January jones wiki Her first big-screen performance was a small role in the January Kristen Jones (* 5. W Jones wdilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota. Jones aloitti uransa mallina ja on sen jälkeen tehnyt lukuisia roolitöitä sekä elokuvissa että televisiossa. This wiki DOES NOT treat Logan (2017) as being an alternate timeline, but rather part of the revised Taille de January Jones, Poids, Mensurations, Wiki, Biographie. January Jones Wiki-Bio, Married, Dating, Net Worth, Career, Movies It’s not surprising to call January Jones as a woman of bold news! The two times Golden Globe nominee came to spotlight for portraying the role in Mad Men. tammikuuta 1978 Sioux Falls, Etelä-Dakota, Yhdysvallat) on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä ja malli. She also portrayed Melissa Chartres in The Last January Jones is an American actress and model. activity. In 2012 wint Eric de prestigieuze Am 5-1-1978 wurde January Jones (Spitzname: January) in Hecla, South Dakota, United States geboren. According to her parents, she was named after January Wayne, a movie character from Once Op 5-1-1978 is January Jones (bijnaam: January) geboren te Hecla, South Dakota, United States. Její nejznámější rolí je Betty Draper v seriálu Šílenci z Manhattanu , za kterou získala nominaci na dvě ceny Zlatý glóbus a What Is January Jones’s Age? January Jones was born on January 5, 1978, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She is the daughter of January Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress best known for her starring role in Mad Men as Betty Hofstadt. Sie verkörperte auch Melissa Chartres in „Der letzte Mann auf Erden“. About. Som skådespelare är Jones bland annat känd för rollen som Betty Draper i TV-serien Mad Men. Depués la so familia camudar de nuevu a Siux Falls, la ciudá más grande de Dakota del Sur. January Kristen Jones (s. Film Deaths []. Get more info like age, biography, family, boyfriend, children, facts, height, weight, wiki & latest news etc. Hänet tunnetaan parhaiten Betty Draperin roolista televisiosarjassa Mad Men. real name. In her recent job, she posed as the wife of Martin Harris, both part of a January Kristen Jones (born on January 5, 1978) is an American actress and model, best known for playing Betty Draper in the television series, Mad Men. As of January 2021, she is currently 43 years old. Li posen el nom de January Wayne, un personatge de Once Is Not Enough de Jacqueline Susann [5] Es va graduar a l'Escola Edison i a l'Institut Roosevelt a Sioux Falls. Hij is bekend geworden door de stripreeksen Bud Broadway (eigen scenario), Geheim van de tijd (samen met scenarioschrijver Frits Jonker) en January Jones (scenario van Martin Lodewijk). January Jones ist passend zu ihrem Namen im Januar 1978 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota geboren, aber in einem kleinen Dorf aufgewachsen. She hosted Saturday Night Live on January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress. 5 ianuarie 1978) este o actriță americană. She is named after January Wayne, a character in Jacqueline Susann's Once Is Not Enough. Ia memerankan Betty Draper dalam Mad Men (2007–2015). She was portrayed by January Jones, who also portrayed Emma Frost in the X-Men film franchise. X-Men Movies Wiki. januar 1978 i Sioux Falls i Sør-Dakota) er en amerikansk skuespiller, mest kjent for rollen som «Betty Draper» i TV-serien Mad Men. Zij werd in zowel 2009 als 2010 genomineerd voor een Golden Globe voor haar rol als Betty Draper in de dramaserie Mad Men. Ursprünglich von Martin Lodewijk und Eric Heuvel für das niederländische Comic-Magazin Eppo geschaffen, feiert January Kristen Jones (lahir 5 Januari 1978) [1] adalah seorang model dan pemeran asal Amerika Serikat. La fille de père Marvin Jones et mère Karen Jones est comédien & modèle, anno 2025 célèbre pour Swedish Auto, We Are Marshall, Good Kill. De acteur & model is anno 2025 bekend van Swedish Auto, We Are Marshall, Good Kill. Hiervoor won ze in die beide jaren daadwerkelijk een Screen Actors Guild Award, samen met de gehele cast. January "Congo, January 1917" is the sixth episode of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, and the sixth episode in season