K20 pro 81hz mod A Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods. IMG file from here. 11 超频GPU 屏幕81HZ刷新率 原汁原味 养老原版 主题XX 内核去限,红米K20/K20 Pro论坛,~~~~~ & 设为首页 收藏本站. Also, this is a conservative overclock. me/wallsforu/5289» Stay Updated› Tel Osobně jsem zkoušel na Redmi K20 Pro 81Hz (MIUI 10. 6 Stable update For Redmi K20 Pro and shared all the results in this video. 42K subscribers. 72K subscribers. 32 videos. 290 photos. 71K subscribers. 5 Android 11 ROMS 🔥🔥#roadto20k #customrom #bestrom #miui #redmik20pro #90hz Gaming Roms:-http Redmi K20 75Hz mod. com/k20-pro/themes/mod-overclock-screen- Well this step is a must and it’s kind of annoying if you’ve never done it before. Such topics may include issues, questions, recommendations, tips and so on. 0 global'da ve bi alt sürümünde 1-2ay kadar kullandım,şimdi arkadaşlar benim cihazım rootsuz ve twrp ıvır zıvır ile uğraşmadan aşırı basit bir şekilde yaptım,xda'da fastboot moda alıp yapılacağına dairde bilgiler var ancak sizler twrp ya da başka yöntemler ile denediğiniz için patlaşmışsınız hep şimdi ilk başta 81hz But the modification for the Mi 9 was for 84Hz, while the Redmi K20 and Redmi K20 Pro's mod is for 75Hz at the moment; so your results with battery consumption will definitely vary. me/chromatech/5406› By: Kami› Wallpaper: https://t. Install the 75Hz or 81Hz Mod. 7. 14. Hi everyone! I was able to reverse engineer the mod used on Mi 9 and K20 Pro and apply it to the K20. like those of custom ROMs, kernels, It depends on how much you value a 25% increase in framerate. 移动叔叔红米K20/K20 Pro刷机包,红米K20/K20 Pro刷机教程,ROM为你提供:K20pro MIUI10. Since the mod is based on the MIUI. ly/2VAsmXW› Anx Ca Unofficial Xiaomi subreddit. I tested most of them. dhaern Senior Member. 05. Örneğin, 60 Hz yenileme hızı, ekranın saniyede 60 kez güncellendiği anlamına gelir. Redmi K20 Pro/Raphael RELEASES. I'm currently working on compiling a cleaner mod. Have a try guys, won't regret for sure. Jetzt muss nur noch der Mod installiert werden, All about Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro. Skip to content. This mod overclocks the display's refresh rate to 75/81Hz!Link To The Original Thread : https://forum. 5. Watch This Video In Hindi:- https://y Over Clock your REDMI k20 pro to 81 HZ refresh rate to make it much smoother. 291 photos. I also used lower values just because 75Hz seemed bit unstable so this mod is Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods [ EOL ] @k20promods. 在我们在 Redmi K20 Pro 上安装 Google Camera mod 之前,我想向您展示小米提供了开箱即用的完整 Camera2API 支持。 Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods [ EOL ] @k20promods. Ekran Yenileme Oranı 75 - 81HZ [RooT] Konbuyu başlatan ClassiCTR; Başlangıç tarihi 25 Temmuz 2019; Cevaplar 89 Görüntüleme 28K Redmi K20 Pro cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi . Some news sites report this mod is made by other developers, but I actually made it myself, at least for the Mi 9T / K20. 39-inch full-screen full HD+ edge-to-edge AMOLED I am using the same mod for my K20 Pro, I think it may be a bit green at 84hz (mine is at 81hz) but it might just be a placebo. at 75hz I see no problems. 3 years and K20 pro 90hz mod. eu stable version 10. 53 КБ ) So I tried Marisa Kernel On Latest AbhixROG MiUI 12. Thank you guys for subscribing, rating and commenting my videos in ad Thanks To Project Treble, Oxygen OS Port For Redmi K20 Pro Has Now available. 继小米9的屏幕刷新率可以“超频”之后,小米旗下的第二款手机Redmi K20 Pro在大神的努力下也能“超频”。 大神给力,Redmi K20 Pro屏幕刷新率可超频至81Hz Ben varım,Redmi K20 Pro MİUİ 11. 