Galaxy s10 change csc xda Terms and Change CSC on S10 (BTU to TPH) is possible? BrauliX; Sep 15, 2019; Replies 1. I want to enable the native call recording option in samsung but am aware it only works in certain regions. 7" phone with a 1440x3040p resolution display. XDA App Taskforce. rowdykumar786 said: XDA Developers was founded by Now you can not change CSC code with firmware + SIM-card. Probably Bixby Routines, which I find very good and can completely replace Tasker unless you need very specific tasks to be done, XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. Also, U firmware is identical for the 4 base files (AP, BL, CP, CSC) for each individual build, no matter which carrier it comes from. Replies 631. 1-* For Galaxy S10/e/+/5G Only for exynos variants - G970F / G973F / G975F / G977B (Europe - Global, CSC version: G970FOXM9ETLJ Modem version: G970FXXU9ETLJ Changelist: CL20607146 G973 XDA Question Can't change CSC from T-Mobile to Verizon with firmware S908USQU2AVDC. Now the tool will connect to your phone, check and list the available CSCs which your phone model supports as shown in the pic attached. Samsung Galaxy S10+ May 8, 2020 #23 m_reyna_16 said: Will changing the csc erase the entire XDA App Taskforce. S. Both currently have a CSC for Freedom Mobile (GLW). Galaxy S10 Firmware update. Recently i bought a snapdragon s20+(g9860) hong kong model. There is a bit more complicated procedure to be done before you can permanently change the Adjust your Country Specific Code (CSC) as per the following procedure. During the last few days I have locked, unlocked, locked and unlocked again, probably 15 or 20 times to test various scenarios. Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers Good news! i was able to change CSC on my S10+. (I recommend Samsung's bundle cable in the phone box. :good::good: galaxy S10 S10+ S10E please do not copy/paste this thread Now you can not change CSC code with firmware + SIM-card. Check the "Auto" button. Unlock your bootloader. yestarday i brought brand new g975u with preinstalled android 9 with no ota's couse i am not from usa and csc is for usa, so i test flashed other carrier branded csc firmware verizon (G975UOYN5GUBH) android 11 with sw 5 i cannot downgrading os (lower sw number ) i think couse locked/new bootloader how can i flash lower sw firmware need to flash correct Even if you can't change the CSC, you can always flash the Tmobile rom (zip) Samsung Galaxy S10+ Oct 3, 2021 #4 Mindripper72 said: Tried flashing tmobile software using Odin. B. We can oder EU-models but the CSC and region code isn't "DBT" to get right special apps. In this updated guide I will show you how to change the CSC region of your Samsung Galaxy device, for FREE to get updates quicker and enable Call Recording. Thread starter SOULEYMANE10; Start date Oct 29, 2023; Forums. Thread starter akakig; Start date Nov 16, 2021; Change CSC on S10+ without root or odin. Jan 17, 2015 51 6. Oct 4, 2019. Reboot to download mode and flash vbmeta_disabled. I want to change csc of my galaxy s10, which tool is most good? Can you suggest me any tools except samkey, chimera? S. Thread starter amosolidu; Start date Nov 19, 2020; Samsung Galaxy S10+ Guides, News, & Discussion. country_code adb shell getprop ro. Reactions: joemill and MANLEY7878. XDA Developers was Flashing OXM firmware for target CSC is a precaution and to ensure everything will work exactly the same as if the device came with the CSC. StoneyJSG Senior Member. ru_dimka; Mar 4, 2019; 30 31 32. only got the dammed "OXA" csc code which is not helping at all. When android 11 came out, I sent the German firmware with Odin, XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. However my phone has OXM CSC and shows as TPH (portuguese). See how other XDA members rate various facets of the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G like app launch speed, Thread General Waiting for any available methods/firmware to change CSC on SM-R960 (Galaxy Watch 6 Classic BT) csc change s10 s10+ software update software update fail Replies: 9; Forum XDA Developers was founded by developers, I'm lead to believe that I can change the CSC to one of those, because it appears since switching to GCF, also underneath Service provider SW ver. 1-* For Galaxy S10/e/+/5G Only for exynos variants - G970F / G973F / G975F / G977B when I flashed the magisk-patched file, YES, I also added in the stock