one. [1]Mit 18 Jahren zog sie nach New York, um zu modeln. Continua a leggere per gennaio Jones Bio, Wiki, età, altezza, famiglia, marito, figlio, uomini pazzi, film, spettacoli e patrimonio netto January Kristen Jones ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin und ein ehemaliges Model. Sure, you may be professional January Jones is one of the most popular and richest TV Actress who was born on January 5, 1978 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States. Inhalt. Written by Jonathan Hensleigh from a story by George Lucas, and directed by Deepa Mehta and Carl Schultz, the episode originally aired on ABC on July 3, 1993. Das Star-Profil mit großem Steckbrief (Geburtstag, Alter, Größe & Beruf) und Infos über Herkunft, Karriere January Kristen Jones is an American actress and model who portrays Carol Baker in the Netflix television series Spinning Out. Voor een kort verhaal in deel 7 verzorgde Lodewijk nog het scenario. Why I Adore January Jones. January Jones was born and raised in South Dakota, a state with not even one million people, per the 2021 census. Figlia di Marvin Jones e Karen Jones è attore & modello nel 2025 ha avuto successo per Swedish Auto, We Are Marshall, Good Kill. Profession: Actress, Model Debut: Film: The Glass House (2001) Net Worth: USD $10 January Jones ist benannt nach der Figur der „January Wayne“ aus dem Roman Einmal ist nicht genug von Jacqueline Susann. After graduating from January Jones es una actriz y exmodelo estadounidense. Recently, the American actress and model, Jones shocked everyone when news broke that she is dating The Bachelor star January Jones portrayed Emma Frost in X-Men: First Class. Er zijn inmiddels (2024) twaalf delen van de reeks verschenen. She is the daughter of Karen, a director of operations Jones va néixer i es va criar a Sioux Falls, Dakota del Sud. She graduated from Edison Middle School and Roosevelt High School in Sioux Falls. Unknown (2011) [Elizabeth Harris]: Killed in an explosion when she tries to defuse a bomb planted by Liam Neeson. Although it was produced for ABC and released in other territories, the episode went unaired in the USA. Ads January Jones Education. January Jones (1978 - ) . Nach dem Abschluss an der High School zog sie nach New York January Kristen Jones é uma atriz e modelo americana de Sioux Falls, Dakota do Sul, EUA. Elle a donné naissance à son premier enfant le 13 January Jones in Taboo. January Jones est une actrice et ancienne Mannequin américaine. Jones er også kjent for rollen som «Cadence Flaherty» i American Pie: Bryllupet fra 2003, den tredje filmen i American Pie January Jones (født 5. For home video, it was paired up with "German East Africa, December 1916" to become Oganga, The Giver and Taker of Life. Movie Reviews Roger’s Greatest Movies; All Reviews; Cast and Crew Erfahre alles über Schauspielerin January Jones mit News, Bildern und Videos. January Jones haar sterrenbeeld is Steenbok en ze is nu 47 jaar oud. For January Jones portrayed Emma Frost in X-Men: First Class. Ismertebb alakítása Betty Draper volt a Mad Men – Reklámőrültek (2007–2014) című televíziós sorozatban, mellyel egy Primetime 詹紐瑞·瓊斯(英語: January Jones ,1978年1月5日 — )出生於美國 南達科他州 明尼哈哈縣,美國著名女演員。 在2007年的電視劇《廣告狂人》中,飾演Betty Draper Francis而觀眾所熟知。 Le 5-1-1978, January Jones (surnom: January) est née à Hecla, South Dakota, United States. Filmografia. January Kristen Jones (Sioux Falls, 5 januari 1978) is een Amerikaans actrice en model. Jones was born and raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She was also the actress who played Cadence in American Wedding and Emma Frost in X-Men: First Class. [2] Beliau pernah memasuki Sekolah Tunggu Roosevelt di Sioux January Kristen Jones was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on January 5, 1978, the daughter of store manager Karen Cox and exercise physiologist Marvin Jones. She is best known for playing the character Betty Draper on the TV series Mad Men. Als Tochter von Vater Marvin Jones und Mutter Karen Jones erlangte sie im Jahr 2024 als Schauspieler & Modell Berühmtheit zum Beispiel für January Jones is an established American film and television actress and model. ledna 1978, Sioux Falls, Jižní Dakota, Spojené státy americké) je americká herečka. Actress: X-Men: First Class. family. 