzy spells could be explained because she had been in an accident five years earlier and had experienced FAIRMONT Monday, Dec. Feb 9, 2024. Locally, numbers released on Monday showed showed a dip in cases, but health officials think it’s a matter of time until they’re on the rise again. — Theft (includes [] GRANADA—Over 20 parents and community members attended Thursday’s first Community Check-In public meeting at Granada-Huntley-East Chain to discuss a potential referendum. A service to honor Dorothy’s remarkable FAIRMONT— On Monday Minnesota surpassed 1 million Covid-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. 1:28 p. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported in the 2200 block of 125th Street, Fairmont. Chadwick, 30, of Truman; Nicole A. , will be at 11:30 a. Notable songs include “La Bamba” and “Donna. 11:55 a. A feasibility study for WILMINGTON, Del. Diaz, 22, of Fairmont was convicted of open bottle law-drinking an consumption; fined $185. Fairmont Police Chief Michael Hunter, who’s been in police work since 1995, said online crash forms were first utilized in the early 2000s. In team sweepstakes results, Fairmont took 1st place with 141 points; Mankato West took 2nd place with 89 points; and St. Tuesday, Jan. FAIRMONT — A 34-year-old Fairmont man died Saturday in a two-vehicle accident that also left a 31-year-old Granada man with serious injuries. National FFA Week will be celebrated Feb. His journey started in childhood when his interest stemmed from his mother’s job as a school psychologist. Both faced harassment complaints and both opted to have their hearings done in an open meeting format. FAIRMONT–Last month Poppe’s store and gas station, the last locally owned gas station in Fairmont, announced it would be closing but since then a lot of activity has been taking place at the business, located at 1317 N. Deputies intercepted the caller’s [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Tarynn C. FAIRMONT Monday, November 27 9:15 a. to 3 p. 10, at the Welcome Legion Hall. was convicted of uninsured vehicle-driver FAIRMONT Thursday, March 13 10:54 a. Saturday, December 21. — A report of trespassing was received from the 300 block of [] FAIRMONT — A Granada man is charged with third-degree assault after a woman reported he punched and kicked her over a cell phone. Winegard, 23, of Fairmont; fined $135. 31, at First Presbyterian Church of Winnebago, with Pastor Jill Emery officiating. Brase, 42, of Fairmont was convicted of operating an uninsured vehicle-driver violation; fined $285. Sharon Rosen Sentinel Correspondent. Sunday, October 29. Janet Yellen, announced Monday as Biden’s nominee for treasury secretary, served as chair Accident Report Thursday, Aug. 17, 2024 special city council meeting. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 200 block of West 8th Street. Also convicted of driving without a valid license Ritchie Valens had several hits in his eight-month career. — Theft (includes attempt) from a motor vehicle was reported in the Police. For heat, Day [] FAIRMONT – Fairmont Clinical Psychologist Joseph Switras has served the community for 50 years. — An event permit for Borderline Cruisers Car Club, Borderline Cruisers Car Show on June 8, 2024. Due to the road conditions, the vehicle left the roadway collided with the FAIRMONT – Cold spots have come a few times this winter, and the strain this puts on homes and vehicles can create difficult situations. — An event permit for FAIRMONT— A special city council meeting was held on Wednesday to go over the allegations against Fairmont City Council Member Britney Kawecki, an individual subject to City Council’s authority. FAIRMONT – The fog Fairmont experienced around and after Christmas is set to subside as temperatures decrease. 11:24 a. 30 12:09 p. Derek Daniel Wickert, 30, of Granada faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. — A civil complaint was reported in the 100 block of East Freund Street, Northrop. 3, 1959, also known as “The Day the Music Died,” Valens, Buddy Holly and J. SHERBURN/WELCOME 10:20 a. — A civil complaint was received from the 400 block of Victoria Street. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported at 140th Street and 130th Avenue, Fairmont. , passed away on Saturday morning, Dec. on Friday, June 20 with visitation and FAIRMONT— The Fairmont Economic Development Authority (FEDA) on Monday heard from Coordinator Ned Koppen about an exciting feature that will be done on the city of Fairmont in an upcoming issue of Business View Magazine. , the Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to an emergency call regarding an accidental shooting. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Jose F. wide and split into five units so each unit is 60 ft. rented a car and drove up through Bryce Canyon National Park and Zion National Park in Utah and then Accidental shooting in Martin County on Sunday FAIRMONT — On Oct. Both drivers sustained life-threatening injuries, according to a news One person was transported to the hospital after a rollover crash just outside of Vass on Thursday night. Being injured in a serious accident is always a shocking and scary experience, and dealing with the aftermath is exhausting and stressful. The accident occurred at approximately 7:15 a. , and a [] As a result of paying about $350 for trip insurance, On Call International covered the medical part of Dunham’s travel back to Fairmont, providing a car and driver to the airport in Hawaii, a skilled nurse to travel with him, and a car and driver from the Minneapolis airport to the Fairmont hospital. on Feb. Specifically, the comments made were in regards to water quality in the chain of lakes. There are currently 33 planes kept at the airport. Carlson, 81, of Fairmont, Minn. 8:53 p. The vehicle in question was gone upon arrival, Fairmont. Wednesday, Jan. — Police investigated a weapons complaint in the 100 block of West 9th Street. Come and enjoy a 1/3 pound burger, burger toppings, baked beans, chips and a beverage. The Martin County Sheriff’s Office has been investigating this incident and working with multiple agencies throughout southern Minnesota. 7:09 p. – A disabled/abandoned vehicle was reported at Albion Avenue and Water Street. , will be at 11 a. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 1200 block of Victoria Street. While the brewery opened at its Downtown Plaza location in April of 2022, it’s been under the ownership of three couples— Bob and Diane Luedtke, Tom and Crystal Chapman and Alexandra Hurney and Josh Tesdahl— since December of 2023. at First Lutheran Church [] FAIRMONT— On Wednesday there was a hearing on allegations against Fairmont City Council Members Wayne Hasek and Jay Maynard, which was a continuation of a Dec. 17-24 this year. Rosa, 42, of Fairmont was convicted of trespass-occupy or enter locked dwelling or posted building; fined $185, sentenced to jail 90 days, stayed 87 days for one year, credit for time served three days, one year supervised probation, sentence to service eight hours for indeterminate, contact probation officer as directed, restitution reserved for 90 days, 3:41 p. 7:02 p. Per state statute, the council members with complaints against them had the opportunity to hold the 9:52 a. BANCROFT, Iowa — A funeral Mass for John Goche, 90, of Bancroft, will be held at 10:30 a. , will be 11 a. — Police investigated a fraud/counterfeiting complaint in the 1200 block of Goemann Road. 8:50 a. — Theft (includes attempt) from a motor vehicle was reported in LUCAN — Clair Kelly, 81, of Lucan, passed away Wednesday, Jan. 21 6:55 a. According to t