BL, CP, CSC files (CSC, not HOME_CSC). The Galaxy S10 May firmware update has started to appear and users will be wanting to update their firmware without losing their data and keep their Magisk root. Click on "Check galaxy s10 repair screen replacement price teardown video NOTHING HELPED. So, my carrier will be AT&T, but since I will be in Canada, my phone will be on the Rogers cellular network. Kanzar XDA Developers was Samsung Galaxy S10+ Guides, News, & Discussion. Samsung Galaxy S10 Guides, News, & Discussion. The diag codes depend on the type of sim card being used, Galaxy s10 plus XAA CSC to Canadian TLS. How to change S9/S9+ CSC (Only Same Model Number's CSC) This officially makes iNS CSC the best Samsung Galaxy experience and the most featured, plus everything is in English. However, the firmware of the KOO model was put in AP,BL,CP,CSC,USERDATA and it does not change. Latest: itsCapPrice; A moment ago; Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. XDA Developers was Recently i bought a snapdragon s20+(g9860) hong kong model. Official TWRP 3. orlandson. A private company in Korea tried this Je viens d'acquérir un Galaxy S10e modèle SnapDragon en import avec un CSC en TGY (Hong-Kong) et je voudrais passer le CSC en XEF pour recevoir les dernières mises à jour. XDA Developers was founded by developers, Csc Change. Jan 24, 2020 How to Change IMEI on Galaxy s10. amosolidu. I want to change CSC via SamFW (mainly to allow call recording). 5. When the Fold 4 rebooted, it went into RECOVERY and told me it required a FACTORY RESET. I saw many posts here about people struggling to change csc from skc to koo or international*** Others had issue with their phone suddenly lost network and just displays emergency calls only**** so I have s10 sm-g973n which had csc as koo then flashed skc my mistake. I was happy and of course updated directly. I already have a rooted Samsung Galaxy S10+ (Model - SM-G975F/DS) Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+/S10 5G/E Cross Device Deve Development Convert CSC To US Carriers Change CSC Codes Using S24_CSC_Changer_Module Or Odin Flashable. My new SW ver. Download S10 Lite: r5q. Apr 7, 2020. You can change to the same Model Number's CSC. I tried many times; Performed FACTORY RESET. Jul 28, 2014 1,197 194. StoneyJSG. hi. The HOME_CSC_OXM file, on the other hand, will not act in any way on the internal memory. In U firmwares I see that CSC does not change now . So I started to solve the problem by myself. DOWNLOADS Frija Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Phone info app This app will tell you the CSC value to use in frija Odin USB driver A "U to U" or "U1 to U1" flash does not require a factory reset, but changing from one firmware to the other will require one. For phones with Magisk root only without TWRP. US/Canada bootloader unlock thread: here Download & Guide: 1. 3D Printing Android Auto Android Mods Android TV Apps & Games Themes Wear OS Smartwatches Windows 11 XDA Computing. R. Would not boot up normally. Samsung. Go to the "Settings" of your device. I ended up returning that phone (Ebay) and getting one that was already setup for TFN XDA Developers was founded by developers, Already flashed with Odin the TPH version but in the end always appears BTU / BTU in the device information. I may need to do all again and change to TEL as Telstra rollout their Small Cell towers if the unbrand XSA firmware does not fix the connection issue when travelling thru Ask your questions about the Samsung Galaxy S10 and get answers from the community! Please be as specific as 3D Printing Android Auto Android Mods Android TV Apps & Games Themes Wear OS Smartwatches Windows 11 XDA Computing. tar in AP slot and reboot. Download and install QPST 3. Samsung Galaxy S10+ ROMs, working, it just failed. Hi, I am looking to purchase a galaxy s10 and live in the UK. AFAIK the ROM is not multi CSC, if possible, I would like to know: * Is there a CSC unbranded Spanish stock ROM for this . It works in Android 13 / One UI 5. Step 3. Terms and rules; Samsung Galaxy S10 Questions & Answers [ROM] [S23 FE PORT Samsung Galaxy S10+ Guides, download the latest Pie-firmware for your own CSC, flash AP BL CP & CSC_OXM -> your device will reset afterwards which is mandatory! Last edited: Nov 28, 2019. Device will reboot to stock recovery mode prompting you to wipe data so wipe data and reboot to download Samsung Galaxy S10 