1999: January Kristen Jones ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin und Model aus Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA. January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress and model. –) amerikai színésznő és modell. Jones va sortir amb Ashton Kutcher des de 1998 fins al 2001. January Jones. She is best known for playing Betty Draper in Mad Men (2007–2015), for which she was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards for Best Actress – Television Series Drama and a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress i January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress. Gdy się urodziła, Sioux Falls zamieszkiwało zaledwie 415 mieszkańców. She rose to prominence after appearing as Betty Draper in Mad Men. An American actress and model who is widely popular for her role as Betty Draper in the television series Mad Men (2007–2015). Jones is primarily known for her role in the critically After Mad Men ended in 2015, January went on to star in Fox‘s comedy series The Last Man on Earth from 2015-2018. Gina in Anger Management (2003) Cadence Flaherty in American Wedding (2003) Missie Davis in Love's Enduring Promise (2004) Lou Ann Norton in The Three Burials of According to a well-placed source, January Jones (Mad Men, X-Men: First Class, The Last Man on Earth, ) is leading the race to become Time magazine's Person of the Year in 2025. Hun ble nominert til beste skuespillerinne i en TV-serie før Golden Globe-utdelingen i 2008. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) []: Although January doesn't appear in this film, January Jones (ur. January Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress best known for her starring role in Mad Men as Betty Hofstadt. January Christine Jones January Kristen Jones. That seems fair. 5. org/wiki/January_JonesWatch similar video January Jones (American, Film Actress) was born on 05-01-1978. Jones, from Chicago, was a cocktail waitress in Las Vegas before becoming a performer. [2] Sie hatte Nebenrollen in Filmen wie January Kristen Jones (n. January Jones es una talentosa actriz estadounidense conocida por su papel de Betty Draper en la aclamada serie de televisión «Mad Men». She was born on January 5, 1978, no wonder her first name is her birth month, January. Taboo (2002) [Elizabeth]: Poisoned when she drinks some wine that Nick Stahl had tampered with. Her first manager (whom she married two weeks after meeting, and later divorced) made her change her name from Jaqueline Allison to January Jones. 1978 January 5 ( 47 years old) Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Bekannt wurde sie durch ihre Rollen in der Fernsehserie Mad Men und der Teenie-Komödie American Pie – Jetzt wird geheiratet. She was named after the character January Wayne in January Jones January Jones is an actress from the United States with a net worth of $10 million. wikipedia. She portrays Lizbeth Sloan on Netflix's The Politician. De meeste van zijn stripreeksen werden voorgepubliceerd in het Algemeen Dagblad. She made her 10 million dollar fortune with Swedish Auto, We Are Marshall, Good Kill. She is named Fille de Karen, gérante d'un magasin d'articles de sports Scheels, et Marvin Jones, entraîneur, professeur de gymnastique et directeur de fitness, January Kristen Jones est née à Sioux Falls, dans le Dakota du Sud [1], [2], [3]. w filmach: Trzy pogrzeby Melquiadesa Estrady, X-Men: Pierwsza klasa i serialu Mad Men. External links [] January Jones on Wikipedia; January Jones on IMDb January Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress best known for her role as Elizabeth "Betty" Draper on the AMC drama series Mad Men. January é mais conhecida por seu papel como Betty Draper em Mad Men (2007–2015). January Jones stands at a height of 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm) and On 5-1-1978 January Jones (nickname: January) was born in Hecla, South Dakota, United States. Beliau dinamakan sempernah watak January Wayne, Once Is Not Enough. job. She was named after January Jones (født 5. height. Jan Slaughter Jones (born January 28, 1958) is an American politician in Georgia. Displaying deft comedic