282 links. I'm currently Want to overclock the refresh rate of Redmi K20 Pro display? Here's is how to overclock Redmi K20 Pro screen to 75Hz and 81Hz refresh rate. Xda thread Link - https://forum. I heard that xiaomi mi9t/k20 and mi9t pro/k20 pro have actually 81hz displays. img dosyasını indirin ve kullanacağınız dosyanın adını dtbo. Contribute to acervenky/k20produal development by creating an account on GitHub. The mod works Redmi K20 Pro 75Hz/81Hz Display Refresh Rate Mod - Get Smooth And Fluid Display Like OnePlus 7 Pro On the Redmi K20 Pro. Feb 6, 2017 197 124 EGS-zs8-1. Installieren Sie den 75Hz oder 81Hz Mod. Announced May 2019. Bende yaptım telefonumda mi globe kararlı rom vardı, twrp ile yükledim şimdi telefonum açılmıyor yani açılıyor xiaomi yazısı çıkıyor ardından kapanıyor ve twrp menüsü de açılmıyor The Redmi K20 Pro or Mi 9T Pro in Europe, has a refresh rate of only 60 Hz, but luckily, the XDA developer community has managed to raise it to 75 Hz and 81Hz through a modification. ROMs, Kernels, Guides, Mods, NEWS, everything. The mod works, but is not "the cleanest solution" since it's hardcoded. Şuan Carbon Fenix Kernel kullanıyorum 81hz'de. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. yea, 90hz is probably too much for the screen to take or the CPU not sure which . 16; Тестовый патч для 10. Nerede hata yaptım acaba. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. 278 links. Such topics may include issues, Check out the 81hz mod too Reply reply Top 8% Rank by size . Members Online • Hello, I want to do the 81Hz and Dual speaker mod to my mi 9t pro. The display is an important glam factor of these phones. In this video, you will learn how to over clock your redmi k20 pro to 81hz display refresh rate. Write better code with AI Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods [ EOL ] @k20promods. 25. sanoayyk I have compiled 81hz and 90hz but it makes the device laggy / choppy But i heard that k20 pro can manage 81 hz. This mirrors earlier unofficial development Ora una mod simile appare anche per Xiaomi Mi 9T (o Redmi K20) e Redmi K20 Pro e forza una frequenza di aggiornamento più alta a 75Hz, anche se gli sviluppatori che lavorano su questa mod sono Some news sites report this mod is made by other developers, but I actually made it myself, at least for the Mi 9T / K20. Jun 12, 2020 #5 reliot said: Currently K20 Pro mods do not work on K30 Pro. 250 photos. 64K subscribers. Overclock your Redmi K20 display to 66Hz to 75Hz and enjoy more smoothness and fluidity. I am in the United States and I have Verizon as my cellular service provider. 258 links. 255 links. My S7 actually bit the dust on Monday I'm pretty sure, it turns on but freezes and reboots after a few minutes of use until it doesn't respond to anything, if I leave it alone for a while I can get a few more boots out if it before it stops responding completely again. 1. Q&A. 266 photos. Features 6. 6) po několika dnech občas problikávalo při zamčení mobilu, a taky při posuvu obrazovky do stran byla vidět trhaná čára v horní části obrazovky. 75Hz is very conservative, it is safer than 84Hz. Sort by: Best. Redmi K20 Pro / Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro Questions & Answe. 4 (imho the most stable version) on a China set K20 Pro 8gb+128gb - 75hz and 81hz both working perfectly - Minimal battery drain due to slight overclock from original(60hz) for the 75hz version, Redmi K20 Pro 75Hz/81Hz Display Refresh Rate Mod - Get Smooth And Fluid Display Like OnePlus 7 Pro On the Redmi K20 Pro. Share Only on Android 9 they can reach 81Hz through a mod that requires an unlocked bootloader. Contribute to MindEdition/Redmi-K20-Pro development by creating an account on GitHub. On the Redmi K20 Pro in the United States, Verizon is compatible with LTE/GSM (and CDMA, but I learned that Verizon is phasing out CDMA). Reddit . 31 videos. dtbo file meant for Redmi K20 Pro on MUIU 10, but my K20 Pro's on MIUI 11, It was a display overclock mod, that made display's refresh rate 81 hz instead of 60. 93K subscribers. Currently K20 Pro mods do not work on K30 Pro. 306 files. com/k20-pro/themes/mod- 75Hz-90Hz其实是在耗电量跟平滑性上最为妥协的刷新率了。当然,国外大神也开发出了81Hz刷新率的超频文件,但这个模式下貌似有的K20/K20 Pro会出现屏幕偏色的情况,而且81Hz太接近屏幕极限不适合长期使用,所以我们POPPUR建议还是超频到75Hz就好。 Redmi K20 Pro 符合 Level-3 的最好的部分是你 无需麻烦您的设备 并且可以直接在您的设备上安装谷歌相机模组。 在 Redmi K20 Pro 上安装 Google Camera Mod. zip ( 459. Similar threads Ok, so I accidentally flashed a . 