Questions & Answers I'd like to change my CSC code from BTU to XEO but without wiping the phone and without tripping Knox. Same issue - still no 5G service still usnign ATT CSC; Called TMOB and they recommended I remove the Hi, I own a Samsung Galaxy S10 lite Dual Sim SM-G770F and Baseband G770FXXS3CTI1and Service provider SW ver. When I use SamFW to change CSC to "KSA" (KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA) it gives me an "OK" on everything and reboots the system but the CSC doesn't change, when you check "service provider software version" it still Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers Change CSC on S10+ without root or odin. Restored the phone from SAMMY Cloud. You must have sufficient technical understanding to make a system flash hack to change your phone’s VoLTE and WiFi calling would work with Compatible Carriers but CSC won't change as there is no CSC for other regions in the firmware. I would like to change the CSC to KOO in Korea. 2 A. Steps: Go to the "Settings" of your device. XDA Developers was founded by developers, I bought a refurbished Galaxy s10 in Switzerland and after I received it I realised it is the Snapdragon Version. 1 is not longer availe in Germany. Views 5K. Mar 16, 2011 13,424 10,019 Phoenix Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 / S7 Plus Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. Views 16K As it turned out all I could do was change the CSC from NEE/XEU, NEE/NEE to XSA/XSA,XSA/NEE. Forums. Sometimes we try to modify our phones and it goes wrong, fret not it can be restored. Samkey) onaisjwy; Apr 7, 2020; Replies 1. Locked; How to Change IMEI on Galaxy s10. xdagee Senior Member. Latest update: I am now working with ianmacd (the current maintainer of Unnofficial TWRP for the s10/+/e) to bring youse and myself a working twrp for our devices!, according to my observations and Ian's observations when building a custom kernel that the s10 5g is more different than the s10/+/e range so please be patient while me an Ian work on this. If you are curious to know more about AP, BL, and CP, we have Here we have shared two methods to change the CSC code on your Samsung Galaxy devices. Download and extract this zip file: 00028874. Views 19K. Reactions: 81! 81! Senior Member. Thread starter samirski; Galaxy S24 Ultra pre-order, offers etc. Samsung Galaxy S10 Guides, News, & Discussion (ITV-A715FXXU3ATK1) maybe is bettar to dwngrade then after having android 10 I will be able to change csc from dial (google phone) XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. 6. And from there it hung in a boot S10+ CSC CHANGE. The process is similar to when you first rooted your phone but you need all the firmware files and DO NOT wipe. I am from Brazil and my csc is zto is there any problem if I upgrade to my Galaxy s10? what should i do to keep my data too? Time to upgrade should i put XDA Developers was csc change csc code samsung csc samsung g9750 csc change samsung s10 plus sm g9750 update csc; Replies : 1; Forum add language csc csc change galaxy grand samsung csc; Tags ••• Breadcrumb; Tags. XDA Samsung Galaxy S10 Questions & Answers I could see the app on my phone (where the CSC change worked fine) so I knew what I needed, but couldn't get it to happen. En effet, la In this article, we’ll focus on Samsung CSC and Samsung CSC codes only. How to change S9/S9+ CSC (Only Same Model Number's CSC) I'm with Samsung galaxy S10 plus international exynos version. I have read that it is possible by flashing HOME_CSC file. With the launch of Galaxy S10 series, Samsung seems to have changed the rules, making it more difficult to change the Short answer is no, you can not change your CSC only by flashing a different firmware via Odin. However, I still want to use Odin to upgrade the firmware to Android 11 as I'm still stuck on Android 9 (may 2019 update) and I can no longer bear it. I'd like to change the CSC. discussion thread. I am switching to an AT&T plan, but will still be in Canada most of the time, with occassional trips to the USA. Change CSC? bogdi1988; Jun 7, 2019; Replies 7. I've read to some forums as well that build details should be the same for me to successfully change csc but for sm g9750, its only available for tgy. How to change a CSC code on S10? I used HOME_CSC to prevent data wiping. Good evening. XDA Developers was founded by So you have bricked your Samsung S10 series handset and you need it fixed. 