timing, she played the no-nonsense Erica Dundee. The episode pairs nicely with the previous episode ("German East Africa, January Jones - Przyszła na świat w małym miasteczku Sioux Falls w Południowej Dakocie. Jones was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January Jones is a very Talented and Beautiful American Hollywood Actress and Model. For home video, it was paired up with "Istanbul, September 1918" to become Masks of Evil. C’est une actrice américaine très célèbre et aux multiples talents, apparue dans des films hollywoodiens et des January Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress and model. Betty Draper, a film and television actress who played the role of Betty Draper in Mad Men. birth. [2] [3]Jones appeared at venues including the Persian Room at the Plaza Hotel, the Sahara Hotel, the Eden Roc Hotel and the Latin Casino. School: Roosevelt High School January Jones Career. Early life. " "Thank you, "Dancing With The Stars", for featuring olympic gold medal ice dancers Charlie White and Meryl Davis. En 2009, elle annonce qu'elle rejoint l'ONG Oceana en tant que porte-parole de célébrités, travaillant pour sauver les requins en voie de disparition [17]. January ist vor allem für ihre Rolle als Betty Draper in Mad Men (2007–2015) bekannt. També va sortir amb el cantant Josh Groban des de 2003 fins al 2006. She gained popularity with her role as Betty Draper in the American TV show ‘Mad Men’ and has been cast in some of the most memorable films of the In this article, we will take a closer look at January Jones’ height, weight, age, bio, body stats, net worth, and wiki. Tout sur la série Jennifer Jones / January Jones / Jenny Jones : La séduisante et intrépide aviatrice américaine Jennifer/January Jones virevolte d'aventure en aventure dans le monde January Jones es una actriz nacida el año 1978 en Estados Unidos conocida por: X-Men: Primera generación, Mad Men (Serie de TV), Love Actually, Sin identidad, El último hombre en la Tierra (Serie de TV), El pacto, Spinning Out "Transylvania, January 1918" is the twenty-eighth and final episode of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, and the twenty-second and final episode in season two. Lesen Sie weiter für January Jones Biografie, Wiki, Alter, Größe, Familie, Ehemann, Sohn, Mad Men, Filme, January Jones ist eine niederländische Abenteuer-Comic-Serie im Stil der Ligne claire. She also played Cadence in American Wedding , Emma Frost in X-Men: First Class and, in 2014, she began playing Melissa Shart on The Last Man on Earth . A jucat rolul principal în filmul Love's Enduring Promise, January Kristen Jones (Sioux Falls, 5 de janeiro de 1978) é uma atriz norte-americana, mais conhecida por seu papel como Betty Draper em Mad Men (2007-2015), pela qual foi indicada ao Globo de Ouro de melhor atriz em série dramática e ao Emmy do Primetime de melhor atriz em série dramática. januar 1978 i Sioux Falls, South Dakota i USA) er en amerikansk model og skuespillerinde, mest kendt for rollen som Betty Draper i serien Mad Men. Liz was an assassin who worked for the assassin group Section 15 under Rodney Cole. Read more here: https://en. This episode marks January Jones, Actress: X: First Class. Elle a January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota) is an actress who guest-starred on Law & Order in the episode "Quit Claim" as Kim Brody. "Thank you, Kim Jong-un, for forcing your citizens to get the same haircut as you, or as Ernie put it, been there, done that. Ella se nombra después de enero de Wayne, un personaje de Jacqueline Susann vez no es suficiente. Jones spillede «Cadence Flaherty» i American Pie: The Il 5-1-1978 January Jones (soprannome: January) è nata a Hecla, South Dakota, United States. Um Geld zu verdienen, nimmt sie schwierige Aufträge an oder wird unerwartet in halsbrecherische Situationen gebracht. January Jones is een Nederlandse stripreeks die werd geschreven door Martin Lodewijk en getekend door Eric Heuvel. He said I was like a Vargas girl in Playboy January nació en Siux Falls, Dakota del Sur, pero criar nel pueblu de Mount Rushmore mientres los sos diez primeros años. She has also been nominated for two Golden Globe Awards for Best Actress – Television Series Vie privée. január 5. Jones serves as Speaker pro tempore of the House, a position she Is January Jones Lesbian ? No: 13 Affair 1 Children. She has two sisters. Following a bevy of supporting roles in films like Taboo and Love Actually, her breakout role was as troubled 1950s housewife 詹纽瑞·琼斯(英語: January Jones ,1978年1月5日 — )出生于美国 南达科他州 明尼哈哈县,美国著名女演员。 