75K subscribers. 305 files. ly/2Yq8i6AUse invite code: 0795Q5 to get extra Rs. img olarak değiştirin Note: To make this oxygen OS run at maximum refresh rate on the Redmi k20 pro you can also try the 81Hz Mod. Theoretically the nature of the mod makes it possible to expand itself to other phones, and we have already got our next candidate in the roster. . SuperiorOS, ROM for the Redmi K20 Pro/Mi 9T Pro SuperiorOS Version Name: Thirteen Device: raphael/raphaelin Maintainer: Anirban (SageOfD6Path) Build Type: Official Resources used Source Code: SuperiorOS Device Tree Source: raphael/raphaelin Kernel Source: Bool-X ROM OS Version: 13. 285 photos. All about Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro. I was a dumbass and didn't read the fine print, therefore not knowing that the 75/81 hz mods didn't work on MIUI 11, #roadto20k #redmik20pro #90hz #android12l #miuisr» Some useful playlists› Gaming Roms: https://bit. 299 files. Is this true? Question Locked post. eu 9. I'm using the Redmi K20 Pro running Android version 9 PKQ1. id/c/xiaomi - Dolby Digital Plus : Audio Mod - MIUI12 Camera Mod: Only for 20. Old. More posts you may like Top Posts Reddit . This program will enable you to unlock the boot loader of your - I tested it on xiaomi. exe file to start the program. Eu rom. None other than Redmi Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro Android smartphone. Mod [Mi9T Pro/K20 Pro] Ekranınızı overclock edin. This subreddit is dedicated to Xiaomi Mi 9T (Pro) or Redmi K20 (Pro) related topics. Latest: jericho246; A moment ago; OnePlus 12R / OnePlus Ace 3. #roadto20k #abhixrog #redmik Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods [ EOL ] @k20promods. 1. Stay up-to-date with us! Official Group: @RedmiK20ProGlobalOfficial In this guide, you will learn how to unlock the bootloader, install TWRP recovery, and root Redmi K20 / Redmi K20 Pro using Magisk. Install 81Hz Refresh Rate: Download the 81Hz android pie DTBO. Vyřešeno přechodem na 75Hz již funguje dobře. 258 photos. Quickly send and receive WhatsApp messages right from your computer. me/re Das Redmi K20 Pro oder Mi 9T Pro in Europa hat eine Bildwiederholfrequenz von nur 60 Hz, aber zum Glück hat es die XDA-Entwicklergemeinde geschafft, diese zu erhöhen 75 Hz und 81 Hz durch eine Modifikation. 277 links. eu 10. 39″ display, Snapdragon 855 chipset, 4000 mAh battery, 256 GB storage, 8 GB RAM, Corning Gorilla Glass 5. Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods [ EOL ] @k20promods. I just completed 1 year on my Redmi K20 pro therefore it's warranty has expired now. 3. 5 9. 181121. Today In This Video Let's See How To OverClock Redmi K20 Pro's Display To 81Hz Download The File For Overclocking The Display:-81Hz-How To Unlock Bootloader: Redmi K20 Pro's display can be overclocked to 75Hz and 81Hz as well which is awesome! Today in this video let's see how to overclock redmi k20 pro's display You must log in or register to reply here. Download Carbon Freefenix kernel for Redmi K20 Pro : https://t. So I was thinking of unlocking the bootloader and install a custom ROM. 231 links. Also the stereo mod is not working. Ekran Yenileme Oranı 75 - 81HZ [RooT] Konbuyu başlatan ClassiCTR; Başlangıç tarihi 25 Temmuz 2019; Cevaplar 89 Görüntüleme 28K Mi 9t pro mi 6 Konum istanbul Katılım 26 Şubat 2016 Konular 5 Mesajlar 312 Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods [ EOL ] @k20promods. 001 (patched July 1, 2109) and MIUI Global 10. Top. So k20 and pro have different types of Redmi K20 Pro 75Hz mod (pretty stable; works well with China stable, China dev, & Global/Indian ROMs) Note: This is not an official mod and could cause harm to your Redmi K20 or K20 Pro’s display, so we suggest you Mi9 users and K20 Pro users have a similar mod and they reported no screen damage so far. It felt smooth and awesome. 264 photos. 297 files. 65K subscribers. I am running the 75hz mod myself again now and it works perfectly smooth. Both the phones have a 6. 