2. Not working for most and accused of hacking so 3D Printing Android Auto Android Mods Android TV Apps & Games Themes Wear OS Smartwatches Windows 11 XDA Computing. A. Does anyone have any idea how to change the CSC? The command *#1234# shows the CSC is loaded, but the phone software still shows the CSC as BUT/BTU,BTU/BTU ann i want to change to TPH. 4. Enter into Diagnostic Mode on your phone by dialing *#0808# and then select RMNET + DM + MODEM + ADPL (Do not close that app until we finish) 4. Galaxy S10 Lite G770U, G770W and G770F only. But this method does not work anymore. XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. Reactions: kxdaorbit. sales_code So TNX and also this post may help others who just try to find CSC region code for a watch with multi regional CSC Root Samsung Galaxy S10 Series Android 12, WITHOUT Ramdisk Root Samsung S10+ - S10 - S10e SM-G97xxx, Stock CSC, and with vbmeta_disabled in userdata and then perform factory reset in stock recovery to boot successfully? My phone: XDA Developers was founded by developers, csc change csc code samsung csc samsung g9750 csc change samsung s10 for Galaxy Note. C. I cant use Samsung Pay in Germany. I have UK unbranded S10 I wanted to change the csc to DBT so I can get updates faster and get the android 10 beta . I tried to change the csc code again to NEE, but it is not swsert; Thread; Jun 23, 2012; csc code ics nordic rom samsung galaxy note Replies: 2; Forum: Galaxy Note GT-N7000 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting; Tags ••• Breadcrumb; Tags. Lot's of result The CSC_OXM file is used to restore the internal memory as factory, this will delete all personal data in the phone memory, all applications and data associated with it. i haven't done anything to change CSC so I guess that means I am using BTU - United Kingdom, XDA Developers was founded by developers, firmware is oxm multi csc, which include the following cscs: acr afg afr aro ato aut bgl bng bri btc btu cac cam cho coo dbt dkr ect egy eon etl eur glb ilo ins itv ksa lao lux lys mid mm1 mwd mym nee npl orx pak phe phn rom seb see sek ser sin skz slk sma sth thl thr tmc tpa tph ttt tun tur wtl xef xeh xeo xeu xfe xme xsg xsp xtc xxv zto I bought a Galaxy S23+ device in Canada, model SM-S916W. csc. Go to "About phone" and "Software information". I could easily change the CSC code on my Note9: Samsung Galaxy S10 Guides, News, & Discussion XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. I downloaded the firmware using SamFirm v0. zip (Attached by SteveHG @ post #86 in this thread), 2. Colmdave; XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. Was SPR and any G975U firmware I tried, the SPR stuck. I want to change csc of my galaxy s10, which tool is most good? (Feat. I bought 3 samkey credits from the ebay seller , the csc changed to DBT/DBT,DBT/BTU but as soon as I put my Uk sim card It asked to restart the phone the csc changed to DBT/XEU,XEU/BTU . Terms and rules; How to convert s10-g973N to sm-g973f, change csc from skc to koo or any another, fix Hello, I bought a Galaxy S10E SM-G970F in Germany in 2019 and I am using a German sim provider. Replies 21. Of course, all you have to do: 1. Step 2. SAOMC_SM-G770F_OXM_PHE_QQ_0012RF8N21MRDVJ PHE/PHE,PHE/XSG. The phone you use is Galaxy samsung galaxyS10 5G(SM-G977N) But there's a problem. I had to load the Nordic countries firmware as I was already on v4 and it was only one available. Last edited: Dec 20, 2020. Had this INS/INS, INS/INS in service provider SW ver in phone software info initially. K. Write your device's Model Number and CSC (Your model number is at Settings, then About phone). There are no posts matching your filters. bleros. I can use Samsung Pay in Greece . Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+/S10 5G/E Cross Device Deve Question help change csc for s22 ultra Japanese model : sc-52c. Reviews of the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G. Mar 16, 2011 13,424 10,022 Phoenix Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 / S7 Plus *#243203855# CSC change, *#2683662# lab test, and *#27663368378# diag menu. com Allows you to change your csc for free. 4 varcor. EDIT: this 2 adb commands also works: adb shell getprop ro. XDA Developers was I sure can, just wondering if it's gonna work since last time I did that on my S7 it didn't work. ) According to XDA community member, Intratech, these are the steps you must follow to change your CSC: Step 1. I'm trying to find a way to do it without resetting it. Apr 7, 2020 #2 There's a whole thread discussing that here: XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. maddie01 Senior Member. Views 6K. Views 16K. I want to change my csc to european csc to get faster updates. G973U and How to change S9/S9+ CSC (Only Same Model Number's CSC) this method of changing CSC using realterm will work also for S10+ or not? by the way, I owned S10 plus (SM-G975U1) Click to expand XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. Aug 29, 2020. I can download most any CSC and install it with no problems but I would like to know which works best in USA with a SM-G965F Galaxy S10+ factory unlocked How to change S9/S9+ CSC (Only Same Model Number's CSC) this method of changing CSC using realterm will work also for S10+ or not? by the way, I owned S10 plus (SM-G975U1) Click to expand XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. Jun 24, 2019. rinku2012; Mar 19, 2019; 4 5 6. Now the tool will connect to your phone, check and list the available CSCs which your phone model supports as Hi I'm S10 5G User. S10+ Live Demo Units have network capabilities. Samsung Galaxy S10+ Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. When I check the samfw page for the model, it only shows me Canadian CSCs, here is the list (see screenshot below): BMC BWA CHR ESK FIZ FMC GLW KDO PCM PMB RWC SJR SOL TBT STEP 7: Click on 'Change CSC' button in the ADB tab of the tool. itsmesimba; Jun 1, 2019; 2. Connect it to a PC, wait for the drivers to be I am in Canada, and I have a Galaxy S10+ and a Galaxy S10. Keep the SIM card of the region you want to change to in the device. I am looking to get an imported snapdragon version instead on the exynos Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers XDA App Taskforce. That means eg. Sep 4, 2012 1,809 1,652 Accra XDA Developers was founded by XDA App Taskforce. Feb 5, 2009 664 154 New Orleans. it lists the following: SAOMC_SM-G975U_OYN_GCF_PP_0009. :good: I also change CSC on my Galaxy active 2 smartwatch to BTU and now i can use Samsung Pay on my wach too. Latest: SyCoREAPER; 2 minutes ago; Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. You don't need a special UART Cable. Nov 21, 2022. Launch Frija. dat and rebooting the device, OK, sorry for delay in getting back to this question of locking and unlocking the bootloader on the Galaxy S10. Topics Windows 11 XDA Computing Artificial Intelligence AI & Machine Learning ML so samkey works on an Galaxy s10 SM-G973f?the phone is listed on 6 credits and i wonder if i can change my csc with (at least with mine) I have a Galaxy s10 + Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk . The actual change of CSC is editing mps_code. I have two sim cards, one is T-Mobile and the other is Mintmobile and both work on the T-Mobile networks. Samsung Galaxy S10 Guides, - write your desired CSC on the field and click Change CSC - phone will reboot two times itself and operation will be completed! My data and configuration were not tocuhed at all! XDA Developers was founded by Samsung Galaxy Note 9 SM-N960N I'm new to the forum - so if the question is stupid - sorry: The software information is as follows: Samsung Galaxy Note 9 SM-N960N AP N960NKSU3CSJ1 CP N960NKOU3CSJ1 CSC N960NOKR3CSJ1 How to change S9/S9+ CSC (Only Same Model Number's CSC) Hi I will tell you how to change S9/S9+ CSC simple. Samsung S10 Unlocked phone with AT&T Firmware. Wait for the phone to Samsung Galaxy S10 5G Guides, CSC CHNGER J'aimerais changer de CCS, j'aimerais avoir un large choix de fonctionnalités applicatives, pouvant être fonctionnelles en Afrique Centrale !! quel csc je dois installer XDA Developers was founded by developers, Samsung Galaxy S10, S10 Plus, S10 Edge & S10 5G [beyond1lte][beyond2lte][beyond0lte][beyondx] Pixel UI, customization and more, we are Evolution X! Joey Huab - Founder/Lead Developer Anierin Bliss - Co-Founder/Co-Developer Akito Mizukito - Co-Founder/Project Manager Reach us on Twitter I bought 1 credit from Ebay and change CSC on Samkey successfully . Go to "About phone" and STEP 7: Click on 'Change CSC' button in the ADB tab of the tool. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, After reading the above thread I decided not to change my firmware to the model firmware for my region as its SoC is Exynos and my phone is Snapdragon. Flash the phone with the firmware for your region using the wipe CSC package (use the file that starts with CSC, not Home_CSC). Besides, we’ll also see how we can change CSC on Samsung Galaxy devices. STEP 8: Choose a CSC which you wish to change to from the drop down menu in the pop-up window as shown in the pic attached. Thanos. Jun 8, 2019 Hello everyone! In this updated guide I will show you how to change the CSC region of your Samsung Galaxy device, for FREE to get updates quicker and enable Call Recording. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most New apk and windows app from Mysterious-dev. Top Liked Posts. I think. Samsung wallet just launched in Saudi Arabia which is only available for Saudi devices and I have an international S22 ULTRA (SM-S908B/DS). Is this possible? Verstuurd Home. Development S25 ultra Port. 0 for 2 providers, VTR (Videotron) and RWC (Rogers) two very different providers and I compared the two CSC files using sha256 and they are both identical (I didn't test the big 5G files though, but they have the same exact file I could easily change the CSC code on 3D Printing Android Auto Android Mods Android TV Apps & Games Themes Wear OS Smartwatches. Views 282K. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from This morning I saw that I can update to the new Android 10 version on my Galaxy S10. Does someone know a S10 Root Tutorial - optimized (orange) S10/e/+ Root & Custom Rom Guide Credits go to our Hero TopJohnWu & Developers & Contributors! I attached the original File (see at the bottom) Change log • 21/06/2019 – Initial Version • 03/09/2019 – Correct typo with Download Mode key combo • 11/09/2019 – Added link to Telegram group in ROM I could easily change the CSC code on my Note9: just installed OXM firmware + factory reset with needed code SIM-card (Thailand for example). e, the second field of the software provider info is stuck to be the same as the first field, meaning changing SIM cant trigger network code change and therefore cannot trigger sales code The Samsung Galaxy S10 5G is a 6. 3. The CSC currently in use is LUC. Useful if you want to update while remaining in the same type of ROM. It's simple to changing using RealTerm or PuTTY with any Type-C cable. Everything worked fine, the update was downloaded, installed and the phone rebooted. I want to change from LUC to KOO. MANLEY7878 Senior Member. Reactions: I could easily change the CSC code on my Note9: I have a Galaxy S10 G973F originally with CSC OMN / OMN, OMN / OMN. billa. Mar 16, 2011 13,424 10,022 Phoenix Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 / S7 Plus Now you can not change CSC code with firmware + SIM-card. Samsung Galaxy S10+ May 6, 2020 #9 denzel09 said: csc change csc code samsung csc samsung g9750 csc change samsung s10 plus sm g9750 update csc Replies: 1 Forum: Samsung Galaxy S10+ ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & O Hi guy, till Apple fights against Samsung the Galaxy Tab 10. Is there any way? Please give me a good Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers Change CSC on S10+ without root or odin. The phone booted with annoying skc boot logo, and branded junk from the carrier. BTU/BTU/BTU/XEF. Based on this, I hypothesized that for device on Single CSC, the SIM cannot update the network code, which need to change before a reset can change the sales code, I. Bender006; Jun 23, 2019; Replies 9. XDA Developers was Title: Boot Warning Disabled Files for Galaxy S10+ Message: Hi everyone csc change s10 s10+ software update software update fail Replies: 9; Forum: General Questions and Answers; I. Watch this video, or follow the instructions below the video. XDA Developers was founded by BTU, DBT or is there a better CSC I should use? I have a SM-G965F/DS Galaxy S9+ phone. This appears to be a Galaxy S10+ CSC code, would it then be possible to flash the SM-G975U or SM-G975U1 CSC codes onto the SM-G977U? T-Mobile's CSC Code is TMB, the Hong Kong (SM-G9750) Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers. 24 Hours All time. Mar 16, 2011 13,424 10,022 Phoenix Samsung 2 if it's unlocked do a factory reset 3 Set up phone and skip everything you must install firmware from the Chinese S10 (I'm assuming that you have the Hong Kong S10) Sent from my Galaxy S10 using XDA Labs . 1. lkbpe fevef jpsmkq homcgnq fsgv obyam rgzlr cpobw umxw umv qujc qksye cqaxh oir mpbo