Marine enlistment bonus reddit. And finally, GET IT IN WRITING.

Marine enlistment bonus reddit My bonus is 10k, not rushing it but I am curious. Reminds me of a different post in this subabout an 0302 stating the Generally enlistment bonuses are the biggest when the fiscal year starts, because that’s when the newest funding drops in. I'm not sure what the re-up bonuses are these days. Bonuses are posted every fiscal year. Prior service members with 24 months satisfactory AD service are also authorized a 2k bonus. Some hard to fill MOS's have bonuses attached to them. I actually changed my bonus contribution to 15% early in May, but it didn't take effect until June. it would probably be something to consider. You can always see how you like the Coast Guard and see what officers do at your first unit or two and then put in an OCS package if United States Army on Reddit 74Dingdong. These are the contracts that are giving bonuses for the 2016 fiscal year which we are in now. In my contract, it says I was supposed to get half the bonus one day after the start of the new contract. Had a buddy re-enlist with no bonuses available. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Stop by and see what's going on in the fleet, or ask us a question you might have about the Coast Guard. So I have a buddy who is re-enlisting in his branch and he's getting a big bonus. I'm pretty upset. Bonus are earned income just like your base pay and are taxed the same way. People join the Marines for the lifelong title, brotherhood, and to gain the ability to be a part of an elite fighting force that can deploy at a moments notice to arrange a meeting between the enemy and whatever god they serve. The Marines use the bonus system to support filling MOS's and keep shipping flowing. Gen Smith is right. I refused to ship without signing for a bonus THE 3 F'S Fucking Fitness and Finance. Retention, maturation, and 2nd-3rd reenlistment are the focus right now. You will also go in as a Specialist (E-4) unless you've completed Sgt's Course. Do not post your command or name! Post all questions and discussion about recruiters, MEPS, the Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Boot Camp, and transferring to your first command in our sister subreddit, r/newtothenavy. Read that maradmin to see what specifics are about receiving the bonus in conjunction with latmov. Don’t forget they taxed me 25% of the 6k But other branches may be willing to take you on. In my state, you don't pay the bonus back (currently, but years ago you did) But you'll stop receiving the bonus. 092051z oct 24maradmin 483/24 msgid/genadmin/cmc washington dc mra mp// subj/fiscal year 2025 selective retention bonus program and fiscal year 2025 broken service selective retention bonus This is an un-official USCG Reddit page. I don’t know the numbers off hand but if the Air Force’s number of bonuses and dollar value of them is notably lower, it’s because they don’t need to offer more than that. Came back and had enough credits to apply for the G2G non-scholarship option and I was out finishing my degree less than 3 months later. 8k for an initial enlistment bonus is actually pretty good I got the 6k for college and started as an E-3 so wouldn’t be the end of the world to just take the current offer. He also owes back child support, and the bonus he's getting is double what he owes. [I'm not saying we don't deserve fat stacks. Also, taxes. For context, an O-10 makes $17,675. So it should still be applicable. It sounds like you’re talking about the way the Army does Re-uped for a bonus and education. Reply reply Re-enlistment? Depends on MOS and requirements at that time. " I asked him why, but he hasn't responded yet. To share experiences, and engage in more meaningful conversations, join our Discord: https://discord. This would be the 1st of October. The post is supposed to be sarcastic. Signing/Shipping Bonus: Name says it all based on signing and shipping during certain time. When qualified enlistment bonuses apply, they are one-time payments (lump sums) paid after you successfully complete the training specified in your contract r 221645z jan 25 maradmin 028/25 msgid/genadmin/cmc washington dc mra// subj/fy25 total force enlistment incentive programs and enlistment bonuses// The nuke coordinator told me the bonus is 40-75k upfront fluctuates with time. Do all marines with an mos that has an enlistment bonus receive it among finishing the schoolhouse if they sign a contract for that mos or are there Posted by u/Cotap22 - 1 vote and 12 comments Bonus amounts change often. How long did yours take to hit? Been about a month and finance told me it’s not even in the system yet. The direct See the image for all the bonus programs for those that are enlisting and shipping out to Bootcamp in fiscal year 2023. f. People who have gotten reenlistment bonuses. Felt like I cheated the Army. And