9 too) - MIUI12 Camera Mod: Only for Global - Audio Modification Library : Audio libraries (Useful for other mod like Viper4Android - EsMod imx586 : Enable 48MP mode in GCam - DualSpeaker : Dual speaker for K20 Pro Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods [ EOL ] @k20promods. Ekran Yenileme Oranı 75 - 81HZ 81Hz için dtbo_K20P_81Hz. Place it on your Internal Storage & reboot back to TWRP recovery; Hopefully everything works out well for you, I kept looking at the K20 pro as well, but the bands freaked me out. Question Diverse Engine. New posts. So here is what I did, I heard about the K20 Pro 81hz refresh rate Mod and the android 10, I couldn't find twrp for k20 so i decided to flash k20 pro's twrp (which probably was a big mistake!), I don't exactly remember what exact files i was flashing! This subreddit is dedicated to Xiaomi Mi 9T (Pro) or Redmi K20 (Pro) related topics. New comments cannot be posted. 12, it's suggested to use it only on this one for now. 6 Hz or something). 4 (imho the most stable version) on a China set K20 Pro 8gb+128gb - 75hz and 81hz both working perfectly - Minimal battery drain due to slight overclock from original(60hz) for the 75hz version, 81hz seems minimal as well Android 10 Mods Currently works/tested on: Hocam fastboot modunda kaldı, cihazı sıfırladım. 241 links. That's because eventually (i am already noticing it now tho) Xiaomi will bug and make the device slow by their updates and after sometime support for security update will also stop. 285 files. Note: To make this oxygen OS run at maximum refresh rate on the Redmi k20 pro you can also try the 81Hz Mod Install 81Hz Refresh Rate: Download the 81Hz android pie Redmi K20 Pro's display can be overclocked to 75Hz and 81Hz as well which is awesome! Today in this video let's see how to overclock redmi k20 pro's display 红米 K20 Pro 是最好的预算旗舰智能手机之一,它具有 60Hz 刷新率的显示屏。 而且它的许多竞争对手都具有 90Hz 甚至更高的显示屏。 但 Redmi K20 pro 用户默认情况下会错 Sadece Mi 9T Pro/K20 Pro için test edildi Henüz ekrana herhangi bir hasara yol açıp açmadığı bilinmiyor Mod [Mi9T Pro/K20 Pro] Ekranınızı overclock edin. Android 10 only supports up to 72Hz (I think) as of now, - I tested it on xiaomi. 4 (imho the most stable version) on a China set K20 Pro 8gb+128gb - 75hz and 81hz both working perfectly - Minimal battery drain due to slight overclock from original(60hz) for the 75hz version, 81hz seems minimal as well Android 10 Mods Currently works/tested on: Some XDA contributors have posted on new mods that increase the display refresh rate of the Redmi K20 (or Xiaomi Mi 9T) and K20 Pro to 75 hertz (Hz). reReddit: Top posts of January 1, 2020. Edit: Some news sites report this mod is made by other developers, but I actually made it myself, at least for the Mi 9T / K20. Get The Best Tempered Glass For Redmi Mod InCallUI для Xiaomi. Konbuyu başlatan UnlnViTeD; Başlangıç tarihi 2 Ocak 2022; Cevaplar 38 Görüntüleme 6K Teşekkür ederim hocam bilgilendirme için. Hey, I did this on Global ROM 12. Xiaomi. Thread starter Sajid2012ali; Start date Aug 17, 2020; Forums. 4 (imho the most stable version) on a China set K20 Pro 8gb+128gb - 75hz and 81hz both working perfectly - Minimal battery drain due to slight overclock from original(60hz) for the 75hz version, 81hz seems minimal as well Android 10 Mods Currently works/tested on: Mi Flash Pro is a flash flash developed by Xiaomi that flashes firmware on its devices. something hertz). Finally, I tried the 66Hz IMG and it worked. I OC my screen with the 81Hz IMG and ended up getting half of that(40. Best. So watch I was able to reverse engineer the mod used on Mi 9 and K20 Pro and apply it to the K20. 256 photos. 0. 9. - I tested it on xiaomi. #roadto20k #miui13 #redmik20pro» Download Links› All Files: https://t. 291 files. 您好 可超频GPU设置 可超屏幕81HZ Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods [ EOL ] @k20promods. 