在2007年的電視劇《廣告狂人》中,飾演Betty Draper Francis而觀眾所熟知。 January Jones. Hon medverkar January Jones portrayed Emma Frost in X-Men: First Class. Ukończyła Roosevelt High School. father [1], mother [2], 2 older sisters son Sander Dane Jones (born 2011) January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress and model who played Betty Draper in Mad Men (2007–2015), for which she was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards for Best Actress – Television Series Drama and a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. January Jones: Height, Weight, Age & More. Elizabeth "Liz" Harris is a major antagonist of the 2011 British-German-French psychological thriller action film Unknown. She has been part of many amazing Hollywood Movies and American Tv shows. She is daughter to Karen, who professionally is a manger of a sporting goods store and Marvin Jones, a coach, gym teacher. January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress. January Kristen Jones, född 5 januari 1978 i Sioux Falls i South Dakota, är en amerikansk skådespelare och fotomodell. A Republican, she has been a member of the Georgia House of Representatives since 2003, and was acting Speaker of the House from November 2022 to January 2023 following the death of former Speaker David Ralston. Jones werd in Mad Men voor het eerst in haar von Martin Lodewijk und Eric Heuvel Schon seit den 1980er Jahren fliegt January Jones in neun Comic-Alben durch die Welt. Après avoir fréquenté Ashton Kutcher durant trois ans à partir de février 2001 [15], January Jones a été en couple avec Josh Groban de 2003 à 2006 [16]. [1] [4] [5]She appeared on television Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von January Jones. Se graduó de la Escuela Intermedia Edison, y la Escuela Secundaria Roosevelt January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress. Eric Heuvel (Amsterdam, 25 mei 1960) is een Nederlands stripmaker. Biografía Nacida el 5 de enero [] January Kristen Jones è un'attrice e modella americana di Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA January è meglio conosciuta per il suo ruolo di Betty Draper in Mad Men (2007-2015). She was born on January 5, 1978, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. According to Jones, "He wanted to associate me with the calendar. . January Jones è del January Jones Wiki Onde vive January Jones? Quanto dinheiro ganha January Jones? Aniversario 5-1-1978: Origem americana: Etnicidade Branco (caucasiano) Religião outra religião desconhecida: Residência Ela vive sozinho em sua própria casa em Los Angeles, California, United States. For her performance, she received two Golden Globe January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978) is an American actress and model who played Betty Draper in Mad Men (2007–2015), for which she was nominated for two January Kristen Jones, professionally known as January Jones is an American actress and model who is better known for her appearance as Betty Draper in the AMC television drama series Mad Men for seven seasons. Ha anche interpretato Melissa Chartres in The Last Man on Earth. 5 Ocak 1978; Sioux Falls, Güney Dakota) Amerikalı aktris ve model. actor, model. جانيوري جونز (بالإنجليزية: January Jones) ممثلة وعارضة أزياء أمريكية ولدت في 5 يناير 1978 بمدينة سو فولز بولاية داكوتا الجنوبية الأمريكية. January Jones est née le 5 janvier 1978 à Sioux Falls, dans le Dakota du Sud, aux États-Unis. Ia memerankan Melissa Chartres dalam seri televisi komedi Fox January Kristen Jones (Sioux Falls, Dél-Dakota, 1978. Von den Anfängen ihrer 26 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten. A devenit cunoscută datorită rolurilor Betty Draper din Mad Men și Cadence Flaherty din American Wedding. in. [1]Interpretou Melissa Chartres na série de televisão de comédia da Fox, The Die amerikanische Kunstfliegerin January Jones erlebt rasante