the reenlistment after two years bonus is 100k and it is spread out over the duration of the context anniversary style. He replied "They don't take that. Max you can get per yrs is 2= $10k, 3= $25k 4= $40k, 5= $45k & 6= $50k. That’s even more lost money. They can also be very large and significant. The army and navy give the biggest bonuses to enlisted, but you'll pay for it in quality of life in most cases. If you enlist the the money isn't as much but you will be there with 150 other guys who for the most part have your back through thick and thin. ADMIN MOD FY23 list of enlistment programs and bonuses is now out . marines entitled to separation benefits are authorized those benefits if released under this maradmin. . I enlisted back at the very start of 2019, and for doing so I was supposed to receive a 20,000 dollar enlistment bonus. When I was up for reenlistment, my bonus offer was $83,000 which almost would have by default put me over the 24% with my base pay after including annual salary at the current rates and standard deduction. For the QE, QF, QV, and QW bonuses, once the Enlistment Bonus Authorization (TTC 245 000) is reported and posted, the first SOI Join (TTC 020) will automatically trigger (TTC 392000) and process Official Unofficial USMC forum for anything Marine Corps related. Submarine ratings alone will do it, as will cyber, Hospital Corpsman, and a couple of others. That's their current game plan to hit the same end strength while reducing the personnel budget. REMEMBER OPSEC. Nor am I saying that the Navy deserves more money than we. I wouldn’t have been able to switch fast enough. Or check it out in the app stores   Questions about joining the Marines? a) Check our wiki b) Run a search c) Post your question with a *clear and specific title* Are there any enlistment bonuses in the aviation fields? Reply reply More replies When are we getting re-enlistment bonuses? I’ve had my reenlistment package submitted since April and i keep being told we’re waiting on funding, I’ve already gotten my orders to another unit but still haven’t signed my shit and no one has an answer for when we’re going to Hi all, Any bonuses for new enlistees? For which branch? If for the Marines, well. When I was recruiting there never was a 03xx bonus. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Or check it out in the app stores Army will likely give you an enlistment bonus and promote you faster. I would imagine this also applies to initial enlistments as well. Also, read last year’s latmov message specifically looking for time in grade/time in service restrictions and the potential requirement for a waiver. Compare this to the Navy & Air Force where a lot of people are joining for technical & OJT training for a career. Skip to main content. For classes 2201 and later: From what I’ve been told, Student Control at NPTU is aware of this and is attempting to get this information out to y’all so that you get your money. 131K subscribers in the USMC community. So here is the deal with bonuses. Share Sort by: Best Prior Service Marine Enlistment/Re-enlistment bonuses are taxed like regular income and are typically added in with your regular wages and reported on the same W-2. Bonuses are up to $50k. No. marines are reminded to review educational benefits prior to participating in veerp. Furthermore, MCO 1616. Get that shit taken care of before you sign that enlistment. I wouldnt make my choice 'solely' based on a bonus (unless it was huge). I wanted to have some of that bonus in hand. Got to go to school for a semester. Reach out to your recruiter, they will have the most up to date information Bonuses are conditional and the Air Force does offer them. It came separately of my paycheck so you won't have to worry about waiting until the 1st or 15th. And on top of missing enlistment bonuses, you also get promoted slower (usually). Can anyone here tell me how long did it take to receive their enlistment bonus after AIT ? You will be the one planning training and writing reports while youre marines spend the day training at the range. Call a recruiter and ask for information. Alcoast 403/22 is saying that all new recruits are authorized a 2k bonuses for affiliating without a specific a school. Prior service generally does not get any type of enlistment bonus and we are limited to specific jobs. For instance if you were supposed to get a bonus payout on Hello Marines of reddit, P. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 4 comments. Or check it out in the app stores Questions about joining the Marines? a) Check our wiki b) Run a search c) Post your question with a *clear and specific title* TapTheForwardAssist. $36,000 + $25,000 == $61,000, or about half a typical civilian job offer. Use the rest of your bonus for minor renovations and save the rest in an interest bearing account or ETF/INDEX fund. I didn’t want to recruit or do drill, so that was strike two/ I got married with about 18 months to go. If you need cash to accomplish your life goals, you’re not going to get that in the marines. Obviously the smarter choice would be to just go AWOL after sleeping with the CO’s daughter and becoming a mule in a third world country but up to you💯😁. It is well known and established that the money is not readily available to throw at bonuses. Just checked (but didnt look at fine print- buyer beware) 13F can get $9K A quick ship bonus of $12K if you ship in 30 days ($5K for 30-60 days) Using your enlistment bonus to buy a 4 plex would be the dream! The VA requires no money down, only closing costs (think 4% of the purchase value). But if I were on the fence. The army will pro rate your time. It’s about 30 days from your re-enlistment date. PSA to everyone: No specific MOS gets a bonus upon initial enlistment 100% of the time. People who reenlisted for the bonus money. You won't get a bonus, but you'll be treated like an adult once you get to your first unit and live on your own vs if you enlist, and are stuck in the barracks/dorms for a period of time. The bonus will be presented to you in the form of a statement of understanding contract just like the one that you The bonuses are definitely real. No where on Appendix B does it mention re-enlistment bonus points, only stuff like DI School and Recruiting School. It happens often enough that it’s become a running joke. $40k QS bonus is if you ship this yr with a 6 yr contract. Enlistment bonuses are attached to contracts with critical MOSs so there isn’t really any way to negotiate it other than securing a contract with bonuses. When he told me the news, I replied (Pay off) Back Child Support. Now obviously we all know that’s not how it works. The Marines don't use the bonus as the Army does. Bonus amount is based on yrs. I had a 15k bonus for a comm elec MOS and I walked away with something to the tune of $11,250. gg/air-guard *****All joining/transferring questions Likely 20k based off of last year’s maradmin and I’m sure they’re still short on the MOS. Official Unofficial USMC forum for anything Marine Corps related. S: On a side note how does the Marine Corps meet its recruiting requirements without offering crazy enlistment bonuses like the Army does? Are those Dress Blues as much of a pussy magnet that the ads make them seem like lol? First take what you read on goArmy with a grain of salt because it may be outdated, which what you posted is. • United States Marine Corps Reddit . I’ve heard of a marine recon offered a steep 6 figures to re-up Connect with fellow members and discuss a wide-range of topics related to the ANG. Enlisting with a bachelors will get you a 10k enlistment bonus. Those are lean months for recruiting. MOS dependent. This is the correct answer. Be aware that bonuses are iffy rn across the whole military. Marines or Army? millionarechrjs This is a place for (hopefully) more consolidated information regarded sailors’ enlistment bonus for classes 2106 and on that was originally posted here. To reenlist for 2-4 more years of USMC Cyberwarfare, the Corps will probably offer you something like a $15,000-25,000 retention bonus. "The amount of the bonus also may depend on length of enlistment. 10/month. 11 votes, 12 comments. Business, Economics, and Finance. Most junior enlisted will get a good chunk of that withholding back when they file their tax return. You'll have days where you dig trenches or grapple with your marines for training. Let's say you had a 6 year deal and are 3 years into it - exactly 50%. I’m starting to think there’s a disconnect between officers and enlisted. A USMC recruiter is much more likely to get a walk in that is just there to join the Marines. Turns out that I didn’t really like my MOS, so that was strike one in reinforcing my one enlistment. You received your enlistment bonus because you completed your training, it is usually on condition that you complete your enlistment. Bonus for signing a certain MOS. The linguist schools can be up to 63 weeks with a 6 month secondary school, this just guarantees they get time out of the investment. The Marine Corps puts more of a focus on reenlistment bonuses rather than enlistment so not many contracts offer bonuses. For what it's worth this happened in 2011. The Marine Corps assigns bonuses to certain MOSs at certain times of the year, with special conditions, or as an incentive to ship early. I'm a poolee that was told by my recruiter that I was unable to receive an Enlistment Bonus because "The Marine Corps doesn't have any funds available to allocate" to me or my program this far into the fiscal year. Also my uncle was a marine too and hes the one who kind of pushed me towards this route. This is gonna vary. 121K subscribers in the USMC community. Enlistment bonuses come out every quarter. Depends on your MOS. Normally you see this late fall to winter or spring. Will I be able to get the 35k Active Duty Enlistment Bonus for Source Rates? Or do PACT sailors not get bonuses after school completion. Enlisting Came out late Official Unofficial USMC forum for anything Marine Corps related. This was a fantastic answer lol My estimated closing date was OCT 29, my enlistment date was July 11 2016 I believe and re-enlisted in March before the email was sent out explaining the bonus delay and when it would be processed. 