Palm beach county clerk of court For traffic cases: Select "Court Events' to find your hearing information. See a list of FLHSMV service centers in Palm Beach County. Guardianship. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER publicrecords@mypalmbeachclerk. 01/08/2025 4:11 PM. Burkhart of the 15th Judicial Circuit serving Palm Beach County to receive the South Palm Beach County Bar Association’s 2025 Distinguished Jurist of the Year award. The Florida Courts E-Filing Portal provides a single access point for filing court documents online statewide. Self Service Center (561) 355-7048. Room 1210 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (561) 624-6650. Once the Clerk issues your Notice of Action, you are responsible for arranging service with a newspaper of general circulation in Palm Beach County. File a petition with the Value Adjustment Board to dispute the value assessment, classification or exemption status of your property in Palm Beach County Palm Beach County court records, traffic tickets, real estate records, marriage licenses, financial reports and more. All submitting vendors will be required to adhere to the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's eRecording Business Rules . The Hon. Cover Sheet for Family Court Cases and Instructions - Form 12. Any VPN that simulates the user’s traffic as originating in the United States should be sufficient. In turn, the 15th . Find the documents you want in eCaseView, add them to your E-Certify shopping cart, then pay and checkout to immediately download your secure electronic certified documents. Florida Free Legal Answers, from the Florida Bar and the American Bar Association, offers low-income Floridians a way to get their legal questions answered by a licensed attorney completely free of charge. Assessing accuracy and reliability of information is the responsibility of the user. West Palm Beach, FL 33401: North County Courthouse: 3188 PGA Blvd. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County 561-355-6511. eCaseView provides easy access to case information including court dates, charges, sentences, complaints, parties, document images (viewable from late 2008) and more. com Joseph Abruzzo West Palm Beach, FL 33401 North County Office Bea Lovelace, Branch Manager 3188 PGA Boulevard Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 CLK-3. You must pay the fine at the same time you elect to attend traffic school. However, a Notice of Hearing with the court date may be available under the eCaseView Dockets & Documents tab. Family case information is only accessible by registered eCaseView Send documents by express delivery service to the Main Courthouse, or mail to: Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Recording Department PO Box 4177 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-4177. and 4 p. Juvenile Dependency. Felonies. The newspaper must have a print circulation. Our support team is available to answer your questions and ensure your payment, document, or request was The County Clerk of Courts is the custodian for many records, particularly court records, in Duval County. Excluding designated holidays. The Clerk’s office is responsible for collecting fees for various court-related activities including divorce filings, tenant evictions, applying for a public defender, recording official documents, traffic infraction fines and costs related to criminal prosecutions. Unified Family Court Services are available at all four Palm Beach County courthouse locations. Per Supreme Court order, images of these documents are not available online if they were filed after 2002. Announcements; Clerk of Court; Court Hours and Holiday Schedule; Court Divorce Records. Passport Office: Palm Beach County Clerk Of Court - North Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. Olive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-2996. . A list of approved traffic schools is available online from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. From March 3 through March 7, you can save big as the Apply for a marriage license or get married at any Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller location in Palm Beach County. The Palm Beach County Court-Ordered Community Service Program has been in existence since 1992 and currently has over 250 participating agencies countywide. Court-ordered community service must be completed at a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency, and any work done with such agency is subject to supervision for documenting purposes. Day: Monday, January 20, 2025 **Monday, February 17, 2025 & Monday, October 13, 2025 are County Holidays but not a Court holiday. 07 (1) Florida Statutes, except as provided in Section 63. Criminal: (561) 355-2996; Civil: (561) 624-6650; Hours. Electronic certified documents will have a unique code as well as an electronic stamp and seal at the bottom of the document. Palm Beach. Official Records (deeds, mortgages, judgments, liens, marriage licenses, etc. West Palm Beach, FL 3340. Please do not call the Clerk’s office to reschedule. For more information on court closings and other court information, please visit www. The Clerk of the Courts serves the 2. North County Courthouse. K. West Palm Beach, FL Joseph Abruzzo is the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller for Palm Beach County, and proudly serves as the county’s protector of public records and taxpayer money. The Official Records Database includes certain recorded documents Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Home Menu. 1. Find the contact information and assignment of the The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is a constitutional officer elected by Palm Beach County citizens. Dixie Hwy. 15thcircuit. The Official Records Database includes certain recorded documents $7 fee made payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County, is the record custodian for various types of records. Although information is available about legal processes, you must hire an attorney for legal advice. All records of Adoption are confidential and exempt from the provisions of Section 119. Search Court Records Search our free online database of civil, criminal and traffic court records in Palm Beach County. Joseph Abruzzo sworn in for second term as Palm Beach County’s Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Map to North County. View and print case documents, review the case docket, check your case status and view your court dates and fees. The Clerk’s administrative offices and Finance Division are located in the Governmental Center at 301 North Olive Avenue in downtown West Palm Beach. The Records Service Center (Room 4. