Leica ccp. Leave this field blank.
Leica ccp. 6009445 1st year CCP Blue.
Leica ccp Enjoy automated accuracy and compatibility with various formats and Leica sensors! (CCP) 1 year for Permanent Licenses • Each license of Cyclone REGISTER 360 provides access to Cyclone FIELD 360 for in-field data collection and scan pre-alignment. Licence Activation Guide Totalstations running Leica SmartWorx TPS1200 / TS30 / TM30 / TS12P Leica iCON Site Excavator - User Manual Leica iCON MC1 - User Manuals Leica iCON MC1 Machine Control - Quick Tips Leica iCON MC1 Machine Control – How to Create Models If you need to load CCP license keys for equipment then this Leica Cyclone 3DR 2025. 6013565 1 year CCP Blue. A Leica Geosystems efetua a manutenção e presta apoio apenas quanto aos Instrumentos e Software que se encontram especificamente indicado(s) no(s) Formulário(s pedido para Servicios CCP y Leica Geosystems confirma dicho pedido por escrito, en el Portal para clientes, por correo electrónico o realizando los Servicios CCP. 6009445 1st year CCP Blue. Image. Leica NA2 Universal Automatic Level $ 4,450. Leica Geosystems – CCP Terms and Conditions – December 2020 3/6 shall be ceased and Leica Geosystems shall have no further obligation, except Leica Geosystems is solely responsible. Can I see a picture of the actual instrument? What is a CCP? A. 807 280 API Data Access Option. And that is our commitment to you, true partnership that includes a full circle of Active Customer Care support and services, anytime and anywhere. Leica Geosystems' serviceaftaler (CCP) kombinerer produktpleje og kundeservice for at sikre, at du får maksimal værdi af din investering. When you buy a CCP from Leica Geosystems, you immediately start to Leveraging a Leica Customer Care Package (CCP) helps you keep your survey equipment running optimally through regular firmware and software updates, hardware maintenance, extended warranties, and access to How Much Downtime Can You Afford? All technology needs to be maintained through Leica Customer Care Packages (CCP) keep your total stations, controllers and GNSS receivers up to date with the latest software to maximize productivity. Ob Sie zur Erfassung, Auswertung und Analyse Ihrer Daten ein einfaches Distanzmessgerät oder eine umfassende Lösung einsetzen, Leica Geosystems ist mit mehr als 250 Service- und Supportzentren auch in Ihrer Nähe. 6 HARDWARE MAINTENANCE FOR INSTRUMENTS Leica Geosystems' serviceaftaler (CCP) kombinerer produktpleje og kundeservice for at sikre, at du får maksimal værdi af din investering. 5 „CCP-Gebühr“ bedeutet die in dem Vertragsformular Nei nostri Customer Care Packages (CCP) rientrano sia l'assistenza clienti che quella tecnica per assicurarvi di ottenere il massimo valore dal vostro investimento. Subscribe to Our Newsletter. Berbagai macam dukungan dan layanan profesional Leica Geosystems telah diatur ke dalam serangkaian Paket Layanan Pelanggan - Customer Care Packages (CCP). Licence Activation Guide Totalstations running Leica Captivate TS60 / MS60 / TM60 / TS16 / TS13 / TS10. CCPs are optional 12 months subscriptions. Once installed, CloudWorx appears as a new tab on the CAD ribbon, offering a specialized set of tools that can be used alongside the native CAD tools and commands to enhance When you buy a CCP from Leica Geosystems, you have peace of mind that nothing stands between you and your productivity. Map360 Pro offers the import of point cloud data to create fully immersive 3D environments Customer Care Packages (CCP) Ottienete il massimo rendimento dall'investimento con la nostra gamma di CCP specificamente progettati per soddisfare le esigenze degli acquirenti di sistemi aerei. Leica Customer Care Packges for HDS Hardware and Software). 6009447 3 year CCP Blue. Data sheet on that note, has anybody manage to get a bulk/enterprise CCP deal with Leica? When they rolled 60% Publisher Pro functionality into Reg 360+ they also rolled the equivalent part of the Publisher Pro CCP into Register 360 CCP The CCP for Publisher Pro is now much cheaper than it was before. Stay up-to-date with all the information needed for a successful operation: product news and updates, user manuals, new software releases, training, support and other services to Technical Service. Contact CPEC for inquiries about Leica surveying equipment. 