0 ROM Kernel: Linux 4. Once the Mi Unlock Tool is downloaded, extract the zip file into a folder and run the mi unlock. xda-developers. S. 284 links. Redmi K20 Pro 75Hz mod How To Enable Redmi K20 (Pro) 75Hz Display Refresh Rate Mod. 0 Global в котором добавлены миушные смс, контакты и звонилка с активированной записью 81Hz Redmi k20 pro. Now also on the Fediverse! For thoughtful discussion and news (not technical support) join us at https://lemdro. 288 photos. Redmi K20 Pro / Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro Questions & Answe Has anyone found a mod to overclock the OnePlus 6T's display similar to the K20 pro's 81 hz mod? Share Add a Comment. Tried the 75Hz OC and it halved too(35. New. ly/3rSUIZT› Magisk Modules: https://bit. Unlike, Other Custom ROMS, Oxygen OS Is Available For Redmi K20 Pro In The Form Unlock upto 90Hz Refresh rate on Redmi K20 Pro⚡- For MIUI 12. The only caveat, my fingerprint scanner did not work anymore. x I should make a separete thread with "suggested tested working modifications to get the perfect k20 pro". I will be testing this mod 24/7 and report how it affects my screen. How bad is the green tint on the 81hz mod? Thread starter valeriee; Start date Sep 11, 2019; Forums. 53K subscribers. It is primarily used for the following purposes: Flashing Firmware: Mi Flash Pro allows users to Dual Speaker Mod For Redmi K20/K20 Pro. 9 too) - MIUI12 Camera Mod: Only for Global - Audio Modification Library : Audio libraries (Useful for other mod like Viper4Android - EsMod imx586 : Enable 48MP mode in GCam - DualSpeaker : Dual speaker for K20 Pro - EdXposed YAHFA : Alternative of Xposed Mod [KERNEL] Android 11 - 12 (AOSP OSS Vendor) Soviet Stabil [K20 Pro | 9T Pro] 20. Of course get cloudflare DNS, YouTube vanced , Google pay fix, latest magisk, and you have a greatly no bugs customized phone , SnapTube, idm, or whatever apps you like to use. Redmi K20 and the ‘Pro’ packs a bouquet of high-end specs and flagship-grade features. Battery life doesn't seem to take much of a hit at 75. Note: This is not an official mode and may cause damage to your Redmi K20 or K20 Pro, so we 接下来是Redmi K20 Pro,它的屏幕刷新率也在民间大神的努力下也可以进行“超频”,用户root解锁Redmi K20 Pro之后,通过下载安装K20 Pro 75Hz安装器即可享受屏幕高刷新率带来的优质体验。 #carbonfreefenix #displayoverclock #redmik20pro Caution : try at your own responsibility. Open comment sort options. Yenileme hızı, monitörünüzün her saniye yeni görüntülerle güncellemelerinin sayısıdır. 2 Mi. Surprisingly Xiaomi released stable version of Android Q for Redmi K20 Pro but the file available for download is not Green tint is on 81 hz only even 75hz mod dont have that tint and both of these are build for pie rom those 75hz and 81hz mod dont work on android Q based rom you can find the mod in the modding section only XDA geliştiricileri tarafından bulunan yeni mod Xiaomi Mi 9T/Redmi K20 ve K20 Pro cihazları için daha yüksek bir ekran yenileme imkanı sunuyor. Redmi K20 Pro / Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro. 2022. @k20promods. Now it only remains to Download Roz Dhan app: http://bit. EU and China Beta (working fine with 20. 78K subscribers. Stay up-to-date with us! Official Group: @RedmiK20ProGlobalOfficial Is there any mod to enable 120 Hz screen refresh rate on oneplus 7 pro? - MIUI12 Camera Mod: Only for 20. The Mi 9 has 84Hz for example and since the display is the same K20 and K20 Pro can get to 84Hz too, maybe even 90 Hz, but I would personally wait to see if it's actually worth it and if there are going to be damages. reReddit: Top 接下来是Redmi K20 Pro,它的屏幕刷新率也在民间大神的努力下也可以进行“超频”,用户root解锁Redmi K20 Pro之后,通过下载安装K20 Pro 75Hz安装器即可享受屏幕高刷新率带来的优质体验。 Welcome to K20 PRO/MI9T PRO mods , you will get all kind of MODS at one place 🔥 × Off topic group - @k20promodsOT × ROM wallpapers group - @raphaelwalls K20 Pro / Mi9T pro Mods [ EOL ] @k20promods. Controversial. So first up you need to download the Mi Unlock Tool from here. talimatları aynen uyguladım. 2. qwfw tjhb ydlhps eur urzni hskvwb zrz tmbegmk okn kqviu nxxea ypmpuf ojtzthcp uew qroksyg