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to research Using eCaseView, you may search civil, criminal and traffic cases as well as view and print case documents. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office does not explicitly endorse a specific VPN. Family Law Matters. Box 3828, West Palm Beach, FL 33402. Box 4667 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-4667. The content in this archive is captured and is being made The Clerk of Court's hours. About the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-4489. Main Courthouse – Judge Daniel T. Request a Payoff Statement. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to research Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Home Menu. South County Courthouse 200 W. It is your responsibility to contact the agency of your choice. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is responsible for safeguarding and protecting the integrity of all Palm Beach County court records. The Florida Legislature regulates court fees, not the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's office or local judiciary. There are four locations that make up the 15th Judicial Circuit of Palm Beach County. Purchase electronic certified court documents online through E-Certify. How Much Do I Owe? The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and WCAG 2. Most heavy truck registrations expire May 31 or December 31 depending on the registration use. Hurley Courthouse 205 N. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office conducts the tax deed sale. Our investment team recently received the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX) certification for the 15th consecutive year. palmbeachbar. Circuit Court Services Offered. Clerk Abruzzo. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller maintains the records for all criminal court cases filed in Palm Beach County, as well as collects and disburses court fines, fees and Once you find the case you are interested in, click on Court Events to see upcoming court dates; Civil court dates are not listed on the eCaseView court events screen. Search for Records Service Center. Unified Family Court handles all case types related to family issues. Palm Beach County Court . Skip to the content. These links are not affiliated with the Clerk's office. 0 and WCAG 2. Electing Traffic School. There, you will need to pay the FLHSMV a reinstatement fee of $60 per case. For criminal cases, that information includes name, DOB, case type division, case status, next court date, charges, and timeline of You'll find one at the Palm beach county clerk of court - north county courthouse in Palm beach gardens, Florida. The clerk will transmit copies of the Summons and Complaint to the Sheriff for service only if the Eviction is in Palm Beach County and if you include the Sheriff’s service of process fee and indicate that you wish the document transmitted to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. 301 N. ” Please include the copy of your citation to ensure proper credit. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller 205 N. Full payment (no cash) and a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of documents are REQUIRED. Box 4667, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33402 along with a self-addressed stamped return envelope. Here is one option: A copy is required to help enforce court decisions about spousal support, custody and visitation, child support, and the division of a couple’s debts and assets. Mail the above listed items to the attention of the Circuit Civil Division at P. Fees & The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is responsible for safeguarding and protecting the integrity of all Palm Beach County court records. ) The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County, is the record custodian for various types of records. 2500 on the 4th floor of the Main Courthouse) provides copies and certified copies of:. South County Office Visit Court Website Visit Clerk Website Jury Duty Page Get Directions List All Locations. Joseph Abruzzo is the Certified Florida Clerk and Comptroller for Palm Beach County. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County (the “Clerk”) provides users, free of charge, the ability to search and access its Official Records’ online database (“Official Records Database”). Properties scheduled for tax deed sale are published in the Sun Sentinel newspaper and are available to search online. Administration In Florida, most county-level courts fall under the administration of the Clerk of Circuit Court. - 4 p. Monday - Friday, 8 a. See Fees & Costs. , WPB, 33401 355-2996 • Fax 355-6727 www. For any child support matters involving the Department of Revenue: Department of Revenue 881 South Congress Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33406 850-488-5437 https://childsupport. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller supports all of Palm Beach County's criminal and civil courts by processing, recording and filing documents such as traffic tickers, lawsuits, divorce agreements, wills, child support agreements, domestic violence petitions, and tenant evictions. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office supports Palm Beach County’s criminal, civil and juvenile courts. Some records you can access directly online and some requests need to be directed to our records custodian. org. For more information, please contact the Palm Beach County Clerk of Court and Comptroller. Mail Make your check or money order payable to “Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. Main Courthouse: PBC Clerk & Comptroller's Office, 205 North Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Attn: Probate Department South County: PBC Clerk & Comptroller's Office, 200 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444 Attn: Probate Department The Clerk’s office does not forward Notices of Action and Notices to Creditors for non-indigent parties to a newspaper for publication. Delray Beach, FL 33444 (561) 274-1557. A message will tell you whether to report. If a document is recorded that exactly matches your monitoring criteria, you will receive an alert within 24 hours. ; The alert email will provide you with the document type, Clerk's File Number or CFN, and book and page number. floridarevenue. It does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs or activities. Order Form Packets from the Self-Service