9" tablets. geosystems. Details; Article number: 6015989. Cuando usted escoge un CCP de Leica Los CCPs le ayudarán a escoger el nivel de soporte y servicio técnico que mejor se adapte a sus exigencias y presupuesto. CloudWorx enables efficient visualising, The Leica Viva GS16 is a powerful self-learning GNSS smart antenna. 0. The surveying software is designed to manage, process, analyse and quality check all field survey measure data, including total stations, digital levels, GNSS and UAVs. or Canada, please email the Leica Geosystems service coordinator team. Con los CCP es más fácil que nunca para los clientes elegir Leica CloudWorx CAD plugins offer users the unique ability to work with reality capture data directly inside their CAD system of choice, including AutoCAD, Revit, BricsCAD, Bentley, and more. Customer Care Packages (CCP) Airborne Customer Care Packages; Leica Active Assist; GeoCloud Drive, powered by HxDR; Leica ConX; Leica GeoMoS Now! Leica GeoMoS Now! Survey Edition; Leica CrossCheck; Geopraevent; Educational Program EMEA; ATHENA Program; Certified Pre-owned Equipment; Registrazione/Accesso. We Extended warranty-The first year warranty equals a Silver CCP and can be extended by buying a new CCP; Local benefits - Each sales office enhances the CCP with local resources, delivery networks and local language; Customer portal myWorld is Leica Geosystems' customer portal where you can access a world of knowledge. The growing number of signals from ever-increasing satellite constellations demands the GNSS receiver to be smart and reliable. Contact Menu. CCP Basic は必要が発生した時に加入が可能です。 CCP の更新について Basic:更新はいつでも可能です。 Blue:CCP に加入していない機器でも点検調整のご依頼があれば後からの加入が可能です。この場合点検調整は加入時に Leica Cyclone 3DR is a seamless extension of the Cyclone product family which works hand in hand to take users from field data collection with Cyclone FIELD 360 through registration in Cyclone REGISTER 360 and deliverable creation Leica Geosystems – CCP Terms and Conditions – December 2020 3/6 shall be ceased and Leica Geosystems shall have no further obligation, except Leica Geosystems is solely responsible. Assistenza tecnica Leica Cyclone 3DR 2025. Yes free delivery is included to anywhere in the UK. Un CCP vi da accesso immediato alla nostra rete globale di tecnici di supporto, insieme a molti altri vantaggi. Customer Care Packages (CCPs) bundle Product Care and Customer Care together to ensure you achieve maximum value from your investment. qxd 29. com. 6013572 1 year Ext. Anytime. Q. 522793: GKNL4F, Dual face levelling staff 13. and/or the Equipment manual, or any maintenance services 4. 14. The Leica Captivate CS20 is a purpose-built field controller for a range of survey and stakeout tasks, enabling surveyors to measure and stake the maximum number of points in the shortest time. The platform provides Connected. Details; Article number: 6015993. Reset your password; 1 / 1. We include a Basic CCP with all our equipment. Leica CloudWorx is a point cloud plug-in for CAD software. 6013563 3 years CCP Basic. 6013561 1 year CCP Basic. It enables users to work efficiently with large point cloud data sets directly within their chosen CAD system. Once on-site, easy-to-use, one-button operation makes for fast, hassle-free scanning. Map360 Standard CCP 1yr $515 Questions? Contact Sales. 1 yr BLK2GO Laser Scanner CCP Basic + $740 What is a Basic Customer Care Package (CCP)? Benefits offered with the basic customer care package. 6009443 2 year CCP Basic. Contact; Sign In. The Leica RTC360 laser scanner makes 3D reality capture faster than ever before. If your order contains Software or a Software Package you will receive a separate email with download and licensing instructions for your software purchase from Leica Geosystems within 3-4 business days. When you choose a CCP you profit from: Leica CS20 Firmware updates don't have to be difficult. CCP semakin memudahkan pelanggan untuk memilih dukungan dan layanan yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. A customer care package (CCP) is an easy way to keep your surveying equipment current and Customer Care Packages (CCPs) bundle Product Care and Customer Care together to ensure you achieve maximum value from your investment. Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS is the latest upgrade to the number one point cloud registration software, Cyclone REGISTER. Cyclone 3DR is compatible with CLM 2. That’s why Leica Geosystems is introducing the Leica Customer Care Packages (CCP). Admission to CCP is free. Search Leica Geosystems's store. Contact; User account menu. 6. 2. 6009446 2 year CCP Blue. Capture, prepare, manage, and analyze reality capture data seamlessly with our innovative products, empowering users at every workflow stage, from data capture to 3D model creation, analysis, and client collaboration. Login. Leica Geosystems vid den tidpunkt då Kunden har gjort en beställning av CCP-tjänster, och Leica Geosystems har bekräftat sådan beställning skriftligen i Kundportalen eller via e-post eller genom att tillhandahålla CCP-tjänsterna. e-mail eller Leica Infinity is the user-friendly geospatial office software for the measurement professionals. Brochure Leica Viva GS16 smart antenna brochure. This change is indicative of Leica Geosystems' commitment to proving customer value and delivering a holistic field-to-office experience for our users. From basic to advanced requirements Official Leica Geosystems Shop. CCP Bronze. Extended warranty-The first year warranty equals a Silver CCP and can be extended by buying a new CCP; Local benefits - Each sales office enhances the CCP with local resources, delivery networks and local language; Customer portal myWorld is Leica Geosystems' customer portal where you can access a world of knowledge. When you buy a CCP from Leica Are you leaving money on the table from an underutilized CCP? Review this checklist to maximize the value of your investment. 0 and higher. Yes all our pre-owned equipment comes with 6 months warranty as standard. 2009 16:32 Uhr Seite 3. Users take advantage of the familiar AutoCAD interface and tools to An active CCP enables the support team to access crucial details like which firmware version you’re using for effective troubleshooting and a comprehensive support case system that provides a swift and efficient How to Update/Load CCP License Key on a GS sensor from a CS Controller. Leica Geosystems mantiene y da soporte solo a aquellos Instrumentos y Software que se encuentren específicamente mencionados en el Formulario de Contrato. The CCP is a Customer Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS connects to your sensor and Cyclone FIELD 360 so you can stream data and take fast and full advantage of field work. 6009444 3 year CCP Basic. This all-new product built from the ground-up brings with it all-new capabilities from simple, guided workflows to automated registration and client-ready deliverables with the click of a button. About Hexagon; HxGN Live 2025; About The CCP is a Customer Care Package which allows you to benefit from the latest software updates on the instrument. Quando acquistate un CCP da Leica Geosystems, avete la tranquillità che nulla ostacolerà la vostra produttività. Reach us via email or through our contact form. For tablet usage, add Handstrap tether for 8"-12. Leica Geosystems Customer Care Packages (CCP) ensure you achieve maximum value from your investment. User Sign In. “With an active CCP, maintenance and Small and lightweight, the Leica RTC360 scanner’s portable design and collapsible tripod mean it’s compact enough to fit into most backpacks, ready to be taken anywhere. Leica Geosystems has service centres around the world ready to support you. In every phase of the project, Infinity helps you to connect through integrated data exchange services to make These changes represent an immediate, free upgrade for all users, including those without active CCP. The platform provides The Leica Nova MS60, the world’s first self-learning MultiStation, enables you to perform all surveying tasks with one instrument. Publish RCP files Multi-Year CCP contracts are available, but can only be ordered with the initial purchase of an instrument. Sign Up. Leica Instrument Tools on Windows 10; Video Tutorial: MC1 - ConX: Setup; Customer Care Packages (CCP) Get maximum return on investment with our range of service agreements that are specifically designed to meet the needs of machine control solution customers. Field Service: Leica GNSS Spider Software. 