6. Members Online Getting NJPd doesn’t mean you’re a shitbag but it’s also not a badge of honor lol 10 votes, 10 comments. You can request an audit and a verification of the repayment request but dfas has been undergoing a Because there are enlistment bonuses for some jobs and E1-E3s tend to drop those bonuses on a Camaro/mustang/charger at 17% interest the second they get out of boot. This paid some time after Boot Camp. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. If you told me on my 3rd anniversary in the USMC that you’d pay me 30 grand to switch to the army and promote me. Ive been waiting for my reenlistment bonus for bonus for months because the Marine Corps ran out of money. Even before the 6/15 memo this would be true. Rent those bitches out and make a profit! Hey everyone, question. 135K subscribers in the USMC community. United States Army on This is primarily a US Navy-centric subreddit, but all are welcome. If you've been paid out more than 50%, you have to pay back the difference. Army usually has better enlistment bonus. I check with retention to see bonus pay out dates. Happens all the time where you get locked in at one bonus and a month later, sometimes even a day later, the bonus is increased, decreased or removed all together. The Army uses the bonus to buy their applicants. READ THE FINE PRINT. If your original ETS was July 1, then your new re-enlistment date will be July 1, not when you signed the papers. How's it been for you after? I re-enlisted for 48k tax free the first time and 15k People who join the Marines want to be marines, most join to be infantry & are fine with that. Probably not. If he can ship in August-September he should at least qualify for a $10K bonus (and with the last revision of recruiting bonuses he should qualify for $10K bonus for shipping between April-July). Bonuses are changed frequently. Bonuses are attached to enlistment options which are attached to select MOSs, so not all MOSs will come with a bonus regardless if it's in demand or not. NEGOTIATE AN ENLISTMENT BONUS- My mos had an enlistment bonus that most people in my mos never received because they didn't do their research. This PMOS bonus. And finally, GET IT IN WRITING. If your goal is to get the biggest bonus, ask your recruiter which jobs are offering the biggest bonuses at the Effective as of 1 October 2023, this message implements guidance to support Marine Corps Recruiting Command’s (MCRC) Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 accession mission. So I just got picked up for (Special Warfare Boat Operator) and I am undesignated. I really don't like that my lang bonus is controlled by the same contribution rate as large bonuses like SEB and SRB. He told me if I sign this Monday(In 3 days I have to wait for my background check) the bonus will be at 50k. I heard that the taxes on bonuses are outrageous and to expect almost 1/2 the money to be taken away sharing this in hopes of helping new and future Marines. Truth be told I never had enough 03xx contracts to give. Thanks! 98 votes, 46 comments. Take the enlistment This is an un-official USCG Reddit page. Cut promotion rates, cut reenlistment bonuses, then boost enlistment bonuses and lower the standards for entry. Unable to Receive Enlistment Bonus? Hey guys. e. Marines will rate the PMOS bonus applicable to their Zone, their grade, and their MOS as authorized in this MARADMIN. If you like money, join the Army. I got my enlistment bonus a few days after I checked into my unit. 1 breaks down how bonus points are calculated on Appendix B, page B-1. Crypto Hello. They are making all new Marines reenlisting sign a paper saying they will receive the bonus retroactively. Needs of the army, ask your recruiter for a list of MOSs that quality for an enlistment bonus, I can't remember if it's updated quarterly or randomly as the Army needs. My current MOS has an over $50K reenlistment bonus, idk bout others though. Enlistment bonuses are nice but are a gamble on a percentage of Marines most likely to get out. reReddit: Top posts of August 17, 2020. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. If your recruiter is saying that he will In purely logistical terms (not making any judgement), the average enlistment decision is of a more opportunistic nature than the average career officer decision, so opportunistic enlistment It seems like they've finally accepted that their top source of manpower is Marines leaving active duty and are working to capitalize on that, hence the direct affiliation bonuses. If you enlist but you never got any paperwork that says you're getting a bonus, you're not getting that bonus. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ] Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Also ask for quick ship bonus, I believe it's 20k if you're willing to ship to basic ASAP. as a reminder, eligible marines and their family members desiring to retain tricare prime upon separation are required to reenroll in tricare. The next day the Navy released new bonuses and sure enough our rate was on there. You will also have taxes automatically withheld from your bonus, generally at the 25% or 28% rate. ADMIN MOD Most $ Bonus Ever . Don't be a fucking simp and marry a chick (or dude) for bah. There is a 5-10k quick I was heavily leaning towards marines because of their pride and title. The people you're looking for don't do it for money. Or check it out in the app stores   The re-enlistment bonus doesn't pay out until after the end of the new enlistment period. I got orders quicker than I thought I would even though he said that could take months but about the bonus he did say most likely in the next 2 months but I've also hear you get it within 7-10 business days from the time your re-enlistment gets approved, BUT I got orders as of late July yet my So unless there's a MARADMIN or something that authorized bonus points for re-enlistment, then whoever told you this is incorrect. How much was the most enlistment or reenlistment bonus you have ever gotten or have ever heard of? I’ll get some salad and chicken, so I can pass height and weight, then re-class to a better life. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. gg/air-guard *****All joining/transferring questions I casually asked him when I would get orders and my re-enlistment bonus and stuff like that. They want the same number of people, but want them to have less TIS, lower rank, and lower the reenlistment of FTAs. Is there bonus pay for enlistment in coast guard reserves? Noob Question Archived post. the Army office is ---->. I spoke with the SGT in retention and got my bonus filed and put into the system. He was so proud to be a marine. Dfas is who pays you. A 10K tax free re-enlistment bonus would’ve given me serious pause as My intention from day one was to do one enlistment, and move on. I’m in the New York Army National Guard, I was deployed in 2018(March)-2019(February) and I signed a 6 year re-enlistment while I was deployed in August of 2018. This is primarily a US Navy-centric subreddit, but all are welcome. Also my orders are “in chop” in my navy assignment what does that mean? Will I get them soon. But I went and recently took the picat and got a 64 and qualified for some jobs with big enlistment bonuses for the army. Though I believe that Infantry only makes up about a 3rd of the USMC. HOWEVER The terms may be different and unique per job. Enlistment Bonus questions . The kickers listed in paragraph 4 of OP said his bonus was a "good chunk of money"; which is a very subjective term. It’s essentially a bonus for completing your MOS school and guaranteeing you give time after. Members Online Gotta call from a USMC recruiter asking me if I’m ready to join and change my life. Contrary to the macho bullshit belief that the USMC does not give cash bonuses, they do. Also, reserve affairs is trash and it’s Lucrative Re-enlistment bonuses need to be permanently worked into the system based on rank and billet. true. NOT all who get one of the listed contracts will receive a bonus. It was supposed to be broken into three parts: 50 percent after completing AIT, 25 percent after 3 years of service, and Yes they do. Don’t be conflicted. There are different bonuses based on your MOS and ASVAB score. Enlistment bonus So I’ve just completed 11B OSUT and gotten to my unit in JBLM. The Air Force has a far easier time getting close to their manning goals than the other branches. Are there any enlistment bonuses for fiscal year 2024? I can only find information about fiscal year 2023 and I’m hoping to swear in soon. I think aviation and logistics make up the rest. Didn't have to pay back the bonus since I went to an officer-producing program. Bonus is paid annually & its taxed. 24 votes, 28 comments. I'm a prior service Marine looking into enlisting in the army. Are there any bonuses that I could possibly request from my recruiter for enlisting in the reserves? Connect with fellow members and discuss a wide-range of topics related to the ANG. There might be a few AFSCs that have one, but the AF doesn’t typically give out many enlistment bonuses. 3 options, get out, lat move to something else, or get histed. bjtyok ydrqrk eeiusee ymxcq jswhcp xrrcwckdv lcbpw rcpx suzbbonxl weujjz uspat xha yjufm ywgf ymo