Center These form packets include instructions such as how many copies are needed, where What to do if your traffic ticket is overdue or in collections in Palm Beach County, Florida. Search please contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's customer call center at (561) 355-2994 from 8 a. 162 F. ; Palm Beach County Bar Lawyer Referral Service offers 30-minute consultations with an attorney. The Official Records Database includes certain recorded documents Apply for a marriage license or get married at any Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller location in Palm Beach County. O. West County Courthouse 2950 State Road 15, Room How do I obtain court records, marriage licenses, or real estate records? These records fall under the jurisdiction of the Palm Beach County Clerk of Court. See a list of mailing Departments of the Clerk's office including court, finance, board services and inspector general in Palm Beach County. Main Courthouse Mailing Address P. com or call the 15th Judicial Circuit’s hotline at (561) 355-6744. County Clerk of Circuit Court 205 N. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is Palm Beach County’s protector of taxpayer money and public records including marriage licenses, court documents, financial reports and real estate records. Circuit Learn about the administration and leadership of the 15th Judicial Circuit of Florida, which includes the Palm Beach County Court. Atlantic Ave. 7 million citizens of Miami-Dade County and supports the operations of the 11th Judicial Circuit and County courts in addition to providing professional services to the public, the judiciary, the legal Palm Beach County Tax Collector P. Search our free online database of civil, Learn how to request marriage and divorce records from the County Clerk of Circuit Court in Palm Beach County, Florida. Payment of Parking Violations issued by Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office (PBSO) Self-Service Center services including legal forms, free Navigator assistance with form preparation, and public viewing stations Contact. Take the affidavit of compliance to your local FLHSMV office within 30 days. E-File a document. Main Courthouse: 205 N. View your court case, court dates and costs due online and purchase certified copies of documents. I Want To Read More. flcourts The Florida State Courts System offers free forms related to Domestic, Repeat, Sexual and Dating Violence and Stalking. 2006-002, signed and dated by the and Palm Beach County, Florida, by its Board of County Commissioners. Pay online or download PayItClerkPBC, the payment app of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. com www. Submit documents to be recorded electronically| Mail documents to: Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Recording Department PO Box 4177 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-4177 Our free online system, eCaseView, allows you to look up court records and traffic tickets in Palm Beach County. Service Finder. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller in Palm Beach County, Florida, is responsible for maintaining court records, issuing marriage licenses, preparing financial reports, recording real estate records, and providing public access to court records and other public documents. Certified copies requested by mail at the Notice to Defendant of Right Against Garnishment Wages, Money, And Other Property (County Civil) Owner’s Claim for Mortgage Foreclosure Surplus Petition for Injunction Against Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult (Self-Service Packet 71) Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Home Menu. Site Maintenance on Wednesday, February 26, 7PM-11PM: Online traffic ticket payments will be unavailable and Description. The Clerk's office provides court and official records, finance, information Search Palm Beach County's court records, judgments, deeds, liens, marriage licenses, mortgages, plats, tax deeds and more. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410: Royal Palm Beach Branch: 200 Civic Center Way Suite 400 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411: South County Courthouse: 200 W. You may obtain the Official Records book and page number by searching the Official Records. The City of West Palm Beach is conducting road work on Banyan Boulevard in downtown West Palm Beach, resulting Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning & Building Vista Center 2300 N Jog Road, 1st Floor West Palm Beach Available on Wednesdays. To record the Domestic Partnership Declaration with the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office, you must be subject to provisions set forth in Ordinance No. Olive Avenue, 9th Floor, West Palm Beach, FL Other Resources. North County Courthouse 3188 PGA Blvd. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller cannot assist in researching properties, nor can we give legal advice. Some Appeals from County Court. Heavy truck weighing between 5,001 and 7,999 lbs: Renew registration during birth month. Federal Jury Duty: If you have been summonsed for federal jury duty, call (800) 865-1775 for assistance. m. Court Information. The 15th Judicial Circuit will hold first appearance and juvenile shelter and detention hearings at the Palm Beach County Jail. Additionally, the Palm Beach County Bar Association has a lawyer referral and information service at (561) 687-3266 and you can visit www. New Year's Day: Wednesday, January 1, 2025: Martin Luther King Jr. the day before your summoned date, check When to Report or call 561-355-2930 or 888-780-5032. Laura C. The main courthouse is in West Palm Beach. Most court records can be viewed online. Foreign subpoenas can also be issued over the Circuit Civil department counter. Palm Beach County Clerk’s Office Recognized for Financial Excellence. Family Court is a division of the Circuit Court that holds jurisdiction over all domestic relations matters including but not limited to adoptions, domestic violence, divorce, child support, custody, alimony, time-sharing and related matters. He was elected in November 2020, and sworn into office on Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Home Menu. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller of Palm Beach County Pro Se E-Filing . After full payment, or establishing a payment plan, the clerk will provide you with an affidavit of compliance. If you are an eRecording vendor and would like to begin eRecording with the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County, please contact our office by email or call (561) 355-2991. Do not send cash. To speak to a Clerk representative, please call (561) 355-2994 between the hours of 8 a. m Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Home Menu. Juvenile Delinquency. Read full announcement North County Courthouse 3188 PGA Blvd. Make payments. S. Olive Avenue, 2nd Floor Governmental Center West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Telephone (561) 355-6289 Home – VAB - Required Petition Info Welcome to the Palm Beach County Value Adjustment Board. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link. Site Maintenance on Wednesday, February 26, 7PM-11PM: Online traffic ticket payments will be unavailable and other The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office supports Palm Beach County’s criminal, civil and juvenile courts. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County: Civil-efile@mypalmbeachclerk. Save a Trip. mypalmbeachclerk. The TDA is a legal document that initiates the process of the property to be sold at a tax deed sale, conducted by the Clerk & Comptroller’s Office. Services are also provided at the Criminal Justice Complex at 3228 Gun Club Road in West Palm Beach. PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. Electronically certified copies of court documents are available for purchase through eCaseView. Room 1S-124 Delray Beach, FL 33444: West County Courthouse: 2950 State Road 15 Room Pay Online or By Mobile App Make Payments for Traffic Tickets, Criminal Cases and Payment Plans. File New Cases The Palm Beach County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller has partnered with PayIt to make it easier for you to pay your fee or fine. (CBS12) — Palm Beach County residents, it's time to hit the brakes on those overdue traffic tickets and court fines. ; You are responsible for enrolling in a traffic school and paying the fee for the course. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s Office values the service veterans and their family members have given to our country and that the Clerk’s office supports the hiring of returning service members and military spouses. Monday through Friday. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Home Menu. Events; Fraud Alerts; Public Notices; Serving You Safely; Subscribe to News; Our Budget; About Palm Beach County Clerk. A divorce certificate may be needed for name changes or remarriage. 928 (www. Show/Hide. Branch The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County, makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website; however it makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of such information and data. North County Courthouse; Royal Palm Beach Branch; South County Courthouse; West County Courthouse; Meet Joseph Abruzzo; News. Close. Find contact information, services and locations of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller in Palm Beach County. Court Holidays 2025. com Self Service Center: (561) 355-7048. Joseph Abruzzo Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller 301 North Olive Ave. South County The Clerk’s administrative offices and Finance Division are located in the Governmental Center at 301 North Olive Avenue in downtown West Palm Beach. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-2996 Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County (the “Clerk”) provides users, free of charge, the ability to search and access its Official Records’ online database (“Official Records Database”). com After 5 p. IMPORTANT: Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County (the “Clerk”) provides users, free of charge, the ability to search and access its Official Records’ online database (“Official Records Database”). Heavy Truck Registration. The office performs over 1,000 duties related to public records, public funds, and county services. Cases that have a status of Sealed / Non Public and certain case types cannot be viewed in eCaseView. We process, record and file court documents such as lawsuits, traffic tickets, divorce agreements, wills, domestic violence petitions and tenant evictions. ; For assistance, please contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court Technology provides strategic planning, project management and a wide array of technical support services to the judiciary, management, and support staff at all five Palm Beach County courthouses. Subject to inspection only upon Order of Court, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's office cannot furnish information pertaining to Adoptions to Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County (the “Clerk”) provides users, free of charge, the ability to search and access its Official Records’ online database (“Official Records Database”). This free and open archive provides access to social media records from Palm Beach County. Find out what information is included in the records and why you may Learn how to access and request court records from the Palm Beach County Clerk of the Circuit Court, Joseph Abruzzo. com 561-355-2996 Court Records, Tax Deeds, Adoptions, Marriage licenses, Palm Beach County. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-2996. Passport Acceptance Facilities are crucial to the processing of applications for New Passports, Minor Passports, and Replacement of Lost, Stolen or Damaged Passports. For other case types : Look at the Notice of Hearing or the Order Setting Hearing in your case, which will be available on the Dockets & Documents tab. For all other public records of the Clerk’s office: Mail: 301 N. About Palm Beach County Finances. Copies of a final judgment of dissolution of marriage filed in Palm Beach County are available from the Clerk's Records Service Center. Find out what types of records are available online, in person, or by Visit Court Website Visit Clerk Website Jury Duty Page Get Directions List All Locations. The Official Records Database includes certain recorded documents If you are filing a Petition for Adoption, please note the below. Please contact them at 561-355-2996 or visit their website. If you are unrepresented for financial reasons, you are encouraged to contact the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County (561) 655-8944, toll-free: (800) 403-9353 or legalaidpbc. The Clerk sells property pursuant to court order and cannot guarantee a clear title. Civil Cases . Services Provided. The alert will also include a link to view the actual document on the online Official Records website. saxlc xszmld kkv cvtba frg majge nuq ngsttl beygvah lgbt psrb ade okqr stst tas