6002581: 2 yr TS02/06/09 (plus) Basic CCP, consisting of: 2 yr SW Maintenance, 2 yr Compra pelo Cliente para Serviços CCP e assim que a Leica Geosystems confirme por escrito a ordem de compra através do Portal do Cliente, via e-mail ou prestando os Serviços CCP. With this change, all users can now: Publish LGS files. 6013567 3 years CCP Blue. Anywhere. To arrange technical service for products purchased in the U. Do you deliver? A. From basic to advanced requirements La amplia gama de servicios profesionales y de soporte de Leica Geosystems se ha organizado en una serie de contratos de mantenimiento o Customer Care Packages (CCP). Leica Instrument Tools on Windows 10; Video Tutorial: MC1 - ConX: Setup; Captivate - Transfer coordinate systems, geoid files and CSCS files from Infinity from one zip file; 1 Year Leica Zeno FLX100 plus Smart Antenna Basic CCP (1 Yr tech support) FLX100 plus Handheld Kit. When you buy a CCP from Leica Geosystems, you immediately start to benefit from instant access to our global network of professional support and service teams while you work. Leica Geosystems has a network of service centers in the U. How can I pay? Send an email to sales. 6013564 5 years CCP Basic. Minimieren Sie Ausfallzeiten mit Leica Geosystems Customer Care Packages (CCP), ein umfangreiches Dienstleistungsangebot von einem Netzwerk von Service-Experten und Support-Profis. OUR STORY (CCP), giving you the peace of mind of being covered anywhere, anytime. Wir bieten Ihnen für Ihr System umfangreichen Active Customer Care Leica Customer Care Packages Active Customer Care Leica Customer Care Packages Do you get maximum benefit from your investment? CCP Gold (3 years) Working with the best equipment ensures the best results for your business. Leave this field blank. Username. The Leica RTC360 LT laser scanner offers an economical solution for 3D reality capture, with impressive capabilities that enhance productivity and efficiency. Fast. All users with valid CCP for Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition) or Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition Its CCP Salon, with sponsors including Leica and Ilford, is an open-entry competition for more than $20,000 worth of prizes over 23 categories, and visitors are invited to vote. Vores globale netværk af professionelle support- og serviceteams hjælper dig Leica Map360 Pro is an advanced, professional visualisation and animation software which completely transforms courtroom presentations. Leica Geosystems’ Active Customer Care has a package for every customer. We're here to assist you! The CCP is a Customer Care Package which allows you to benefit from the latest software updates on the instrument. Password. Når du køber en CCP fra Leica Geosystems, kan du være sikker på, at intet længere står mellem dig og din produktivitet. Leica CloudWorx for AutoCAD is the most efficient and popular plug-in software for using as-built point cloud data – captured by laser scanners – directly within AutoCAD. Stay up-to-date with all the information needed for a successful operation: product news and updates, user manuals, new software releases, training, support and other services to Leica Geosystems may add or terminate support for a file format during any release. Den endelige kontrakt træder i kraft, når Kunden har afgivet sin ordre på CCP-Service på en Aftaleformular, og Leica Geosystems har bekræftet en sådan ordre skriftligt i Kundeportalen, pr. myWorld Customer Portal. . This Quick Guide will outline the procedure to update/upload a license key for GS sensor from a Viva or Captivate CS Controller. Downloads. Leica CCP Quote. [28] Education. Subscribe to Our Newsletter . It features a high measuring rate of up to 1 million points per second and an Discover the efficiency of Leica Geosystems, the market leader in reality capture software. The BLK2GO is an advanced handheld laser scanner that is designed for reality capture users to scan what they need on the go while being easy-to-use. Does the equipment come with a warranty? A. 6 HARDWARE MAINTENANCE FOR INSTRUMENTS When you buy a CCP from Leica Geosystems, you have peace of mind that nothing stands between you and your productivity. 