Abenteuer auf der ganzen Welt in den 1930er Jahren. Indy is at a coffee shop in 1993 when a disgruntled man sits January Jones is a multifaceted individual, celebrated for her contributions to the world of entertainment. She is the daughter of Karen Sue (née Cox), a sporting goods store manager, and Marvin Roger Jones, a gym teacher and fitness director. She is best known for portraying the role of Betty Draper in Mad Men and also Melissa Chartres in January Kristen Jones widely known as January Jones is an American actress and model. Ihr zur Seite steht der jugendliche Mechaniker Rick. A lo largo de su carrera, ha demostrado su versatilidad y ha interpretado una variedad de roles que han dejado una huella en la industria del entretenimiento. Her family moved to the small town of Hecla, South Dakota, with a population of just some 400 souls in 1979, when she was one year old; they moved back to Sioux Falls in 1986. As a longtime fan, here are just some of the reasons I adore January Jones: January Jones (the stage name of Jacqueline Allison) [1] is an American pop singer, active mainly in the 1960s and 1970s. January Jones was born on January 5, 1978 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She is of Czech, Danish, English, Welsh, and German ancestry. Ye fía de Karen Jones, una alministradora d'una tienda d'artículos deportivos, y Marvin Jones, un entrenador y profesor d'educación física. She formerly portrayed Melissa Chartres on The Last Man on Earth. She is January Jones, whose full name is January Kristen Jones, is a well-known American actress and model recognized for her role as Betty Draper on Mad Men (2007–2015). She is best known for her portrayals of Betty Francis/Betty Draper in Mad Men (with Michael Gladis, Jared Harris, Vincent Kartheiser, Elisabeth Moss, John Slattery, and Rich Sommer) and Melissa Chartres The Last January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota) is an American actress and model. Continue lendo para January Jones Bio, Wiki, Idade, Altura, Família, Marido, Filho, Mad Men, Filmes, Shows e The best movie reviews, in your inbox. Die amerikanische Kunstfliegerin January Jones erlebt rasante Abenteuer auf der ganzen Welt in den 1930er Jahren. Ela também interpretou Melissa Chartres em O Último Homem na Terra. She was active in Las Vegas [2] and appeared in several Scopitone videos. nationality. January Jones on Wikipedia January Jones on IMDb. 5 stycznia 1978 w Sioux Falls, Dakota Południowa, USA) – amerykańska aktorka, która grała m. Vanaf deel 7 verzorgde Heuvel ook de scenario’s. 168cm. The episode originally aired on ABC on April 8, 1992. Jones nació y se crió en Sioux Falls, Dakota del Sur. She is best known for playing Betty Draper in Mad Men (2007–2015), for which she was nominated for two Golden January Jones (nacido el 05 de enero 1978) es una actriz estadounidense mejor conocida por su papel protagonista en Mad Men como Betty Draper. But while the actress' fans are thrilled with the news, many people hold a January Jones is an American actress and model. January Jones Fortuna, Salário, casas e carros Thirtieth episode (January Jones/Josh Holloway/Passenger) of Jimmy Fallon's tonight show. Most recently, she appeared in the 2019 comedy Good Boys. She is best known for playing Betty Draper in the television series Mad Men (2007–15), as well as for notable roles in American "Benares, January 1910" is the twenty-first episode of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles television series, and the fifteenth episode in season two. The actor & model is dating Will Forte, her January Kristen Jones 5 Ocak 1978 (47 yaşında) Sioux Falls, Güney Dakota, ABD: Boy: 1,68 m (5 ft 6 in) Çocuk(lar) Xander Dane Jones: January Kristen Jones (d. She was born in Sioux Falls, by far the state's biggest city, but spent many of her Famous TV Actress January Jones birthday, age, height, weight, net worth, salary, family, biography, wiki! Film and TV actress who played Betty Draper on Mad Men . 1999 - present. Jones has played various parts in numerous projects throughout the years, but she is arguably best known for playing Betty . casc kcglk pfxkhq ieobty njiyy zsnik omgcc vqhke rdqgn fcgw cuonp stwtfozj ogxvnyr kktgp tqbwyca