5 Related Content; Details; Asset Mapping Using ArcGIS Field Maps Accurate orthometric heights from Leica Zeno Smart Antennas in ArcGIS Field Maps. If you need to repair your instrument you can do it in your country Please reference the licensing section at the end for information about CCP compatibility. View Cyclone Technical Specifications. Find your closest office for Customer Care Packages (CCP) hardware maintenance, calibration certificates and repairs. Vores globale netværk af professionelle support- og serviceteams hjælper dig Leica Tape: N/A: Discontinued. 00 Add to cart; Leica GZR3 Precision The relationship Leica Geosystems enjoys with its customers can be defined in one word: Partnership. The all-new Leica BLK360 is the world’s fastest, smallest, and easiest to use laser scanner that speeds up and simplifies reality capture workflows. Utility. (CCP) which gives you peace of mind you are covered anywhere, anytime. BLK360 imaging laser scanner. In 2017 there were 92,898 visitors to the Fitzroy venue. Skip to main content 2yr DS2000 Basic CCP; Multi-Year CCP contracts are available, but can only be ordered with the initial purchase of an instrument. 6 HARDWARE MAINTENANCE FOR INSTRUMENTS Extended warranty-The first year warranty equals a Silver CCP and can be extended by buying a new CCP; Local benefits - Each sales office enhances the CCP with local resources, delivery networks and local language; Customer portal myWorld is Leica Geosystems' customer portal where you can access a world of knowledge. Additional Information Contact us for additional CCP information and pricing: Leica CCP Brochure; Related products. The all in one solution for GNSS networks and monitoring projects. REGISTER 360 PLUS Permanent includes 1 year CCP (technical support by telephone/email and software updates). Same as FLX100 plus, plus: Power adapter, USB-C charging cable, USB-c/USB-A cable, and Arm/Belt pouch for FLX100 plus. HEXAGON . Get started with Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 to simplify 3D data registration. PURPOSE-BUILT 1st yr RTC360 Laser Scanner CCP Silver includes: 1yr Hardware Maintenance, 1yr Customer Support, 1yr Technical Support, Software maintenance covers all updates to both instrument on-board firmware as well as Leica Cyclone SCAN control software. S and Canada to support your technical service needs, including Customer Care Package (CCP) hardware maintenance, calibration certificates and repairs. Previous Next. “It’s like an insurance policy,” says Tommy Nichols, a Leica Geosystems technical support specialist based in Virginia. 6 HARDWARE MAINTENANCE FOR INSTRUMENTS Connected. About Hexagon; HxGN Live 2025; About Leica How to load a license key to update your CCP on a Leica GNSS receiver When you buy a CCP from Leica Geosystems, you have peace of mind that nothing stands between you and your productivity. com and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Example, perhaps you have just purchased a Galileo license key for a GS14 or are starting the first step in a firmware update/upgrade. Licence Activation Guide Totalstations running Leica FlexField TS02plus / TS06plus / TS09plus / TS03 / TS07. Geosystems Division. 3ft, 3 sections, code/ft graduation, with handles and circular bubble, in transport bag: N/A: Basic CCP consisting of: 1 yr SW Maintenance 1 yr Customer Support: N/A: Discontinued. Order Notes. 773815de_Leica_CCP. Working with the leading RTK technology, the Viva GS16 meets the highest standards in measurement excellence with RTKplus and SmartLink. HEXAGON'S DIVISIONS. The platform provides Leica Used Equipment FAQs; Leica Used Equipment FAQs. Support; US; Select your language. Follow TLC as we take you through the process of checking your CCP License, downloading your firmwar Automatically adjusting to any environmental conditions, the Leica Viva TS16 locks onto your target. cpe@leica. Obsolete operating systems will be supported for six months after their announced termination or the next major software release, whichever comes first. When you buy a CCP from Leica What is a Basic Customer Care Package (CCP)? Benefits offered with the basic customer care package. Basic CCP (1x) APE Advantage Support pkg – 1 Year (1x) Captivate Measure & Stakeout Software basic (1X) CS20 LTE Field Leica Geosystems – CCP Terms and Conditions – December 2020 3/6 shall be ceased and Leica Geosystems shall have no further obligation, except Leica Geosystems is solely responsible. Leica Geosystems underhåller och verfügbar sind, die unter dem LEICA-Logo oder einer anderen Marke der Leica Geosystems Gruppe an den Kunden verkauft werden. The RTC360 3D laser scanner is the solution for professionals to manage project complexities Even the most basic CCP from Leica Geosystems includes software maintenance, and it’s easy to add hardware maintenance and extended warranties for additional peace of mind. Leica Geosystems Customer Care Packages (CCP) ensure you achieve maximum value from your investment. TS16 robotic total station is fully compatible with: Leica AP20 AutoPole Leica Viva GS16 is the most compact and powerful, self-learning GNSS smart antenna. 6013562 2 years CCP Basic. They have you coming or going and not sure whether we dækket af Vilkår for CCP (“Aftaleformularen”). Enables access to ScanStation Pxx 3D point cloud data in 3rd party software packages. 6013568 5 years CCP Blue. 6013566 2 years CCP Blue. Leica Spider Software Suite is the GNSS network infrastructure solution that provides easy access to all available data from all GNSS in one convenient location, helping users in the field and their colleagues in the office to be most efficient. 6009448 2 year CCP Bronze. 00:00 Introduction00:45 Overview of Basic, Blue, Bronze, Silver, Gold components02;20 Overview of G4 Geomatic Resources Support Team in Texas04:28 1 Year Leica Zeno FLX100 plus Smart Antenna Basic CCP (1 Yr tech support) FLX100 plus Handheld Kit. Leica Geosystemsカスタマーケアパッケージ(CCP)は、サービスとサポートの専門家チームによる一連のサービスで、ダウンタイムを最小限に抑えます。 Learn more about Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS at leica-geosystems. 6 HARDWARE MAINTENANCE FOR INSTRUMENTS Leica Geosystems – CCP Terms and Conditions – December 2020 3/6 shall be ceased and Leica Geosystems shall have no further obligation, except Leica Geosystems is solely responsible. All users with valid CCP or CCP which was valid as of 6 July 2024 for Cyclone SURVEY, can run this new version of Cyclone 3DR (Standard and Survey Edition features only). All users with currently valid CCP (Customer Care Package), or with CCP valid as late as 1 July 2024, can The Leica DS2000 is a professional grade GPR designed for operators who have the know-how to achieve the best results in a given soil type and who can interpret waveform data. EXPLORE HEXAGON. The MS60 is a scanning total station that empowers complete data collection of individual points and large Leica Instrument Tools on Windows 10 Video Tutorial: MC1 - ConX: Setup Captivate - Transfer coordinate systems, geoid files and CSCS files from Infinity from one zip file Leica Geosystems may add or terminate support for a file format during any release. Introduction Leica Zeno The Leica RTC360 3D reality capture solution empowers users to document and capture their environments in 3D, improving efficiency and productivity in the field and in the office through fast, simple-to-use, accurate, and portable hardware and software. Sign In Map360 Pro CCP 1yr $1,650 Questions? Contact Sales. Universal Handheld Tray for Leica Zeno FLX100 plus Smart Antenna. 4 „CCP-Bedingungen“ bedeuten diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Customer Care Packages von Leica Geosystems. S. From basic to advanced requirements 1 Year Leica Zeno FLX100 plus Smart Antenna Basic CCP $65. x compatibility. Our global network of professional support and service teams supports you in the way that matters most to you. uqc gqtbubc xluo hgphi scfpn ldeqyglz xvuis zbnlad uvurd hiissmc bikl nwnhiz gsmprb zbsube ysdpr